
Secure Signature Protocol 被引量:3

Secure Signature Protocol
摘要 This paper studies how to take advantage of other's computing ability to sign a message with one's private key without disclosing the private key. A protocol to this problem is presented, and it is proven, by well known simulation paradigm, that this protocol is private. This paper studies how to take advantage of other's computing ability to sign a message with one's private key without disclosing the private key. A protocol to this problem is presented, and it is proven, by well known simulation paradigm, that this protocol is private.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Intelligent Information Management》 2009年第3期174-179,共6页 智能信息管理(英文)
关键词 CRYPTOGRAPHY SECURE COMPUTATION SIGNATURE SERVICE PROTOCOL cryptography secure computation signature service protocol
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