
Magnetization Performance of LDPC Reduced-Complexity Decoding Algorithms

Magnetization Performance of LDPC Reduced-Complexity Decoding Algorithms
摘要 Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are very efficient for communicating reliably through a noisy channel. N.Sourlas [1] showed that LDPC codes, which revolutionize the codes domain and used in many communications standards, can be mapped onto an Ising spin systems. Besides, it has been shown that the Belief-Propagation (BP) algorithm, the LDPC codes decoding algorithm, is equivalent to the Thouless- Anderson-Palmer (TAP) approach [2]. Unfortunately, no study has been made for the other decoding algorithms. In this paper, we develop the Log-Likelihood Ratios-Belief Propagation (LLR-BP) algorithm and its simplifications the BP-Based algorithm and the λ-min algorithm with the TAP approach. We present the performance of these decoding algorithms using statistical physics argument i.e., we present the performance as function of the magnetization. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are very efficient for communicating reliably through a noisy channel. N.Sourlas [1] showed that LDPC codes, which revolutionize the codes domain and used in many communications standards, can be mapped onto an Ising spin systems. Besides, it has been shown that the Belief-Propagation (BP) algorithm, the LDPC codes decoding algorithm, is equivalent to the Thouless- Anderson-Palmer (TAP) approach [2]. Unfortunately, no study has been made for the other decoding algorithms. In this paper, we develop the Log-Likelihood Ratios-Belief Propagation (LLR-BP) algorithm and its simplifications the BP-Based algorithm and the λ-min algorithm with the TAP approach. We present the performance of these decoding algorithms using statistical physics argument i.e., we present the performance as function of the magnetization.
机构地区 不详
出处 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2010年第6期548-553,共6页 通讯、网络与系统学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 LDPC Codes ISING SPIN LLR-BP ALGORITHM BP-Based ALGORITHM λ-Min ALGORITHM TAP Approach LDPC Codes Ising Spin LLR-BP Algorithm BP-Based Algorithm λ-Min Algorithm TAP Approach
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