
A Simple Symbol Estimation for Soft Information Relaying in Cooperative Relay Channels

A Simple Symbol Estimation for Soft Information Relaying in Cooperative Relay Channels
摘要 This paper proposes Symbol-based Soft Forwarding (SSF) protocol for coded transmissions which is based on a simple proposed soft symbol estimation at relay nodes. We present a simple strategy of forwarding soft information based on a simple linear summation of likelihood functions of each symbol. Specifically, with SSF, we demonstrate that exclusion of decoding at the relays costs no significant performance loss. To validate our claims, we examine bit error rate (BER) performance for the proposed scheme against the baseline SF scheme through computer simulations. We find that the proposed scheme can obtain considerable performance gains compared to the conventional relaying protocol. This paper proposes Symbol-based Soft Forwarding (SSF) protocol for coded transmissions which is based on a simple proposed soft symbol estimation at relay nodes. We present a simple strategy of forwarding soft information based on a simple linear summation of likelihood functions of each symbol. Specifically, with SSF, we demonstrate that exclusion of decoding at the relays costs no significant performance loss. To validate our claims, we examine bit error rate (BER) performance for the proposed scheme against the baseline SF scheme through computer simulations. We find that the proposed scheme can obtain considerable performance gains compared to the conventional relaying protocol.
机构地区 不详
出处 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2011年第9期568-577,共10页 通讯、网络与系统学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 SYMBOL ESTIMATION SOFT Information RELAYING COOPERATIVE RELAY SYMBOL LLR Symbol Estimation Soft Information Relaying Cooperative Relay Symbol LLR
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