
Error Searching System with Keyword Extraction and Keyword Fuzzy Matching

Error Searching System with Keyword Extraction and Keyword Fuzzy Matching
摘要 This paper has proposed an error searching method to search the solutions of errors that occurred in the unified commanding platform mix-deployed software (UCPMD). Because those errors belong to different stages or may be happened in different services, applications, IP ports, system software, or different versions of software, and those errors are also can be classified into different types. It is necessary to locate accurate reason that cause an error as well as find out its solution. The proposed error searching system applies Chinese keyword extraction and Chinese fuzzy matching between keywords, which considers the processed keywords as the index to find out the solutions of errors. Besides, the error searching system had made correspondence among errors, reasons, and solutions, and put them to different categories in terms of their characteristics, such that it is easy to manage, search, and use. Among others, we have added specialized thesaurus as the index of keywords, which enriches and completes the searching results. Because of the proposed error searching system evolves keyword extraction and keyword fuzzy matching technologies;it is more accurate to find out user-interested solutions. This paper has proposed an error searching method to search the solutions of errors that occurred in the unified commanding platform mix-deployed software (UCPMD). Because those errors belong to different stages or may be happened in different services, applications, IP ports, system software, or different versions of software, and those errors are also can be classified into different types. It is necessary to locate accurate reason that cause an error as well as find out its solution. The proposed error searching system applies Chinese keyword extraction and Chinese fuzzy matching between keywords, which considers the processed keywords as the index to find out the solutions of errors. Besides, the error searching system had made correspondence among errors, reasons, and solutions, and put them to different categories in terms of their characteristics, such that it is easy to manage, search, and use. Among others, we have added specialized thesaurus as the index of keywords, which enriches and completes the searching results. Because of the proposed error searching system evolves keyword extraction and keyword fuzzy matching technologies;it is more accurate to find out user-interested solutions.
机构地区 Academy of Equipment
出处 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2017年第5期219-226,共8页 通讯、网络与系统学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 DATABASE Design SEARCH Engine Extraction Fuzzy MATCHING Database Design Search Engine Extraction Fuzzy Matching
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