
From Emotion to Mobilization: Examples of the Confrontation of Human Tragedies in the Social Networks with Images: The Cases of Monique Koumatekel and Blériot Tsanou

From Emotion to Mobilization: Examples of the Confrontation of Human Tragedies in the Social Networks with Images: The Cases of Monique Koumatekel and Blériot Tsanou
摘要 To produce emotion, the discourse of social networks tries to confront the reader with social reality. The mediation activity at the heart of any communication activity is hidden. This process is also based on the use of figures to express the unspeakable by the shock of images, which allows the reader to experience emotion but also to push him to act. It is the link between the emotion of an individual targeted by social networks and collective mobilization, which we wish to consider as a means of relaunching the debate and drawing attention to social issues, thus allowing us to rethink sociability with politics. To produce emotion, the discourse of social networks tries to confront the reader with social reality. The mediation activity at the heart of any communication activity is hidden. This process is also based on the use of figures to express the unspeakable by the shock of images, which allows the reader to experience emotion but also to push him to act. It is the link between the emotion of an individual targeted by social networks and collective mobilization, which we wish to consider as a means of relaunching the debate and drawing attention to social issues, thus allowing us to rethink sociability with politics.
出处 《International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences》 2020年第3期29-43,共15页 通讯、网络与系统学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 Social Media IMAGES of Tragedies EMOTION MOBILIZATION SOCIABILITY Internet Social Media Images of Tragedies Emotion Mobilization Sociability Internet
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