
A New Approach to Disk Scheduling Using Fuzzy Logic

A New Approach to Disk Scheduling Using Fuzzy Logic
摘要 Disk scheduling is one of the main responsibilities of Operating System. OS manages hard disk to provide best access time. All major Disk scheduling algorithms incorporate seek time as the only factor for disk scheduling. The second factor rotational delay is ignored by the existing algorithms. This research paper considers both factors, Seek Time and Rotational Delay to schedule the disk. Our algorithm Fuzzy Disk Scheduling (FDS) looks at the uncertainty associated with scheduling incorporating the two factors. Keeping in view a Fuzzy inference system using If-Then rules is designed to optimize the overall performance of disk drives. Finally we compared the FDS with the other scheduling algorithms. Disk scheduling is one of the main responsibilities of Operating System. OS manages hard disk to provide best access time. All major Disk scheduling algorithms incorporate seek time as the only factor for disk scheduling. The second factor rotational delay is ignored by the existing algorithms. This research paper considers both factors, Seek Time and Rotational Delay to schedule the disk. Our algorithm Fuzzy Disk Scheduling (FDS) looks at the uncertainty associated with scheduling incorporating the two factors. Keeping in view a Fuzzy inference system using If-Then rules is designed to optimize the overall performance of disk drives. Finally we compared the FDS with the other scheduling algorithms.
出处 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2014年第1期1-5,共5页 电脑和通信(英文)
关键词 Operating SYSTEM HARD DISK DISK Scheduling FUZZY Logic FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM (FIS) Operating System Hard Disk Disk Scheduling Fuzzy Logic Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
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