
Security of Password Hashing in Cloud

Security of Password Hashing in Cloud
摘要 Though the History of using password in computing can be traced back to as far as mid of last century little focus has been implied on how to securely store and retrieve password to authenticate and authorize services to the end users. In this paper the current security of various password hashing schemes that are in use today will be investigated through practical proof of concept-GPU based, password hash dump cracking using the power of cloud computing. We will be providing comparison on different password hashing cracking time using the cloud GPU power in AWS. The focus of this paper is to show the possible use of cloud computing in cracking hash dumps and the way to countermeasures them by using secure hashing algorithm and using complex passwords. Though the History of using password in computing can be traced back to as far as mid of last century little focus has been implied on how to securely store and retrieve password to authenticate and authorize services to the end users. In this paper the current security of various password hashing schemes that are in use today will be investigated through practical proof of concept-GPU based, password hash dump cracking using the power of cloud computing. We will be providing comparison on different password hashing cracking time using the cloud GPU power in AWS. The focus of this paper is to show the possible use of cloud computing in cracking hash dumps and the way to countermeasures them by using secure hashing algorithm and using complex passwords.
作者 Parves Kamal
出处 《Journal of Information Security》 2019年第2期45-68,共24页 信息安全(英文)
关键词 Index Terms-Hash Collision GPGPU CUDA OPENCL Index Terms-Hash Collision GPGPU CUDA OpenCL
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