This paper derives a mathematical description of the complex stretch processor’s response to bandlimited Gaussian noise having arbitrary center frequency and bandwidth. The description of the complex stretch processor’s random output comprises highly accurate closed-form approximations for the probability density function and the autocorrelation function. The solution supports the complex stretch processor’s usage of any conventional range-sidelobe-reduction window. The paper then identifies two practical applications of the derived description. Digital-simulation results for the two identified applications, assuming the complex stretch processor uses the rectangular, Hamming, Blackman, or Kaiser window, verify the derivation’s correctness through favorable comparison to the theoretically predicted behavior.
This paper derives a mathematical description of the complex stretch processor’s response to bandlimited Gaussian noise having arbitrary center frequency and bandwidth. The description of the complex stretch processor’s random output comprises highly accurate closed-form approximations for the probability density function and the autocorrelation function. The solution supports the complex stretch processor’s usage of any conventional range-sidelobe-reduction window. The paper then identifies two practical applications of the derived description. Digital-simulation results for the two identified applications, assuming the complex stretch processor uses the rectangular, Hamming, Blackman, or Kaiser window, verify the derivation’s correctness through favorable comparison to the theoretically predicted behavior.