
Lightweight Behavior-Based Language for Requirements Modeling 被引量:2

Lightweight Behavior-Based Language for Requirements Modeling
摘要 Whether or not a software system satisfies the anticipated user requirements is ultimately determined by the behaviors of the software. So it is necessary and valuable to research requirements modeling language and technique from the perspective of behavior. This paper presents a lightweight behavior based requirements modeling language BDL with formal syntax and semantics, and a general-purpose requirements description model BRM synthesizing the concepts of viewpoint and scenario. BRM is good for modeling large and complex system due to its structure is very clear. In addition, the modeling process is demonstrated through the case study On-Line Campus Management System. By lightweight formal style, BDL & BRM can effectively bridge the gap between practicability and rigorousness of formal requirements modeling language and technique. Whether or not a software system satisfies the anticipated user requirements is ultimately determined by the behaviors of the software. So it is necessary and valuable to research requirements modeling language and technique from the perspective of behavior. This paper presents a lightweight behavior based requirements modeling language BDL with formal syntax and semantics, and a general-purpose requirements description model BRM synthesizing the concepts of viewpoint and scenario. BRM is good for modeling large and complex system due to its structure is very clear. In addition, the modeling process is demonstrated through the case study On-Line Campus Management System. By lightweight formal style, BDL & BRM can effectively bridge the gap between practicability and rigorousness of formal requirements modeling language and technique.
出处 《Journal of Software Engineering and Applications》 2010年第3期245-254,共10页 软件工程与应用(英文)
关键词 BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE (BDL) SCENARIO VIEWPOINT BEHAVIOR Requirements Model (BRM) Behavior Description Language (BDL) Scenario Viewpoint Behavior Requirements Model (BRM)
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