
Uniticket: A Third Party Universal E-Ticket System Based on Mobile Phone

Uniticket: A Third Party Universal E-Ticket System Based on Mobile Phone
摘要 Prepaid energy meters have been widely adopted by utilities in different countries across the world as an innovative solution to the problem of affordability and consumption management. However, the present smart card based systems have some inherent problems like added cost, low availability and lack of security. In the future Smart Grid paradigm, use of smart meters can completely overhaul these prepaid systems by introducing centralized accounting, monitoring and credit-control functions using state-of-the-art telecommunication technologies like WiMAX. In this paper we propose a prepaid smart metering scheme for Smart Grid application based on centralized authentication and charging using the WiMAX prepaid accounting model. We then discuss its specific application to Demand Response and Roaming of Electrical Vehicles. Prepaid energy meters have been widely adopted by utilities in different countries across the world as an innovative solution to the problem of affordability and consumption management. However, the present smart card based systems have some inherent problems like added cost, low availability and lack of security. In the future Smart Grid paradigm, use of smart meters can completely overhaul these prepaid systems by introducing centralized accounting, monitoring and credit-control functions using state-of-the-art telecommunication technologies like WiMAX. In this paper we propose a prepaid smart metering scheme for Smart Grid application based on centralized authentication and charging using the WiMAX prepaid accounting model. We then discuss its specific application to Demand Response and Roaming of Electrical Vehicles.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Wireless Engineering and Technology》 2011年第3期157-164,共8页 无线工程与技术(英文)
关键词 SMART METERING WIMAX SMART Grid DEMAND Response Electric VEHICLES Smart Metering WiMAX Smart Grid Demand Response Electric Vehicles
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