An Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) loaded square waveguide Band-Pass Filter (BPF) is proposed in this paper. It’s simply composed by symmetrically loading periodical metal diaphragms on each wall of a square waveguide. The influences of insert sizes and loading periods on the overall BPF performances are analyzed. Experimental results agree well with those predicted. 6 GHz pass-band with insert loss less than 1 dB, 2.5 GHz stop-band and larger than 25 dB polarization isolation can be obtained. The BPF can be applied in dual-polarized waveguide-based antenna-feed systems.
An Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) loaded square waveguide Band-Pass Filter (BPF) is proposed in this paper. It’s simply composed by symmetrically loading periodical metal diaphragms on each wall of a square waveguide. The influences of insert sizes and loading periods on the overall BPF performances are analyzed. Experimental results agree well with those predicted. 6 GHz pass-band with insert loss less than 1 dB, 2.5 GHz stop-band and larger than 25 dB polarization isolation can be obtained. The BPF can be applied in dual-polarized waveguide-based antenna-feed systems.