
基于三步优化的多目标水资源配置研究及应用 被引量:1

Multi-Objective Water Resources Allocation Based on Three-Step Method
摘要 统筹考虑国民经济需水、水量平衡和生态环境用水的前提下,建立了跨区多目标水资源优化配置模型。为了保证各用水户的利益分配公平性,引入了用水效益比指标,并采用三步法将多目标问题转化为多个单目标问题,简化求解过程。通过汉江中下游水资源优化配置的应用研究,验证了所提方法的实用性。可能最大效益模型(HWP)结果表明,位于唐白河流域的分区,其配置效益受其它用水分区的配水影响较大,而丹江口干流以下区域由于受水库调蓄优化,配置效益不受影响。从最大效益比模型(HRHWP)结果看出,由于夏季需水量最大,效益比值较小,而春、秋和冬季的效益比均超过0.9。分析总效益模型(FWP)结果得到,频率为50%、75%和95%时,全区域的缺水率分别为3.11%、3.69%和3.94%。规划水平年生活用水基本满足,而农业灌溉和河道内生态环境用水缺口较大。由于缺少丹江口水库的调节,唐白河流域的缺水情况明显较丹江口以下干流地区严重。 A multi-objective water resources optimal allocation model for transboundary region is established after an overall consideration of national economic water demand, water balance and eco-environmental water consumption. In order to ensure the equality among stakeholders, the index and benefit ratio is introduced, and the multi-objective problem is transformed into several single-objective problems by adopting the three-step method, which can greatly simplify the solution process. The proposed model and method are verified through the case study in the middle and lower reaches of Han River. The outputs of Highest Water Profit (HWP) model show that the allocation benefits of subdivisions located in Tangbai River basin have more effects on each other while the cities that are located downstream of Danjiangkou Reservoir do not depend upon the allocated water to others. The Highest Ratio of Highest Water Profit (HRHWP) model presents that the benefit ratio is lowest in summer, mainly due to the largest water demand in this period. In spring, autumn and winter, the indices all exceed 0.9. The results of Final Water Profit (FWP) model show that the water shortage rates are 3.11%, 3.69% and 3.94% at frequency of 50%, 75% and 95%, respectively. The domestic water consumption is basically satisfied at the planning year, but there are relatively larger shortages in agricultural irrigation and ecological environment water consumption. The water shortage in Tangbai River basin is more serious than that in the main stream area below Danjiangkou Reservoir.
出处 《水资源研究》 2018年第5期433-444,共12页 Journal of Water Resources Research
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(51539009)资助
关键词 水资源 多目标 优化配置 三步法 汉江中下游 Water Resources Multi-Objective Optimal Allocation Three-Step Method Middle and Lower Reaches of Han River
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