Based on the basic characteristics of water resources management, a Driving forces-Pressure-State-Impact- Response (DPSIR) model with 26 related indicators is constructed by considering ecological environment benign development, which couple with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Synthetic Weighting Method (SWM) to study the state of regional water resources carrying capacity evaluation for Chongqing city. The results show that the evaluation model of water resource carrying capacity based on DPSIR model is feasible, and the indexes selected are comprehensive and representative in the evaluation process. In the process of weight calculation of the coupled evaluation model, the evaluation results based on PCA and SWM have a similar trend of change, and the overall conclusion is consistent. The results show that the carrying capacity of water resources in Chongqing has been continuously optimized and gradually enhanced in the last 15 years, and the score reached the maximum in 2017, indicating that the protection measures have realized the common development of the water resource with the economy, society and ecology.
Journal of Water Resources Research
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(XDJ K2020C070)