
长江流域水质监测现状及展望 被引量:1

Current Situation and Prospect of Water Quality Monitoring in the Yangtze River Basin
摘要 水是一切生命的源泉,是人类生活和生产活动中必不可少的物质。中国的水利史是人类围绕水资源改造和利用大自然的发展史,水利事业随着社会生产力的进步而不断发展,并成为人类社会文明和经济发展的重要支柱。水质监测作为现代水文监测体系的重要组成部分,在保障水资源安全,维护水生态环境健康等方面发挥了重要的作用。本文针对国家机构改革后水利部门水质监测职能的变化,梳理了长江流域水质监测的发展历程,阐述了现代水质监测内涵及外延,结合长江流域工作现状,对水质监测工作未来发展提出建议与思考,以期促进水质监测行业的发展与进步。 Water is the source of all life and is an essential material in human life and production activities. The history of China’s water conservancy is the development history of human beings around the transfor-mation and utilization of water resources. With the progress of social productivity, water conservancy has been developing continuously and has become an important pillar of human social civilization and economic development. As an important part of modern hydrological monitoring system, water quality monitoring plays an important role in ensuring the safety of water resources and maintaining the health of water ecological environment. In view of the change of water quality monitoring function of water conservancy departments after the reform of state institutions, this paper combs the development process of water quality monitoring in the Yangtze River basin, expounds the connotation and extension of modern water quality monitoring, and puts forward suggestions and thoughts on the future development of water quality monitoring work in the Yangtze River basin, so as to promote the development and progress of water quality monitoring industry.
作者 钱宝
出处 《水资源研究》 2021年第1期83-87,共5页 Journal of Water Resources Research
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