

Wood Fiber Characteristics and Pulping Experiment of Fast-growing Tree Species (1)-Trema orientalis, Albizzia falcataria and Cunninghamia lanceolata
摘要 本研究乃在探讨台湾地区固有及引进速生树种木材纤维之基本性质与制浆技术。试验材料有山黄麻、麻六甲合欢及杉木三种,每一树种又分为主干及枝条二部分。试验内容包括纤维形态观测、木材化学组成分析、木材比重、树皮比率、生材含水率、硫酸盐法制浆、中性亚硫酸盐半化学法制浆、C E1 D1 E2 D2五段漂白及纸浆物理性质测试。 试验之结果显示山黄麻及麻六甲合欢与一般阔叶树比较,纤维宽度较大,长宽比低,化学组成类似,木材比重较轻,制浆不难,漂白容易,且纸浆之力学强度甚优,若不考虑木材比重,则为十分优良的纸浆原料。杉木纤维形态、化学组成、比重皆类似一般针叶树,但木质素含量较高,制浆时卡巴值不易下降,收率较低,且漂白时需耗用较多药品,惟其制浆之残渣量甚少,且纸浆力学性质优良,较适於生产无需漂白之高收率牛皮纸浆以供制工业用纸。三树种之枝条纤维长度较主干短,木材化学组成之木质素及五碳醣含量较低,树皮比率较高,制浆较难除去纸浆内木质素,漂白略为困难,纸浆之物理性质亦多较主干逊色。 The purpose of this study is to investigate fiber and pulping characteristics of wood from native and exotic fast-growing tree species it Taiwan: The species selected for this experiment include two hardwood species-Trema orientalis, Albizzia falcataria, and one softwood species-Cunninghamia lanceolata. Both of the trunk wood and branch wood of the species were evaluated. Fiber morphology, chemical compositions, wood densities, bark percentages, multistage bleaching and pulp physical properties were investigated in this experiment. The results are summarzied as follows: 1. Trunk wood of Trema and Albizzia have greater fiber widths, lower slenderness ratios, and generally lower wood densities than those of most of the local hardwood species. 2. Results of pulping and bleaching of trunk wood show that the two hardwood species have lower than hardwood average pulp yields, but with good pulp bleachabilities and pulp physical properties. They are suitable for making bleached pulp or semi-chemical pulp, if the lower wood densities are ignored. Cunninghamia bas lower pulp yield, needs more active alkali to reach a pulp kappa number of about 30 during sulfate pulping and consumes more chemicals during bleaching. Hence, Cunninghamia is not a good raw material for making bleached pulp. On account of its low pulping rejects and fairly high pulp physical properties under weaker pulping conditions, however, it is well suited for making unbleached kraft paper and paper board. 3. Compared with the trunk wood of the species, branch wood of all three species have relatively short fiber lengths, lower lignin and pentosan contents, and higher percentages of bark. In addition, they need severer pulping and bleaching conditions and have slightly weaker pulp properties.
关键词 速生樹種 硫酸鹽法製漿 中性亞硫酸鹽半化學法製漿 五段漂白 山黃麻 麻六甲合歡 杉木 fast-growing tree species kraft pulping process NSSC five-stage bleaching Trema orientalis Albizzia falcataria Cunninghamia lanceolata








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