

Moral Leadership: An Indigenous Construct or a Universal Phenomenon?
摘要 自郑伯埙及其团队(如Farh & Cheng, 2000)提出德行领导(moral leadership),做为具有华人特色的家长式领导重要向度之一後,此一强调个人德行修为的领导风格,便被视为是一项具有本土特色的领导概念。过去10年间,几项重要的後续研究已初步厘清德行领导的丰富内涵,并验证其与部属效能的高度展现有关。但值此同时,西方领导学社群也开始以道德领导(ethical leadership)为题,探讨领导者如何展现个人操守并进一步提倡合乎伦理规范的行为操守。当道德领导逐渐成为近十年来西方领导研究的「显学」,并在文化分析中被认定为可一路追溯至古希腊时代对道德的崇尚时,有志於华人德行领导的研究者便不禁反思:德行领导究竟是华人特有的领导风格,还是在非华人情境下也普遍存在的现象?本文首先回顾德行领导与道德领导两者在过去10年间的研究进展,再从文化根源分析、运作机制探讨及行为展现对照3种角度,进一步比较两者的异同。本文并试图建立一项整合性的概念架构,用以指出德行领导在定义与概念化层次上,应普遍存在於各种文化场域之中;但其向度与内涵之展现,则是镶嵌於文化之中的产物,在各文化场域中各自呈现不同的风貌。最後,本文在此一概念架构的基础上,提出值得研究者继续投入的未来研究方向。 Since Farh & Cheng (2000) proposed moral leadership as one of the dimensions of Chinese paternalistic leadership, it has been considered an indigenous leadership construct emerged from Confucian doctrine of self-cultivation. For the past ten years, several important follow-up studies have clarified the nature of it and evidenced its favorable effects on subordinate performance. As this leadership construct gradually developed, Western scholars also defined a similar term, ethical leadership, as a leader's normatively appropriate conduct and his or her promotion of such morality. When Western literature on leadership further traced ethical leadership to Aristotle's philosophy, researchers interested in Chinese moral leadership started to wonder whether moral leadership is truly an indigenous leadership construct that only exists in Chinese settings. To probe this question, I first review literature on moral leadership and that on ethical leadership separately, and then compare these two constructs from three perspectives: (1) cultural origins, (2) underlying mechanisms, and (3) behavioral demonstration. Accordingly, I propose a framework that integrates the two leadership constructs. I argue that at the definition and the conceptualization level, moral or ethical leadership is universal and can be observed across different cultural settings. However, its dimensions and explicit display are culture-specific; it consists of disparate sets of behavioral patterns in different contexts. Based on this newly proposed framework, I identify several fruitful future research directions.
关键词 家長式領導 道德領導 德行領導 paternalistic leadership ethical leadership moral leadership








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