

Choosing Optimal Locations of Automatic External Defibrillators by Using GIS Spatial Analysis-A Case Study of Taipei City Wanhua District
摘要 目标:2013年行政院卫生署订定「公共场所必要紧急救护设备管理办法」,於各公共场所设置必要紧急救护设备,供民众使用急救突发性心跳停止之设备。然而,现今的自动体外去颤器(Automatic External Defibrillator, AED)配置方式还有待讨论。本研究利用地理资讯系统(Geographic Information Systems, GIS)之空间分析(Spatial Analysis),想找出台北市万华区最适合配置AED的场所。方法:本研究利用空间自相关分析检定台北市到院前心肺停止(Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest, OHCA)个案之点位在空间中是否产生聚集的现象,并进行点密度分析(Point Density)以找出OHCA热点区域,再以环域分析(Buffer Analysis)评估事故热点的环域范围内,其最佳设置AED场所。结果:台北市事故发生点透过全域型空间自相关检定,Moran's Index为0.091348,且Z-score为10.161823,可得知台北市事故发生点有强烈的空间聚集现象。而区域型空间自相关结果显示台北市万华区为事故发生的热区,再以台北市万华区为例,透过点密度分析结果放大显示热点之中心点位,并以该点位环域范围内,寻找最适合设置AED的医疗机构点位(医院、诊所及药局)。结论:研究结果可提供更多的资讯以利政府迅速评估AED最佳设置处。 Objectives: In 2013, the Department of Health, Executive Yuan published the 'public places necessary emergency equipment management approach' which all public places are required to provide emergency equipment for citizens to use for sudden cardiac arrest. However, current automated external defibrillator defibrillators (AED) configurations have to be discussed. This research use the spatial analysis of Geographic Information System (GIS) to find the most appropriate configuration of the AED places in Taipei City. Methods: This research use spatial autocorrelation to determine whether Out-of Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) is uniformly distributed, and detect OHCA hotspot by using point density analysis. Lastly, we conduct multiple ring buffer to identify locations of OHCA hot spots and decide the locations to set AEDs. Results: Based on the above method, Moran's Index is used in this research to measure the spatial association of OHCA. The result (Z-score = 10.161, P < 0.001) have shown that the distribution of OHCA exhibits a spatial autocorrelation. The research use Point Density to identify OHCA hot spots. The result indicate that Wanhua district, Datong district and Zhongshan district are the most densely distributed OHCA area. In our example, through the method of multiple ring buffer, we found Wanhua district need to place AED around 100- 200m on the OHCA hot spots. (hospitals, clinics, pharmacis or convenient stores). Conclusions: This method can provide valuable information for government to assess the resources allocation and find the best setting of AED.
关键词 地理資訊系統 空間分析 點密度分析 區位配置分析 自動體外去顫器(AED) Geographic Information System Location-Allocation Analysis Buffer Analysis AED








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