

The Dual Filial Piety Model in Chinese Culture: Retrospect and Prospects
摘要 由於孝道概念在华人文化中源远流长且几经转折,为求周延把握其内涵,并消解过往国内、外许多孝道研究结果彼此冲突之争议,「孝道双元模型」在兼顾社会科学者对孝道的定义及测量构面,与人文学者对孝道之历史意义演变的追溯探讨下,由华人亲子互动的关系运作特徵切入,厘清孝道所含括的不同属性或具体行为内容,并以「相互性」与「权威性」两面向,取代笼统概括的孝道概念,阐释在概念内涵与运作效果上可明显区隔的孝道双元特徵。 目前孝道双元模型理论的建构与验证已有初步成果,本文目的即是对此理论模型进行较全面性的介绍,并侧重呈现系列实徵研究成果与理论发展历程之间的密切关联,让读者能从心理学的角度深入理解孝道概念。全文依序分为以下三部分:(1)先就双元孝道模型之建构历程,阐释两类孝道概念的定义内涵、性质、动力来源与关联,并兼及介绍测量工具之发展;(2)再就系列实徵研究成果的相关发现,具体说明两类孝道在个体层次上的心理运作机制与效果,以凸显双元孝道模型在理论上的特色;(3)最後则整合曾引用孝道双元模型的国内、外文献,让读者了解此模型多元的应用价值,并考量前全球化趋势,提出较具发展潜力的未来研究议题与方向。 根据本文的回顾评论可知,孝道双元模型的主要贡献即在於兼顾孝道概念的心理与文化原理,并对以往不一致的研究结果提出整合性解释。目前其应用范畴已延伸至亲子冲突、青少年问题行为、老年安养、代间交换及家庭谘商实务等议题,在理论模型与测量工具的信、效度上也持续获致验证。其兼具整合力与解释力之理论优势,确实值得後续研究者引用此观点作为孝道研究的基本定论,以厘清研究议题或用以作为对相关现象的诠释架构。 The concept of filial piety has a long tradition in Chinese culture and has been through several transformations. The Dual Filial Piety Model was constructed to elucidate the concept and resolve contradictions over whether it is beneficial or harmful to individuals. The central goal of this article is to explore this dual model framework comprehensively, linking theory with empirical results. First, I trace the theoretical development of the Dual Filial Piety Model and expound the meanings, characteristics, and implications of each filial aspect as well as the relationship between them. In addition, I address the development of a standard measure of dual filial piety, which has been supported by empirical research. Next, I review empirical results from a series of studies to illustrate the explicit functions and mechanisms of reciprocal and authoritarian filial piety and their corresponding effects on individual adjustment in order to demonstrate the validity of the theoretical model. Finally, in order to show the diverse applications of the dual model framework, I review the literature citing the Dual Filial Piety Model, which includes topics such as parent-child conflict, adolescent problem behavior, elderly care, intergenerational exchange, and family counseling. I use the literature review to address potential issues and to recommend the model as a powerful tool that should be used as a basic guide for future research on filial piety to clarify research questions and interpret related phenomena.
关键词 本土心理學 相互性孝道 華人文化 雙元模型 權威性孝道 authoritarian filial piety Chinese culture dual model indigenous psychology reciprocal filial piety








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