本研究目的是想了解机器人融入高中程式设计课程中,对女高中生在学习程式设计成就及态度之影响。本研究以台湾中区一所女校之高一学生为样本,随机选派2班学生,一班为控制组(42人),另一班为实验组(42人),二班学生先实施六周(12节)基础程式设计课程,基础课程结束後实施程式设计成就及态度前测,随後控制组进行问题导向程式设计课程六周(12节),实验组进行问题导向机器人程式设计课程六周(12节),课程实施中并随机挑选实验组学生进行半结构性访谈,以了解学生的学习状况。课程结束後再实施程式设计成就及态度後测,研究资料以MACOVA、Paired T-Test等统计方法进行研究考验,统计考验後发现不同教学策略分组的学生其程式设计学习成效没有显着差异,但实验组学生在接受完问题导向机器人程式设计课程後程式设计态度有显着提昇;学生访谈记录经质性分析也发现藉由机器人来学习程式设计较能了解程式的作用且较能引起学生学习动机及兴趣。
The purpose of the study was to understand the effectiveness of robot programming courses in programming language course for female high school students. The samples of this study were female high school students of a high school in the center of Taiwan. During the experimental period, two class of students were randomly chose, control group (42 students) was one class and experimental group (42 students) was the other. Students of two classes to be implemented basis programming language course for six weeks. All students implemented programming achievement and attitude pretest after taking basis programming language course. The control group implemented PBL programming language course for six weeks (12 hours). The experimental group implemented PBL robot programming courses for six weeks (12 hours). During the experimental period, randomly selected students of the experimental group did the semi-structured interview. All students implemented programming achievement and attitude pretest after taking PBL programming language course and PBL robot programming courses. The main statistic procedures employed for analyzing experimental data and testing the research hypotheses were MACOVA and Paired T-Test. The main findings of this study were that there were no significant differences in students' programming achievement between experimental group and control group. Students' programming attitude of the experimental group was significantly different to the experimental group. Data of semi-structured interview by qualitative analysis indicate that robot programming courses can generate students' motivation and interest.
Programming Language
PBL (Problem-based Learning)
Female High school students