

The MOD Development of Experience to Explore IPTV Research Industry Operating
摘要 全球网路电视(IPTV)市场自2003年正式启动後,各国家相继推动数位产业的发展。台湾顺应这股潮流,产官学各界皆积极投入媒体数位化、数位家庭、数位内容等行动,其中以数位电视的建置成本及使用者行为这两项,是为数位汇流最大的冲击与挑战。本研究从科技接受出发,整合资讯系统成功的观点,研究MOD从扮演开拓者到领导者,甚至於对後续产业发展的影响,以及使用者的满意度与接受行为模式。而其中的内容、系统与服务则为影响使用者对於IPTV的接受速度与总体满意度的重要因素,资讯品质的影响则不显着。本研究采用访谈法,整理结论得到四项MOD发展过程对IPTV的产业价值,成功探讨出MOD在IPTV 产业发展对数位内容的影响,不但可作为未来研究各项创新科技使用者满意度与接受行为的参考模式,更提供IPTV业者改善其服务与功能的具体方向,促进台湾数位电视的发展。 Global Internet TV (IPTV) market since 2003 officially launched, the countries have been pushing the digital industry. Taiwan's response to this trend, industry, government and academic communities are actively involved in the media digitization, digital home, digital content and other actions, in which digital television implementation costs and user behavior of these two is the digital convergence biggest impacts and challenges. In this study, starting from the technology acceptance, the successful integration of information systems point of view, research MOD from pioneer to leader played, and even the impact of industrial development on the follow-up, as well as user satisfaction and acceptance of behavior patterns. The contents of which, systems and services compared to affect user acceptance rate for IPTV and an important factor in overall satisfaction, quality of information is not obvious. This study used interviews, finishing conclusion is supported by four MOD process of development of the IPTV industry value, this study successfully explore the MOD in the IPTV industry on the impact of digital content, not only can be used as the future research and innovation and technology user satisfaction acceptance behavior of the reference model, but also to provide IPTV operators to improve their services and functions of the specific direction, and promote the development of Taiwan's digital TV.








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