

Fatherhood in Dual-Wage Family
摘要 妇女运动在促进两性平等上已略有斩获,使得严谨的男主外、女主内的性别分工在形式上开始松动,大量妇女走进就业职场。但若进一步检视就业妇女在家中被期待扮演的照顾者角色,与面临的冲突时,可清楚看出,男性对家庭角色的投入,并未相称於双生涯家庭的变迁与需求,这使得女性不论就业与否,仍得负担主要的育儿责任,导致两性在公领域上很难达到真正的平等。可见,要真正解决在两性之间的不均等育儿责任分担、减轻双薪家庭角色紧张对妇女造成的负向影响,并为达到两性在职场真正的平等,我们都不能忽略对男性在家庭中,尤其是参与儿童照顾活动的「父职角色」的了解。 据此,本文所关注的核心现象为:在都会区、双薪的核心家庭中,育有六岁以下小孩的父亲,在夫妻同时外出工作的社会脉络下,在育儿角色的扮演上,究竟有怎样的表现与特徵?其心情感受又是如何?这样的父职角色特徵,到底是哪些社会心理过程、文化意识型态、社会结构、组织与机制在模塑、建构、运作与影响?为追求两性平等的育儿角色的早日达成,我们该突破哪些障碍、强化哪些支持网络? 本研究采取质化研究中的紮根理论研究方法,以核心、双薪、研究期间家中仅育有六岁以下小孩的家庭为访谈对象,从研究者之人际网络中,完成六对夫妻的访谈,资料蒐集采半结构式的深度访谈。资料分析系依据紮根理论来进行资料的概念化,在发展类属的过程,掌握其特徵,并发展面向,待核心类属出现,开始进行选择性编码,以核心类属为中心,建构概念与概念之间的理论性关连,以达成理论性饱合。 本研究发现如下:(1)就核心现象而言,我们发现:母亲即使外出就业,仍是婴幼儿的主要照顾者,父亲则扮演「选择性育儿角色」。而其「选择性」分别具体展现在投入育儿劳务的时间性、责任与心态、角色、活动特质、以及亲子关系等五个层面;最後,研究也发现,初为人父的心情感受可谓苦乐参半。(2)就影响父职角色扮演的因素而言,则有下列四个重要机制:「意愿:松动的传统性别分工观」、「能力:先天不足、後天失调的社会化历程」、「劳动市场结构:相互排挤的工作与亲职领域」、「资源:代际关系主导之托育支持网络」。 One major goal of feminist movements in Western countries has been the employment equality for women. Although certain degree of success has been accomplished by equal legistations and women employment statistics, given the expected caring role of working-women in the family, the increase in women's employment doesnot guarantee an equivalent increase in men's participation in child-care. That's to say, whether women work or not, they are expected to be the principal child care-giver, particularly for pre-school children. To conclude, if we really want to shatter the rigid gender division of child-care responsibilities, to release the negative impact of the role-conflict on women in dual-wage families, and to achieve the actual gender equity in employment, we have to examine the role of men in families, especially their performance of ”fatherhood”. Thus, we address the following inquires: what's the current patterns of paternal participation in child care in dual-wage families with pre-school children? What were the mechanics which maintained the gender division of child-care responsibilities? What are the likely psychological, social, and economic barriers and facilitators for co-parenting? Six Taiwan dual-wage families with pre-school children participated in this study. Qualified informants were recruited through personal network, and both parents of each family were visited separately. A semi-structure in-depth interview which lasted from one to two hours were conducted. Based on grounded theory all the interview data were analyzed. The results are: fatherhood as a secondary parenting role, in the sense that fathers spend less time with their children than do mothers, and they involved with children more on weekend and holidays. Besides, they always expressed their willingness to ”help” their wives to take care of children instead of perceiving themselves as the main child care-giver. Thirdly, fathers are also more likely than mothers to invest their time with children in the less demanding child-care activities. Mechanics underneath the performance of fatherhood include: cultural norm constraining the nurturing paternal image; rigid gender socialization limiting the male parenting competence; the labor market structure excludes father from adequate parenting.
关键词 父職角色 選擇性育兒角色 雙薪核心家庭 紮根理論 Fatherhood Secondary Parenting Role Dual-Wage Family Grounded Theory








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