

An Analytic Examination of the Original Edition and Internal Structure of Hu Wufeng's "Zhijan" with A Critical Exposition of Zhang Nanxuan's Preface to "Zhijan" to Show his and Zhuzi's Understanding of the Philosophy of Hu Wufeng
摘要 《知言》一书曾被高度评价和流行,但因被朱子、张栻、吕祖谦所质疑而失传。明程敏政寻得旧本刊印,但把朱子所质疑之部份删除。程敏政之版本流传为现在的版本。《四库全书》另有一版本。但依所见理据,《四库》版本并不见得早於程敏政版本。本文进而分析南轩之「《知言》序」,论证此序写於五峰死後第二年之绍兴三十二年与隆兴二年之间,而序言已在其上。同时,本文分析其内容及南轩与同门之申论,见出南轩对《知言》之理解与接受都有所保留。朱子在为南轩「《知言》序」辩护时亦见出朱子在「中和旧说阶段对《知言》之理解与认同的程度。最後本文论定朱子「《知言》疑议」所批评的第一段文献正是《知言》的第一章第一段,可见五峰确是以「性为天下之大本」、「以心成性」为主要核心义理所在。本文亦简略依第一章之文献与其後章节之论述,见出《知言》实有一基本纲领与申论发挥之内部理路。 ”Zhijan” had been once highly evaluated and popular but gradually lost due to the criticism by Zhuzi, Zhang Chi and Lü Zuqian. Not until the Ming Dynasty, Cheng Minzheng found and published it again. However, due to his respect of Zhuzi, his edition had those passages doubted by Zhuzi deleted. Cheng's edition remains the most popular one whereas there is another edition in the Sikuquanshu. For the presently available evidence there is no sign that the latter edition is earlier than Cheng's. I then make a detail analysis of the content of Zhang Nanxuan's Preface and proved that it was written around the second to the fourth year after Hu Wufeng's death. It also shows how much Nanxuan understood and accepted the teachings in ”Zhijan”. It also shows how Zhuzi understood and accepted ”Zhijan” when he joined and defended Nanxuan in the latter's responses to the criticisms from other Hu Wufeng's disciples on his Preface. Finally this paper proved that the first paragraph criticized in Zhuzi's ”Doubts on Zhijan” was the first paragraph of ”Zhijan”. It proves that the basic ideas of Hu Wufeng's philosophy are 'Hsing (Nature) is the most basic principle of the Universe' and that 'Hsin (Mind) concretizes Hsing'. The paper then gives a rough sketch of how the first chapter of ”Zhijan” is related to latter chapters to show the basic structure and logic of the whole book.
关键词 《知言》 胡五峰 張南軒 「《知言》序」 朱子 「《知言》疑義」 Zhijan Hu Wufeng Zhang Nanxuan Preface to Zhijan Zhuzi Doubts on Zhijan








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