

Special Report on a Faculty Development Workshop concerning Narrative Medicine
摘要 叙事医学,有助维击医护人员与患者问的沟通,了解彼此对於疾病与健康照护的看法。叙事医学的原则包括专注(attention)、再现(representation)与接纳(affiliation)「专注」与「再现」帮助医者在接收讯息後加以整合与交流,以培养「接纳」的同理心,达到叙事医学之最终目标。藉由聆听、阅读、书写等叙事练习,在教学上启发学生思考,教师参与讨论的过程中与学生同时发展批判、反思之能力;在临床医疗工作应用上,叙事医学帮助建立团队合作的沟通能力,让医护人员不仅以「医者」的眼光看待疾病,更学习从「人」的角度体会疾病经验。叙事医学为目前医学教育重要之新兴议题,欧美医学院校亦积极搜集相关证据以评估其教学成果,希望藉由工作坊回顾,让国内相关教学与研究更臻完善。 Narrative medicine can help bridge communication between physicians and patients and thus improves understanding of illness and health care issues for both sides. The principles of narrative medicine include attention, representation, and affiliation. With attention and representation, physicians are able to integrate the received message, and therefore cultivate the empathy created from affiliation, which is the objective of narrative medicine. Adopting narrative practices such as listening, reading and writing, teachers can inspire thinking in their students. At the same time, students as well as teachers are enabled so that they develop critical thinking and reflective ability. In the context of clinical practice, narrative medicine helps health care professionals establish good communication within the health care team. Medical staff members thus not only treat diseases as medical practitioners, but also learn to experience illness from the perspective of a human being. Narrative medicine has become an important issue in contemporary medical education. American and European medical schools are actively collecting evidence that will evaluate the effectiveness of narrative medicine. Through this report, we wish to advance teaching and research in the area of narrative medicine in Taiwan.
关键词 敘事醫學 醫病溝通 師資培育 narrative medicine doctor-patient communication faculty development workshop








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