家长式领导是华人社会特有的领导型态之一,其特色是在一种人治的氛围下,彰显父亲般的仁慈与威严,并具有道德的无私典范。针对此一现象,目前已有文化根源的分析与概念的探讨,可惜仍未有量化的实徵性研究,理由是欠缺具一定信、效度的工具,来测量此一概念。本文的目的即在过去的研究基础上,补足此一缺口,根据家长式领导的三种组成要素:威权、仁慈及德行,来编制家长式领导量表(Paternalistic Leadership Scale, PLS),并以确认性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis)来检验其概念建构。结果显示,在台湾企业组织与教育组织的样本中,证明了此量表具有不错的内部一致性信度,且不论是仁慈、德行及威权分量表,或整个家长式领导三元模式的确认性因素分析,皆现出不错的建构效度。最後,讨论了本研究的结果及家长式领导的未来研究方向。
Paternalistic leadership, an indigenous leadership style in Chinese societies, is characterized by revealing fatherly benevolence and authoritarianism with moral integrity in a ”personalistic” atmosphere. Using this definition, a triad model of paternalistic leadership was theoretically built and traced to Chinese cultural origins. However, up to the present, there is no quantitative empirical research in this domain. This study was designed to complement this defect. According to the three constituent elements of paternalistic leadership (PL), namely, authoritarianism, benevolence, and morality, we constructed the Paternalistic Leadership Scale (PLS) and employed confirmatory factor analysis to examine its factorial composition. Within the samples from business organizations and education institutions in Taiwan, this scale was shown to have adequate internal consistency and clear factorial structure. Moreover, the PLS correlated with several related measures in a predictable manner. We concluded with discussion of our research findings, limitations, and implications for future research on paternalistic leadership.
Paternalistic leadership
authoritarian leadership
benevolent leadership
moral leadership
confirmatory factor analysis