人格心理学家大都主张人格形成於早年的生活经验。家是个体最早接触的社会环境,家庭经验乃影响个体发展的重要因素。家庭经验中哪些是个体於童年时感受最强烈、那些是记忆最深刻的部分,以及它们所隐含的意义是本文所关注的焦点。 本文取材自八篇童年故事。叙事者的年龄有四位介於四十五岁至五十岁,另四位约二十二至二十四岁。两组叙事者都是男女各半。此两个年龄层分属中青两个世代。八位叙事者都以文字叙述的方式描述其童年记忆中的家庭生活经验。叙事者的故事主要包括童年记忆深刻的经验、童年记忆中的父亲和母亲。 动力的观点以及系统的观点是有关家庭的研究趋势。本研究以系统观的概念和阿德勒学派的家庭星座、早年回忆之理论,分析叙事者故事中的经验型式与经验意义。 本文从两个世代叙事者的早年回忆中,发现他们的家庭生活经验有八个共同的经验型式:父母的关系、对父母的情绪与身体状态的感受、亲子互动、对父母的评价、父亲的言行特质、父母管教、重男轻女或不平等的手足经验、困难或困惑的经验;两个相异的经验型式为:母亲的辛劳、与吃及酬赏有关的经验。受试者对家庭经验的诠释受到社会文化中两性关系之变迁和重男轻女价值观之影响;同时两代的幼年经验有着清晰的时代印痕,反映出家庭生活经验与社会时代背景息息相关;中青两代处於不同的人生阶段,对早年回忆中的经验有不同的诠释。本研究的结果支持了系统观的论点,早年家庭生活中的各种经验型式及意义,是个人发展、家庭系统及社会文化系统动力互动下的产物。
This study examined early family experiences across two generations. Personal narratives of early family experiences were collected by Early Recollection based on Adlerian psychological theory. Suggested topics for recollection included the most memorable life experience and the most memorable image of one's father or mother. Eight informants were chosen for this study, 4 aged 22-24 and 4 aged 45-50, four men and four women. Qualitative methods were used to interpret the stories, which were compared on the basis of social context, gender factors, and developmental stages. Focus was maintained on the commonalities and differences in the themes of the early family experience narratives. Common aspects between the two generations of the most memorable experiences were as follows: parents' relationship, sensitivity to the feelings of parents, parent-child interaction, child's expectations, characteristics of the father, parenting style, gender and sibling competition, and frustrations. Differences included mother's hard work, and the value of food and rewards. Limitations of the small sample size, the selective nature of memory, and the subjectivity of the author are discussed.