

Brief History and Development of MOOCs
摘要 有关数位学习的论述与措施相当广泛与多元,对教育工作者之思维与教学都产生相当程度的影响。目前备受关注者如电子书、电子书包及教育云服务等相当多元,格式不一,常让教师无所适从,应用也皆未成熟。随着网路科技突飞猛进,网路社群的专业交流与互动,以及知识分享及创用CC观念的普及,开放式课程应运而生,而开放式课程搭配互动与评量机制後,又产生了大规模网路开放课程,此种最新发展之数位学习课程在短时间内即遍布全球,成为目前数位学习最具主导性的趋势之一。本文首先扼要说明大规模网路开放课程的崛起,并介绍几个知名之MOOCs教学平台。值此MOOCs的发展方兴未艾之际,乐见教育部也於此时宣布推动为期四年之全面性数位学习推动计画,其中「推动磨课师(MOOCs)」子计画系五项计画之一。以台湾之教育及IT水准,发展MOOCs应无问题,但受限於语文(中文)与使用者市场,要推广到全球会受到较多的限制。因此,在推动之际宜审慎规划,也期盼各界积极参与并给予支持! Approaches to developing e-learning and it s implementation strategies are diverse and complex that have certain effects on teachers' knowledge and practice. With so many IT devices such as eBook, eBag, cloud service in education attracting a great deal of attention but continuing to be adopted in its various forms, school teachers tend to get confused. This continuing expansion of Internet technologies, multiple interact ions within the internet community, use of the Internet as a knowledge sharing tool, and popularity of creative commons are pushing for a change in the traditional information education. OpenCourseWare (OCW) therefore is available to promote shared knowledge. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer automated assessment tools and some form of interaction with course staff have gained increasing popularity and become one of the very recent trends in e-Iearning. This paper introduces a short history of MOOCs and some well-known platforms. As MOOCs grow in popularity, Taiwan's Ministry of Education has initiated a four-year comprehensive improvement overall project for e-learning, and one of the five sub-projects is ”Improvement Plan for MOOCs”. Taiwan has potential to develop MOOCs because of it s educational and information technology standards; and yet it has a practical limit of market size and promotion of Chinese-language MOOCs to the world. Careful consideration should be given to implementation decisions being taken at this program and we hope to see more active participation and support.
作者 何榮桂
关键词 數位學習 開放式課程(OCW) 大規模網路開放課程(MOOC) e-Iearning OpenCourseWare(OCW) Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs)








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