

The Procedural Protection in Noncontentious Family Cases
摘要 爲因应家事事件之多样性、追求具体之妥当性及统合处理数家事事件,在家事非讼程序,得视需要,交错适用诉讼法理(例如:言词审理、直接审理);而在人事诉讼程序,於爲维护公益之范围内,亦应交错适用非讼法理(全面或部分采用职权主义)。并应使家事非讼程序与诉讼程序具有衔接转换性,以避免分开进行数道程序,增加劳力、时间、费用之支出,反致不能有效率地处理、解决家事事件。 於家事非讼程序,虽采职权主义、职权探知主义,但基於国民主权及人性尊严之保障,亦应注意关系人之程序保障,避免发生突袭性裁判,因此,法院於裁判前,应适时、适式地使关系人有表示意见之机会,以保障听审请求权。 在家事非讼裁定之生效及可变更性之问题上,宜正视不同家事事件之特性及需求,区别处理。对於需求法院依职权迅速地裁量处理,并追求具体妥当性之家事事件,如不能於裁定送达於关系人时即生效力,并得由法院依职权撒销、变更原不当裁定,而能简易迅速地视事件状态爲相应调整,难谓满足关系人追求简速经济裁判及合目的性、妥当性、展望性裁判所应受之程序保障;但相对於此,如某一家事非讼裁定涉及身分关系之创设、变更或交易安全之维护,而需求较高之法安定性,则应於裁定具形式上确定力时始生实质上效力,且除有更高之公益维护必要,不宜由法院得迳依职权撒销、变更之。否则,亦难谓满足关系人追求慎重正确裁判所应受之程序保障。 Proceedings in family cases are regulated partly by the Civil Procedure Code and partly by the law on Noncontentious Juridiction. For the noncontentious family cases according to the principle of investigation by the court, the judge undertakes a positive responsibility to ascertain and clarify the facts related to a particular event or circumstance. However before making the court order, the court shall grant opportunities for parties to express their opinions in order to protect their rights of hearing. For the protection of a minor's interests, the court can name a guardian ad litem to appear for the child. Court orders in noncontentious family cases may be given different effects according to the nature of cases and the variety of interests. Some court orders take effect promptly after the parties are served, even though appellate remedies are filed. In comparison, if the court order involves creating or altering legal status or maintaining the transaction security, higher stability of law is required. In this case, court orders may be given res adjudicate effect wenn they are not subject to alteration in further proceedings or on miscellaneous appeal.
关键词 家事事件 人事訴訟 家事非訟事件 程序保障 程序法理交錯適用 聽審請求權 未成年子女最佳利益保護原則 程序監理人 非訟裁定之生效 非訟裁定之可變更性 職權裁量 情事變更 非訟保全處分 procedure in noncontentious family case guardian ad litem minor's interests custody of minor children guardianship right of hearing alteration of court order miscellaneous appeal








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