铁道运输是一个具有独特技术体系的运输网络.本文研究针对铁道运输网,应用GIS技术,整合铁道线路、列车运行图、车站列车作业及装卸车计划等既有数据,基于SuperMap GIS平台对构建铁道货物运输地理信息系统(Rail Freight Geographic Information System,RF-GIS)进行了探讨,在此基础上,以日本货物铁道为例,对运行在不同行车线路、不同区间的各种货物列车进行了统计分析,并把其运输状态的分析结果显示在数字地图上,可在视觉上掌握货物列车的运输状态.本文为运输及物流管理者提供了直观的判断决策信息,可作为改进运输组织及提高铁道运输效率的基础依据.
In order to understand the situations of rail freight transport, this study constructs a Rail Freight Geographic Information system ( RF-GIS) based on SuperMap GIS platform. Utilizing the existing data concerning freight transport, the relevant loading situ-ation of each kind of container freight train on each corridor of railway network, can be statistically analyzed, and visualized on the digital map. These results can used as judgment reference materials for making decision to improve the rail transport efficiency and support the beneficial transport planning of the users and operators.
Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology