随着计算机技术的不断发展,Java web技术的更新速度也不断加快,网络在线教育迎来了发展高峰。虽然技术的提升让线课程已经有了较大的发展,但是相较于实际课堂来说,网络课程还是存在一些难以解决的问题。尤其是在线课程中多数是一些小规模课程的教学,导致参与教学的主体主要是针对于本校学生,并且无法保证参与在线教育的学生与教师之间的有效交流。慕课平台的出现从根本上解决了这些问题,实现学生与教师之间的有效互动。因此,本文以Java web的慕课平台设计为研究的出发点,旨在完成一个具有本校特色的、科学高效的慕课平台,从而促进学校在线教育水平的有效提升。
with the development of The Times, especially the updating speed of Java web technology continues to increase, the acceleration of development of online education in China, however, although it is the country's online courses have the larger development, but compared with the actual classroom, there is some network course is difficult to solve the problem. Especially in the online courses are mostly small class teaching, and lead to participate in the teaching of the subject is primarily courses students of the school, and there is no guarantee that participate in online education effective communication between students and teachers. For the emergence of class platform can solve these problems in a larger extent, the effective interaction between students and teachers. Therefore, this paper focuses on the platform for class in Java web design as the research starting point, aims to deliver improved level of online education in our country, promote the realization of platform for class in our country.
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