目的:对比分析人工破膜+小剂量米索、催产素点滴引产、人工破膜联合催产素三种方法对足月羊水偏少孕妇的引产效果。方法:对本院妇产科2011年7月~2014年12月227例足月羊水偏少孕妇的引产情况进行总结分析,其中人工破膜+催产素点滴69例(A组)、催产素点滴88例(B组)、人工破膜+小剂量米索70例(C组),对比三组的引产效果及未产结局差异。结果:进行引产处理后三组产妇的宫颈Bishop评分均逐渐提高,在引产处理后第4、8、12h C组的Bishop评分评分显著的高于A、B组;在引产处理后第4、8、12h A组的Bishop评分评分显著的高于B组。C组的临产时间、总产程显著的低于A、B组;A组的临产时间、总产程显著的低于B组。C组的剖宫产率显著的低于A、B组;C两组的第1min 5min Apgar评分显著的高于B组。结论:人工破膜+小剂量米索对足月羊水偏少孕妇的引产效果安全有效。
Objective To comparative analysis of artificial rupture of membrane and small dose of misoprostol and oxytocin hormone drop abortion, artificial broken membrane combined with oxytocin for three methods of full-term amniotic fluid too few women induction effect. Methods Department of gynaecology and obstetrics of this hospital July 2011 to December 2014 227 cases of full-term low amniotic fluid of pregnant women abortion case were analyzed and summarized, including artificial rup-ture of membrane+oxytocin prime bit of 69 cases(group A)and oxytocin(drip 88 cases(group B), artificial rupture of membrane+70 cases of small dose of misoprostol group(c), compared three groups of induction effect and did not produce differences in outcome between. Results Induction of labor treated three groups of maternal cervical Bishop scores were gradually increased after induction treatment in significantly higher than C group of the 4, 8, 12h Bishop Scoring Scoring A, group B;after induction Treatment significantly higher than 4, 8, 12h A group of Bishop score score group B . Labor time group C, significantly lower than the total process A, group B;A group of labor time, the total production process significantly lower than group B. Group C cesarean section rate was significantly lower than A, group B;significantly higher than C groups 1min 5min Apgar scores firstgroup B. Conclusion Artificial rupture of membranes+small dose of misoprostol for induction of labor at term effects of amni-otic fluid of pregnant women is safe and effective.
Journal of Hunan Normal University(Medical Sciences)
artificial rupture of membrane
amniotic fluid is less
induced labor