尽管《圣经》传统和早期教会思想中一直对社会正义问题,尤其是经济和社会秩序颇为关注,①教会兴办学校、医院、慈善机构也早已有之,但教会对社会问题公开发表自己的分析和看法,则是19世纪末以来的事.1891年教宗列奥十三世发表的《新事》通谕(Rerum Novarum)标志着天主教社会训导(Catholic Social Teaching)的开端.天主教社会训导可有广义和狭义之分.严格意义上,它是指自《新事》通谕以来教会发布的一系列训导文件,共有十三份.从广义上讲,社会训导还包括教宗或教会当局发布的其它训导文件,包括演讲、讲道、牧函等,亦可包括区域性主教会议或主教团根据当地的实际情况发表的牧函.②当然,最宽泛意义的天主教社会训导还可以包括《圣经》和教会传统中关于社会事务的观点.本文所论,仅限于严格意义上的天主教社会训导.
With the theological innovations of Vatican Ⅱ, Catholic social teaching has seen a paradigm shift in terms of content and method. This paper attempts to read the changes in Catholic social teaching since Vatican Ⅱ from the perspective of Trinitarian theology. This article first gives a brief review of Catholic social teaching taking Vatican Ⅱ as a turning point. It then examines the theological anthropology and the ecclesiology embodied in the social teaching, in conjunction with the revival of Trinitarian theology in Catholic Church after Vatican Ⅱ, pointing out their intrinsic relationship with the doctrine of the Trinity. Finally, the article discusses the methodology and formal structures of Catholic social teaching, showing the possibility of integrating its natural law and theological approaches within the horizon of Trinitarian theology and the Trinitarian structure of Catholic social teaching.
Journal for the Study of Christian Culture