以CNKI 2000—2016年所收录的体操运动研究的2947篇核心期刊论文为样本,运用可视化分析软件(Cite space)进行可视化分析,探索体操运动研究现状、主题分布以及主题变迁和发展趋势,结论如下:(1)体操运动研究成果2008年以前发文量呈现波浪式上升,随后发文量出现下降的趋势;(2)我国体操运动科学研究的力量主要存在于传统的体育学院和师范类大学中;(3)体操运动研究的热点依次为健美操、竞技健美操、艺术体操和竞技体操,并以这些项目为中心进行关于竞技体育、体育教育教学、群众体育三大类主题进行研究;竞技类热点集中在竞技体育,成套动作,难度动作,女子体操,运动员等方面,教学类热点则集中在健美操教学,体操教学,大学生以及体育教育方面。自2008年起,研究主题由以竞技体育为主逐步过渡到到体操运动相关的体育教育教学方面;(4)体操运动研究者之间缺乏紧密有效合作,合作对象以本机构为主;机构之间缺乏密切合作,形成了几个以运动项目为中心的研究团体;跨学科研究比较欠缺,学科基础集中于训练学和教育学。
Selecting 2947 thesis about gymnastic from 2000 to 2016 on CNKI as the research object,the software Cite Space was used to make visual analysis on those gymnastics research literature,trying to find out hot spots and evolution and trend about it. The results as below:( 1) Result of gymnastic research rose in a wave mode before 2008,and then it appeared the trend of reducing.( 2) Gymnastic research was primarily set up in traditional sport college and normal university in China.( 3) Hot spot of Gymnastics research was concentrated on aerobics,aerobics,rhythmic gymnastics and the artistic gymnastics in turn,and these projects centered on competitive sports,sports,mass sports theme of education teaching research. Competitive hot spot was concentrated on competitive sport,entire exercise,difficulty element,female gymnastic and athlete. Teaching hot spot was concentrated on aerobic teaching,artistic gymnastic teaching,high school student and physical education. Research topic about gymnastic was slowly evolved from competitive sport to physical education since 2008.( 4) It was lack of close and effective cooperation,cooperation between gymnastics researchers object is given priority to local institution; It was lack of close cooperation among few institutions whose research just focused on sports event; Interdisciplinary research was lacking,discipline foundation focused on training and education.
Journal of Military Physical Education and Sports
knowledge map