

Study on Rules of Traditional Commercial Trade along the Border between Hunan and Guizhou-Take the Upper Areas of Qingshuijiang River,Yuanjiang River and the Ancient Commercial City on Hongjiang River as Main Studies
摘要 自古水运就是南方商业贸易最主要的运输方式.在湘黔两省汇入沅水的还有清水江、舞水、渠水、巫水等多条支流,形成联通云贵和广西、湖南西部进入长江流域的重要通商要道.洪江商城借此天时地利,历经千年沉淀,被誉为“天下第一商城”.湘黔边区古商道的互通及洪江商城贸易的发展,形成了体系化的商运文化“聚集带”,不仅仅带动了湘黔边区经济、交通、文化及民族关系等方面的全面发展,也构成了湘黔边区商贸社会互动的历史,形成了丰富多元的地域商业习惯文化.因此,对湘黔边区传统贸易规则进行研究具有一定的学术价值与现实意义. Waterway has been serving as the most important transportation for the commercial trade in south of China since ancient times. Many rivers become merged in Yuanjiang River,such as Qingshui River,Wushui River,Qushui River and the like,which makes it a very important waterway linking Yunnan,Guizhou, Guangxi and the western part of Hunan with Yangtze River Area for trade and business. The Ancient Commercial city on Hongjiang River,with a great advantage of geographic location, was finally praised as "the First Commercial City in China" through thousands of years’ development. A systematic "accumulation zone" for commerce and shipment was born there due to the mutual connectivity of ancient trading routes on the border of Hunan and Guizhou,and the trade development in ancient Hongjiang city,which not only facilitated the comprehensive development on economy, transportation,culture and ethnic relations on the border of Hunan and Guizhou,but also forged the history of commercial interactions there so that a kind of diversified regional culture for business habit was developed. Therefore, studies on rules of the traditional commercial trade on the border of Hunan and Guizhou Provinces contain to some degree academic values and practical significance.
作者 徐晓光 徐斌
出处 《民间法》 CSSCI 2017年第2期1-13,共13页
基金 2011年国家社会科学重大招标课题“清水江文书的整理与研究”(项目号:11&ZD096)的延伸成果
关键词 湘黔边区 传统贸易规则 清水江—沅江 洪江古商城 the border of Hunan and Guizhou Province the traditional commercial trade rules the upper reaches of Qingshui and Yuanjiang river Hongjiang City
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