
硼氢化钠一步还原制备纳米银颗粒/石墨烯复合材料及其在导电胶中的应用 被引量:3

Preparation of AgNPs/rGO composite using NaBH_4 as reducing reagent and its application on the electrically conductive adhesive
摘要 由于石墨烯具有优良的导电性,诸多研究选择石墨烯作为导电胶的导电填料,以提高导电胶的电学性能。本研究采用Hummers法制备氧化石墨烯,以Na BH4作为还原剂,采用同步还原法制备纳米银颗粒担载在石墨烯片层上的复合材料,并以质量分数分别为0.0%、0.2%、0.5%和1.0%的比例,将其填充到导电胶样品中,研究样品导电性能。采用拉曼光谱、X射线衍射、X射线光电子能谱等测试技术对复合材料进行结构表征,利用四探针电阻率测量仪对样品进行电学性能测试,结果表明:纳米银颗粒均匀地载在还原石墨烯片层上,其平均粒径为6.86 nm;填充复合材料后,导电胶样品电阻率降低,当复合材料掺杂量为0.2%(wt)时,导电胶样品电阻率(9.88×10-5Ω·cm)最低。 With the discovery of graphene, a growing number of studies applied it to the conductive filler of conductive adhesive to improve the conductivity of conductive adhesive. Due to the amazing properties of a high conductivity sliver nanoparticles/reduced graphene composite(Ag NPs/r GO) has a large impact on as a filling material into the electrically conductive adhesive samples. Sliver nanoparticles/reduced graphene composite(Ag NPs/r GO) features a high conductivity and thus increases conductive paths and conductivity of the electrically conductive adhesive as a filling material mixed up into the electrically conductive adhesive samples. The method of Hummers was applied to develop oxidized graphene, meanwhile, the synchronous reductive method was suitable for developing the composite material and Ag NPs were attached on the slice layer of r GO with sodium borohydride(Na BH4) serving as a reducing agent. This study explored the influence of the content of composites on the samples. Experiment illustrated the characteristics and structures with several techniques including Raman spectrum, XRD and XPS and so on. Moreover, it also used four-point-probe resistivity measurement device to research on samples in terms of its electrical properties. The results indicate that Ag NPs are distributed on the slice layer of r GO equally, and to be exactlly, the average diameter of silver nanoparticles is 6.86 nm. After filled with composites, the resistivity of samples slids. When the mass ratio of composite material is set at 0.20 %(wt), the resistivity of the electrically conductive adhesive sample is the lowest at9.88×10-5Ω·cm.
出处 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第6期-,共5页 Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)
基金 人社部留学归国人员启动项目 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(201510759021) 石河子大学SRP创新训练计划(SRP2015118)项目
关键词 纳米银颗粒 石墨烯 复合材料 导电胶 电阻率 silver nanoparticles graphene composite the electrically conductive adhesive resistivity
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