5Jean K. Chalaby, At the Origin of a Global Industry : The TV Format Trade as an Anglo - American Invention. Media, Culture & Society, Janu- ary2012; vol. 34, 1: 36-52.
6See in particular, Jean Chalaby, ' The Making of an Entertainment Revolution : How the TV Format Trade Became a Global Industry, ' ? Eu- ropean Journal of Communication, 26, 4, 2011, 293 - 309.
7Jer? me Bourdon, ' From Discrete Adaptations to Hard Copies : The Rise of Formats in European Television, ' in Oren and Shahaf, eds, Global Television Formats, pp. 111 - 127.
8The Global Trade in Television Formats, Screen Digest analysis" of The Wit data, Screen Digest, April 2005.
9TV Formats to the world, The FRAPA Report 2009, www. frapa, org.