In this paper, we first show the global existence, uniqueness and regularity of weak solutions for the hyperbolic magnetohydrodynamics(MHD) equations in R^3. Then we establish that the solutions with initial data belonging to H^m(R^3) ∩ L^1(R^3) have the following time decay rate:║▽~mu(x, t) ║~2+║ ▽~mb(x, t)║~ 2+ ║▽^(m+1)u(x, t)║~ 2+ ║▽^(m+1)b(x, t) ║~2≤ c(1 + t)^(-3/2-m)for large t, where m = 0, 1.
In this paper, we first show the global existence, uniqueness and regularity of weak solutions for the hyperbolic magnetohydrodynamics(MHD) equations in R^3. Then we establish that the solutions with initial data belonging to H^m(R^3) ∩ L^1(R^3) have the following time decay rate:║▽~mu(x, t) ║~2+║ ▽~mb(x, t)║~ 2+ ║▽^(m+1)u(x, t)║~ 2+ ║▽^(m+1)b(x, t) ║~2≤ c(1 + t)^(-3/2-m)for large t, where m = 0, 1.
Supported by NSFC(11271290)
GSPT of Zhejiang Province(2014R424062)