Eight children, 5 males and 3 females, aged between 2 to 13, with congenital pseud-oarthrosis of tibia 'were treated in our hospital. In 6 cases, pseudoarthrosis occured on the left and in 2 on the right. Vascular pedicle grafting of fibula was performed oa 6 cases, simple resection of a neurofibroma on one pat-ient, and the 8th received a conservative tre-atment. Follow-ups by 4 to 8 yrs., satisfactory results were found in all cases.This disease cannot be treated indiscrimi-nately by any one therapy. Conservative treatment should be chosen for infants who are still too young to be operated oa. Added PEMF therapy is recommended. Pedicle graft of fibula is suitable for older children while other treatments are considered improper. Am-putation should be handled more carefully.When pedicle graft of fibula is performed, postoperative complications and the sequela of the excision of the fibula should be avoided.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery