30 sections of narrowed segment of ureter in 28 cases with congenital hydronephrosis were observed by light microscopy and electron microscopy. The results suggested that the main changes of the narrowed segment of ureter were hypertrophy of the tunica muscuJaris of the ureter and hyperplasia of the connective tissue, in addition, the muscle fibers showed an abnormal arrangement and mal-orientation. Under transmission electron microscopy the smooth-muscle cells were different from normal in morphology, size, arrangement and density. In cytoplasm of the smooth-muscle cells mito-
chondria.Golgi's apparat in us and rough endoplas-mic reticulum were found, but not a basement
membrane,not myofilaments or dense bodies suggesting a synthetic form of smooth muscle cell. The etiology and pathogenesis of the congenital hydronephrosis and some related clinical problems of the disease were discussed.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery