Nine drugs(Salvia Miltiornhiza Prunus kernal,Teramethyl pyrazine,Artenisia capilladis thumb llex pubesoens,Catechin,Cynarin,jGlyoerrhizin and Fruotus Schizandrae)commonly used for treating viral hepatitis were applied to rats.Blood flow on the liver surface was monitered by a laser-Doppler flowmetar.The control flow value was taken as 100%.Bile secretion rate(ul.min)was measured with a drop counted from a cannola in the common bile duct.Dose-response ourves were produced by infusion drugs into the hepatio artery via a cannula in the ligated splenic artery.The results showed that hepatic blood flow was increased by the Prunus kernel,Teramethyl pyrazine and Artemisia capillaris thumb.Bile seoretion was accelerated by the Ilex pubescens and Cateohin.Glycyrrhizin,Cynarin and Fructus Schixendrae had neither action on the hepatic microciroulation nor the bile secretion.
Chinese Journal of Infectious Diseases