Recurrent instability is often multifactorial and can be the result of a combination of coronal limb malalignment, patella alta, malrotation secondary to internal femoral or external tibial torsion, a dysplastic trochlea, or disrupted and weakened medial soft tissue, including the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) and the vastus medialis obliquus. Surgical treatment includes soft tissue surgery, bone surgery, or the use of two methods. High-level evidence supports nonoperative treatment for first-time lateral acute patellar dislocations. Surgical intervention is often indicated for recurrent dislocations. MPFL reconstruction requires precise graft placement for restoration of anatomy and minimal graft tension. MPFL reconstruction is safe to perform in skeletally immature patients and in revision surgical settings. Distal realignment procedures should be implemented in recurrent instability associated with patella alta, increased tibial tubercle-trochlear groove distances, and lateral and distal patellar chondrosis. In addition, trochleoplasty is technically challenging and has risk of complication. Of all these methods, there is no unique method which can cure the recurrent patella dislocation.
Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)