
《Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering》

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE) is an international journal for research on...查看详情>>
  • 主办单位中国工程院;中国农业大学;中国高等教育出版社
  • 国际标准连续出版物号2095-7505
  • 国内统一连续出版物号10-1204/S
  • 出版周期季刊


  • 主管单位中国工程院
  • 主办单位中国工程院;中国农业大学;中国高等教育出版社
  • 总编/主编Qixin Sun
  • 地址北京市朝阳区惠新东街4号富盛大厦15层
  • 邮政编码100029
  • 电话010-62733768
  • 电子邮件xujx@hep.com.cn;fase@cau.edu.cn
  • 邮发代号80-906
  • 单价0
  • 定价0


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering (FASE) is an international journal for research on agricultural science and engineering. The journal’s aim is to report advanced and innovative scientific proceedings in agricultural field including Crop Science, Agricultural Biotechnology, Horticulture, Plant Protection, Agricultural Engineering, Forestry Engineering, Agricultural Resources, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine, Applied Ecology, Forestry and Fisheries. FASE is committed to provide a high level scientific and professional forum for researchers worldwide to publish their original findings and to utilize these novel findings to benefit the society.FASE is an open access, fee-free publishing, and quarterly journal. In addition to publishing regular review and research articles, the journal also publishes ‘Hot Topic’ issues that are guest-edited by scientists in their areas of research. Special issues focus on more topics with high current interest falling within the scope of the journal. We always welcome special issue proposals at any time.All submitted proposals and manuscripts will be peer-reviewed prior to a possible decision on acceptance for publication.


  • 2020中国农林核心期刊


  • 中国·中国科学引文数据库-核心(2023-2024)
  • 美国·Web of Science数据库
  • 美国·EBSCO学术数据库
  • 瑞典·开放获取期刊指南
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