飞秒光学频率梳的出现使对未知激光的绝对频率测量成为可能,极大地简化了激光绝对频率的量值溯源和比对工作.为了保证测量数值的准确性,飞秒光学频率梳与未知激光的拍频信号fb的信噪比要求大于30 d B.针对碘稳频532 nm激光绝对频率测量...飞秒光学频率梳的出现使对未知激光的绝对频率测量成为可能,极大地简化了激光绝对频率的量值溯源和比对工作.为了保证测量数值的准确性,飞秒光学频率梳与未知激光的拍频信号fb的信噪比要求大于30 d B.针对碘稳频532 nm激光绝对频率测量的特定需求,以532 nm激光的基频光1064 nm激光的绝对频率测量为着眼点,本文采用303 MHz重复频率的掺Er光纤光学频率梳,首先通过激光放大和光谱展宽技术使光谱覆盖到1μm波段,然后采用级联掺Yb增益光纤技术,将扩谱后1μm波段的激光功率进行放大,提高了掺Er光纤光学频率梳扩谱后1μm波长附近的激光强度.采用碘稳频532 nm激光的基频光作为待测光源与飞秒光学频率梳进行拍频.实验表明,与未经过光谱增强的激光相比,光谱增强后的激光与1064 nm激光拍频信号的信噪比提高了5 d B,保持在35 d B附近.该技术有效地缓解了采用掺Er光纤光梳测量1064 nm激光绝对频率时对直接扩谱所获得的1μm波长激光的强度要求.展开更多
An optical lattice clock based on 87Sr is built at National Institute of Metrology (NIM) of China. The systematic frequency shifts of the clock are evaluated with a total uncertainty of 2.3×10-16. To measure it...An optical lattice clock based on 87Sr is built at National Institute of Metrology (NIM) of China. The systematic frequency shifts of the clock are evaluated with a total uncertainty of 2.3×10-16. To measure its absolute frequency with respect to NIM's cesium fountain clock NIM5, the frequency of a flywheel H-maser of NIM5 is transferred to the Sr laboratory through a 50-kin-long fiber. reference frequency of this H-maser, is used for the optical this Sr clock is measured to be 429228004229873.7(1.4)Hz. A fiber optical frequency comb, phase-locked to the frequency measurement. The absolute frequency of展开更多
NIM-Sr2 optical lattice clock has been developed on the Changping campus of National Institute of Metrology(NIM).Considering the limitations in NIM-Sr1,several improved parts have been designed including a differentia...NIM-Sr2 optical lattice clock has been developed on the Changping campus of National Institute of Metrology(NIM).Considering the limitations in NIM-Sr1,several improved parts have been designed including a differential pumping stage in the vacuum system,a permanent magnet Zeeman slower,water-cooled anti-Helmholtz coils,an extended viewport for Zeeman slower,etc.A clock laser with a short-time stability better than 3×10^(-16)is realized based on a self-designed 30-cm-long ultra-low expansion cavity.The systematic frequency shift has been evaluated to an uncertainty of 7.2×10^(-18),with the uncertainty of BBR shift and the collisional frequency shift being an order of magnitude lower than the last evaluation of NIM-Sr1.展开更多
Femtosecond optical frequency combs correlate the microwave and optical frequencies accurately and coherently.Therefore,any optical frequency in visible to near-infrared region can be directly traced to a microwave fr...Femtosecond optical frequency combs correlate the microwave and optical frequencies accurately and coherently.Therefore,any optical frequency in visible to near-infrared region can be directly traced to a microwave frequency.As a result,the length unit“meter”is directly related to the time unit“second”.This paper validates the capability of the national wavelength standards based on a home-made Er-doped fiber femtosecond optical frequency comb to measure the laser frequencies ranging from visible to near-infrared region.Optical frequency conversion in the femtosecond optical frequency comb is achieved by combining spectral broadening in a highly nonlinear fiber with a single-point frequencydoubling scheme.The signal-to-noise ratio of the beat notes between the femtosecond optical frequency comb and the lasers at 633,698,729,780,1064,and 1542 nm is better than 30 d B.The frequency instability of the above lasers is evaluated by using a hydrogen clock signal with a instability of better than 1×10^(-13)at 1-s averaging time.The measurement is further validated by measuring the absolute optical frequency of an iodine-stabilized 532-nm laser and an acetylenestabilized 1542-nm laser.The results are within the uncertainty range of the international recommended values.Our results demonstrate the accurate optical frequency measurement of lasers at different frequencies using the femtosecond optical frequency comb,which is not only important for the precise and accurate traceability and calibration of the laser frequencies,but also provides technical support for establishing the national wavelength standards based on the femtosecond optical frequency comb.展开更多
We report on the magic wavelength measurement of our optical lattice clock based on fermion strontium atoms at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM). A Ti:sapphire solid state laser locked to a reference cavity...We report on the magic wavelength measurement of our optical lattice clock based on fermion strontium atoms at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM). A Ti:sapphire solid state laser locked to a reference cavity inside a temperature-stabilized vacuum chamber is employed to generate the optical lattice. The laser frequency is measured by an erbium fiber frequency comb. The trap depth is modulated by varying the lattice laser power via an acousto-optic modulator. We obtain the frequency shift coefficient at this lattice wavelength by measuring the diffbrential frequency shift of the clock transition of the strontium atoms at different trap depths, and the frequency shift coefficient at this lattice wavelength is obtained. We measure the frequency shift coefficients at different lattice frequencies around the magic wavelength and linearly fit the measurement data, and the magic wavelength is calculated to be 368554672(44)MHz.展开更多
We report a longitudinal Zeeman slower based on ring-shaped permanent magnetic dipoles used for the strontium optical lattice clock. The Zeeman slower is composed of 40 permanent magnets with the same outer diameter b...We report a longitudinal Zeeman slower based on ring-shaped permanent magnetic dipoles used for the strontium optical lattice clock. The Zeeman slower is composed of 40 permanent magnets with the same outer diameter but different inner diameters. The maximum variation of the axial field from its target values is less than 2%. In most parts of the Zeeman slower, the intensity variations of the field in radial spatial distribution are less than 0.1 roT. With this Zeeman slower, the strontium atoms are slowed down to 95m/s, and approximately 2% of the total atoms are slowed down to less than 50m/s.展开更多
We present our experiment on magnetic field induced spectroscopy of the ^(1)S0–^(3)P0 transition of ^(88)Sr atoms with a 10 Hz linewidth laser.The ^(88)Sr atoms are cooled by two stage laser cooling.After the second ...We present our experiment on magnetic field induced spectroscopy of the ^(1)S0–^(3)P0 transition of ^(88)Sr atoms with a 10 Hz linewidth laser.The ^(88)Sr atoms are cooled by two stage laser cooling.After the second stage narrow line laser cooling,the temperature of the atoms is reduced to~3μK.The atoms are then loaded into an 813 nm one-dimensional optical lattice.A homemade 698 nm laser with 10 Hz linewidth and maximum intensity of more than 100 W/cm2 is used to probe the ^(88)Sr atoms in the lattice.By means of a magnetic field of~1 mT and a probe laser with 50 ms pulse and~6 W/cm^(2) intensity,the Doppler free ^(88)Sr ^(1)S0–^(3)P0 transition spectrum with a linewidth of 208 Hz is obtained.展开更多
We report the experimental realization of strontium magneto-optical trap(MOT)operating on the intercombination transition lSo-3 P1 at 689nm,namely red MOT.A 689nm laser used for cooling and trapping is injection locke...We report the experimental realization of strontium magneto-optical trap(MOT)operating on the intercombination transition lSo-3 P1 at 689nm,namely red MOT.A 689nm laser used for cooling and trapping is injection locked to a master laser,whose linewidth is narrowed to 150 Hz by locking to a high finesse optical reference cavity.88 Sr atoms pre-cooled and trapped by the broad^(1)S_(O)-^(1)P_(l)transition at 461 nm are transferred to the red MOT with the help of a time sequence controller.The transfer ratio is about 20%and the red MOT's temperature is estimated to be less than 20μK by the time-of-flight(TOF)image analysis.展开更多
We report the experimental realization of a ^88Sr magneto-optical trap (MOT) operating at the wavelength of 461 nm. The MOT is loaded via a 32 cm long spin-flip type Zeeman slower which enhances the MOT population b...We report the experimental realization of a ^88Sr magneto-optical trap (MOT) operating at the wavelength of 461 nm. The MOT is loaded via a 32 cm long spin-flip type Zeeman slower which enhances the MOT population by a factor of 22. The total laser power available in our experiment is about 300mW. We have trapped 1.6 × 10^8 ^88 Sr atoms with a 679nm and 707nm repumping laser. The two repumping lasers enhance the trap population and trap lifetime by factors of 11 and 7, respectively. The ^88 Sr cloud has a temperature of about 2.3 mK, measured by recording the time evolution of the absorption signal.展开更多
The frequencies of two 698 nm external cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) are locked separately to two independently located ultrahigh finesse optical resonant cavities with the Pound Drever-Hall technique. The linewidth o...The frequencies of two 698 nm external cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) are locked separately to two independently located ultrahigh finesse optical resonant cavities with the Pound Drever-Hall technique. The linewidth of each ECDL is measured to be -4.6 Hz by their beating and the fractional frequency stability below 5 × 10^-15 between 1 s to lOs averaging time. Another 698nm laser diode is injection locked to one of the cavity-stabilized ECDLs with a fixed frequency offset for power amplification while maintaining its linewidth and frequency characteristics. The frequency drift is H1 Hz/s measured by a femtosecond optical frequency comb based on erbium fiber. The output of the injection slave laser is delivered to the magneto-optical trap of a Sr optical clock through a iO- ta-long single mode polarization maintaining fiber with an active fiber noise cancelation technique to detect the clock transition of Sr atoms.展开更多
Atomic clocks operating at optical frequencies, with much better accuracy compared with microwave atomic clocks, have been assumed to be the next- generation time and frequency standards, Many applications will benefi...Atomic clocks operating at optical frequencies, with much better accuracy compared with microwave atomic clocks, have been assumed to be the next- generation time and frequency standards, Many applications will benefit from this lower frequency un- certainty of optical clocks, such as the re-definition of 'the second', i.e. one of the seven base units of the international system of units (SI), test of the time variation of fundamental physical constants and rel- ativity geodesy. Recently, the neutral atom lattice clock has achieved a lower frequency uncertainty com- pared with the optical ion clock, mainly due to the im- provement of the clock laser frequency stability refer- enced to a long high-finesse ULE cavity and the more accurate evaluation of black-body radiation shift. Strontium is an excellent candidate for the neutral atom optical clock. For the fermionic isotope of stron- tium, it has intrinsically less collision shift and the first order Zeeman shift can be removed by an inter- leaved probing approach.Recently, through the pre-cise measurement of the polarizability of strontium, the black body radiation (BBR) shift of the stron- tium lattice clock, which remains to be the limitation factor of its total frequency uncertainty, is reduced to a lower 10^-18 value.The instability of the strontium lattice clock has reached 3.1 × 10-16/√T, showing the significant advantage over the single ion optical clock. The total systematic uncertainty has reached 6.4 × 10^-18 in fractional frequency, which is the best among all optical clocks until now.展开更多
文摘飞秒光学频率梳的出现使对未知激光的绝对频率测量成为可能,极大地简化了激光绝对频率的量值溯源和比对工作.为了保证测量数值的准确性,飞秒光学频率梳与未知激光的拍频信号fb的信噪比要求大于30 d B.针对碘稳频532 nm激光绝对频率测量的特定需求,以532 nm激光的基频光1064 nm激光的绝对频率测量为着眼点,本文采用303 MHz重复频率的掺Er光纤光学频率梳,首先通过激光放大和光谱展宽技术使光谱覆盖到1μm波段,然后采用级联掺Yb增益光纤技术,将扩谱后1μm波段的激光功率进行放大,提高了掺Er光纤光学频率梳扩谱后1μm波长附近的激光强度.采用碘稳频532 nm激光的基频光作为待测光源与飞秒光学频率梳进行拍频.实验表明,与未经过光谱增强的激光相比,光谱增强后的激光与1064 nm激光拍频信号的信噪比提高了5 d B,保持在35 d B附近.该技术有效地缓解了采用掺Er光纤光梳测量1064 nm激光绝对频率时对直接扩谱所获得的1μm波长激光的强度要求.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 91336212 and 91436104
文摘An optical lattice clock based on 87Sr is built at National Institute of Metrology (NIM) of China. The systematic frequency shifts of the clock are evaluated with a total uncertainty of 2.3×10-16. To measure its absolute frequency with respect to NIM's cesium fountain clock NIM5, the frequency of a flywheel H-maser of NIM5 is transferred to the Sr laboratory through a 50-kin-long fiber. reference frequency of this H-maser, is used for the optical this Sr clock is measured to be 429228004229873.7(1.4)Hz. A fiber optical frequency comb, phase-locked to the frequency measurement. The absolute frequency of
基金supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(Grant Nos.2021YFF0603802 and 2016YFF0200201)。
文摘NIM-Sr2 optical lattice clock has been developed on the Changping campus of National Institute of Metrology(NIM).Considering the limitations in NIM-Sr1,several improved parts have been designed including a differential pumping stage in the vacuum system,a permanent magnet Zeeman slower,water-cooled anti-Helmholtz coils,an extended viewport for Zeeman slower,etc.A clock laser with a short-time stability better than 3×10^(-16)is realized based on a self-designed 30-cm-long ultra-low expansion cavity.The systematic frequency shift has been evaluated to an uncertainty of 7.2×10^(-18),with the uncertainty of BBR shift and the collisional frequency shift being an order of magnitude lower than the last evaluation of NIM-Sr1.
基金the National Key Research and Development Program of China(Grant No.2016YFF0200204)。
文摘Femtosecond optical frequency combs correlate the microwave and optical frequencies accurately and coherently.Therefore,any optical frequency in visible to near-infrared region can be directly traced to a microwave frequency.As a result,the length unit“meter”is directly related to the time unit“second”.This paper validates the capability of the national wavelength standards based on a home-made Er-doped fiber femtosecond optical frequency comb to measure the laser frequencies ranging from visible to near-infrared region.Optical frequency conversion in the femtosecond optical frequency comb is achieved by combining spectral broadening in a highly nonlinear fiber with a single-point frequencydoubling scheme.The signal-to-noise ratio of the beat notes between the femtosecond optical frequency comb and the lasers at 633,698,729,780,1064,and 1542 nm is better than 30 d B.The frequency instability of the above lasers is evaluated by using a hydrogen clock signal with a instability of better than 1×10^(-13)at 1-s averaging time.The measurement is further validated by measuring the absolute optical frequency of an iodine-stabilized 532-nm laser and an acetylenestabilized 1542-nm laser.The results are within the uncertainty range of the international recommended values.Our results demonstrate the accurate optical frequency measurement of lasers at different frequencies using the femtosecond optical frequency comb,which is not only important for the precise and accurate traceability and calibration of the laser frequencies,but also provides technical support for establishing the national wavelength standards based on the femtosecond optical frequency comb.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 91336212
文摘We report on the magic wavelength measurement of our optical lattice clock based on fermion strontium atoms at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM). A Ti:sapphire solid state laser locked to a reference cavity inside a temperature-stabilized vacuum chamber is employed to generate the optical lattice. The laser frequency is measured by an erbium fiber frequency comb. The trap depth is modulated by varying the lattice laser power via an acousto-optic modulator. We obtain the frequency shift coefficient at this lattice wavelength by measuring the diffbrential frequency shift of the clock transition of the strontium atoms at different trap depths, and the frequency shift coefficient at this lattice wavelength is obtained. We measure the frequency shift coefficients at different lattice frequencies around the magic wavelength and linearly fit the measurement data, and the magic wavelength is calculated to be 368554672(44)MHz.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 91336212
文摘We report a longitudinal Zeeman slower based on ring-shaped permanent magnetic dipoles used for the strontium optical lattice clock. The Zeeman slower is composed of 40 permanent magnets with the same outer diameter but different inner diameters. The maximum variation of the axial field from its target values is less than 2%. In most parts of the Zeeman slower, the intensity variations of the field in radial spatial distribution are less than 0.1 roT. With this Zeeman slower, the strontium atoms are slowed down to 95m/s, and approximately 2% of the total atoms are slowed down to less than 50m/s.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No 2010CB922902.
文摘We present our experiment on magnetic field induced spectroscopy of the ^(1)S0–^(3)P0 transition of ^(88)Sr atoms with a 10 Hz linewidth laser.The ^(88)Sr atoms are cooled by two stage laser cooling.After the second stage narrow line laser cooling,the temperature of the atoms is reduced to~3μK.The atoms are then loaded into an 813 nm one-dimensional optical lattice.A homemade 698 nm laser with 10 Hz linewidth and maximum intensity of more than 100 W/cm2 is used to probe the ^(88)Sr atoms in the lattice.By means of a magnetic field of~1 mT and a probe laser with 50 ms pulse and~6 W/cm^(2) intensity,the Doppler free ^(88)Sr ^(1)S0–^(3)P0 transition spectrum with a linewidth of 208 Hz is obtained.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No 2005CB724501the National Science and Technology Infrastructure Program under Grant No 2006BAK03A20.
文摘We report the experimental realization of strontium magneto-optical trap(MOT)operating on the intercombination transition lSo-3 P1 at 689nm,namely red MOT.A 689nm laser used for cooling and trapping is injection locked to a master laser,whose linewidth is narrowed to 150 Hz by locking to a high finesse optical reference cavity.88 Sr atoms pre-cooled and trapped by the broad^(1)S_(O)-^(1)P_(l)transition at 461 nm are transferred to the red MOT with the help of a time sequence controller.The transfer ratio is about 20%and the red MOT's temperature is estimated to be less than 20μK by the time-of-flight(TOF)image analysis.
文摘We report the experimental realization of a ^88Sr magneto-optical trap (MOT) operating at the wavelength of 461 nm. The MOT is loaded via a 32 cm long spin-flip type Zeeman slower which enhances the MOT population by a factor of 22. The total laser power available in our experiment is about 300mW. We have trapped 1.6 × 10^8 ^88 Sr atoms with a 679nm and 707nm repumping laser. The two repumping lasers enhance the trap population and trap lifetime by factors of 11 and 7, respectively. The ^88 Sr cloud has a temperature of about 2.3 mK, measured by recording the time evolution of the absorption signal.
文摘The frequencies of two 698 nm external cavity diode lasers (ECDLs) are locked separately to two independently located ultrahigh finesse optical resonant cavities with the Pound Drever-Hall technique. The linewidth of each ECDL is measured to be -4.6 Hz by their beating and the fractional frequency stability below 5 × 10^-15 between 1 s to lOs averaging time. Another 698nm laser diode is injection locked to one of the cavity-stabilized ECDLs with a fixed frequency offset for power amplification while maintaining its linewidth and frequency characteristics. The frequency drift is H1 Hz/s measured by a femtosecond optical frequency comb based on erbium fiber. The output of the injection slave laser is delivered to the magneto-optical trap of a Sr optical clock through a iO- ta-long single mode polarization maintaining fiber with an active fiber noise cancelation technique to detect the clock transition of Sr atoms.
基金Supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant No 2010CB922902, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No 91336212.
文摘Atomic clocks operating at optical frequencies, with much better accuracy compared with microwave atomic clocks, have been assumed to be the next- generation time and frequency standards, Many applications will benefit from this lower frequency un- certainty of optical clocks, such as the re-definition of 'the second', i.e. one of the seven base units of the international system of units (SI), test of the time variation of fundamental physical constants and rel- ativity geodesy. Recently, the neutral atom lattice clock has achieved a lower frequency uncertainty com- pared with the optical ion clock, mainly due to the im- provement of the clock laser frequency stability refer- enced to a long high-finesse ULE cavity and the more accurate evaluation of black-body radiation shift. Strontium is an excellent candidate for the neutral atom optical clock. For the fermionic isotope of stron- tium, it has intrinsically less collision shift and the first order Zeeman shift can be removed by an inter- leaved probing approach.Recently, through the pre-cise measurement of the polarizability of strontium, the black body radiation (BBR) shift of the stron- tium lattice clock, which remains to be the limitation factor of its total frequency uncertainty, is reduced to a lower 10^-18 value.The instability of the strontium lattice clock has reached 3.1 × 10-16/√T, showing the significant advantage over the single ion optical clock. The total systematic uncertainty has reached 6.4 × 10^-18 in fractional frequency, which is the best among all optical clocks until now.