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文化体制改革与文化产业发展 被引量:2
作者 蒯大申 今日山西 2004年第8期15-19,共5页
The abrupt rising of cultural industry is a corollary of the establishment and improvement of a socialist market system. The raising of the concept of culture industry is a reflection of the necessary needs of cultura... The abrupt rising of cultural industry is a corollary of the establishment and improvement of a socialist market system. The raising of the concept of culture industry is a reflection of the necessary needs of cultural development triggered by socialist market economy and a reflection of our ever deeper understanding of the individuality and commonality of spiritual products and material products. It is a precondition for the growth of cultural industry that cultural undertaking and cultural industry are clearly and scientifically defined. On the basis of past practice of cultural institutional reform, a guideline has been offered at the 16th Party congress that separates cultural undertaking from cultural industry, providing a clear road to cultural system reform. The significance of this "bifurcation" lies in the acknowledgement of the economic properties of cultural products and cultural services, and of the legal status of cultural industry. Cultural system reform should follow the norms and characteristics of socialist spiritual civilization, satisfy the needs of socialist market system, and gradually set up a cultural management system that each and every cultural entity operates according to law under the leadership of the Party committees and stewardship of governments. The key thrust of the reform is to blaze new trail in system and mechanism with an eye to people at large and market. The current cultural system reform currently unfolding nation-wide aims no less than to break through the systematic barrier that hinders cultural development, and to create a new, broad sphere for the development of cultural undertakings and cultural industries in China. 展开更多
关键词 文化体制改革 文化产业 文化事业 发展观
作者 胡富国 孙文盛 今日山西 1997年第2期1-1,共1页
关键词 香港回归祖国 山西人 省人民政府 历史意义 产业结构调整 社会主义现代化建设 经济体制改革 社会的全面发展 文化交流 中西部地区
展现悠久文明史 树立旅游新形象
作者 王锚深 今日山西 1998年第1期12-13,共2页
1998年是全面贯彻落实党的十五大提出的各项任务的第一年,是我省为实现旅游行业跨世纪的持续、快速、健康发展打基础的关键一年,也是新的发展机遇和激烈市场挑战并存的一年。为此,我省旅游行业将本着“对外强化外联宣传,对内强化管理建... 1998年是全面贯彻落实党的十五大提出的各项任务的第一年,是我省为实现旅游行业跨世纪的持续、快速、健康发展打基础的关键一年,也是新的发展机遇和激烈市场挑战并存的一年。为此,我省旅游行业将本着“对外强化外联宣传,对内强化管理建设”的工作方针,努力实现国际旅游接待14.38万人次,旅游创汇4435万美元;国内旅游者接待人数2000万人次,国内旅游收入47.7亿元人民币的目标。 今年是’98华夏城乡游主题旅游年,为此。 展开更多
关键词 新形象 文明史 旅游商品 客源市场 山西旅游业 东部沿海地区 旅游线路产品 旅游行业 旅游资源 国内旅游收入
作者 王锚深 今日山西 1997年第1期24-26,共3页
山西是中华民族的主要发祥地,黄河文明的重要生成地,在我省发展旅游业潜力巨天,前景广阔。近年来,省委、省政府高度重视山西旅游业的发展,去年我省出台的《关于进一步扩大对外开放的若干意见》和《关于调整产业结构的实施意见》,从不同... 山西是中华民族的主要发祥地,黄河文明的重要生成地,在我省发展旅游业潜力巨天,前景广阔。近年来,省委、省政府高度重视山西旅游业的发展,去年我省出台的《关于进一步扩大对外开放的若干意见》和《关于调整产业结构的实施意见》,从不同角度阐述了旅游业在我省社会、经济发展中的产业性质和产业地位,明确提出要把我省建成中国北方旅游大省的奋斗目标。 ’97中国旅游年山西活动,得到了省委、省政府的高度重视,山西省认民政府办公厅印发了’97中国旅游年山西省活动方案,组成了有山酒省旅游局、省文物局、省外办。 展开更多
关键词 山西旅游业 中国旅游 旅游交易会 旅游资源 黄河文明 奋斗目标 旅游局 中华民族 旅游环境 旅游购物
作者 田成平 刘振华 今日山西 2001年第1期1-1,共1页
关键词 山西 生产力 地方经济 产业结构 经济发展
防震减灾 功在当代 利在千秋
作者 赵新平 今日山西 2004年第7期46-46,共1页
关键词 山西省地震局 防震工作 地震监测 地震预报
叹民族之英魂 感扼腕之悲歌——论话剧《立秋》的思想性及艺术特色 被引量:3
作者 潘晓曦 今日山西 2005年第2期19-22,共4页
Produced recently by Shanxi Modern Drama Theater, the modern drama "The Beginning of the Autumn" follows a distinct theme with a philosophical depth. It is an outstanding stage production that incorporates i... Produced recently by Shanxi Modern Drama Theater, the modern drama "The Beginning of the Autumn" follows a distinct theme with a philosophical depth. It is an outstanding stage production that incorporates ideology, artistry and esthetics. It describes, in a highly distilled, potent form of artistic expression, the tumultuous course--from glory to ruin--taken by the most outstanding group of Shanxi merchants in Chinese modern history of commerce. The play tells the roller-coaster story of the once prosperous Fengde Biaohao or Fengde Bank, which is facing a life-or-death test at the volatile and fragile time of the nascent Republic of China. The drama provides powerful ideas and reveals overwhelming strength of artistic persuasion. 展开更多
关键词 艺术特色 丰德 晋商 民族精神 舞台剧 山西票号 瑶琴 近代商业 艺术形象 致命缺陷
打造山西民俗旅游精品 被引量:3
作者 申太明 今日山西 2004年第2期16-17,共2页
Ethnic tourism became an important component in Qixian County’s tourist industry last year. The Qiao Family Courtyard received each day over 10,000 tourists, registering a 30% increase over last year in terms of both... Ethnic tourism became an important component in Qixian County’s tourist industry last year. The Qiao Family Courtyard received each day over 10,000 tourists, registering a 30% increase over last year in terms of both arrivals and ticket revenue. Tourists can now travel around watching a new"Folkloric Village of Qiaojiabao"instead of the originally single Qiao Family Mansion. 展开更多
关键词 山西 民俗旅游 旅游业 旅游资源 旅游市场 旅游开发
文化投融资体制改革与区域文化产业发展 被引量:3
作者 齐勇锋 今日山西 2004年第8期11-15,共5页
Arranged by the publicity department of Shanxi provincial Party committee, we have in recent days conducted a short inspection to Shanxi’s cultural institutional reform and cultural industrial development. Wherever w... Arranged by the publicity department of Shanxi provincial Party committee, we have in recent days conducted a short inspection to Shanxi’s cultural institutional reform and cultural industrial development. Wherever we went, we were greatly overwhelmed by the warm hospitality, honesty and sense of humor of our hosts. Meanwhile, the "courtyard culture" and the "culture of Shanxi Merchants", among other locally distinctive cultures, had left a profoundly deep impression on us all. It can be easily discerned that Shanxi’s culture industry has in recent years spearheaded the cultural renaissance, with a pace so fast that it has become an illustrative example in China for the development of regional cultural industries. One of the important reasons for this cultural upsurge lies in the fact that the provincial Party committee and the provincial government have timely and correctly initiated a broad-minded cultural development strategy and allowed a market operational mode that conforms to the reality of the province based on a crystal clear analysis of the provincial resources and characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 山西 文化产业 区域产业 投资体制改革 融资体制改革
山西戏曲走向——山西剧种生态浅议 被引量:3
作者 艾治国 今日山西 2004年第5期32-34,共3页
关键词 山西 戏曲 剧种 生态环境
原平炕围画 被引量:3
作者 刘绍亮 今日山西 2004年第2期34-34,共1页
关键词 炕围画 原平县 山西 民间文化
山西电影步入“暖春” 被引量:2
作者 车涛 今日山西 2005年第4期26-28,共3页
A little known provincial film maker, Shanxi Film Studio had produced no more than nine sub-par feature films in the long span of 15 years from its in ception in 1983, when it premiered the first film, through 1998. B... A little known provincial film maker, Shanxi Film Studio had produced no more than nine sub-par feature films in the long span of 15 years from its in ception in 1983, when it premiered the first film, through 1998. But since 1999, this company, rising seemingly like a phoenix from ashes, has suddenly establis hed itself as a force to be reckoned with in this cut-throat film market. From 1 999 till now, it has created 31 feature films; 6 television movies; 5 documentar ies; 3 scientific educational films; 20 teleplays (400-odd episodes); and 25 doc udramas (100-odd episodes). And in 2004 alone, the studio released as many as 15 motion pictures, ranking third in the nation in terms of output. "Warm Spring" (2003) has garnered 14 national awards, and bagged 15 million yuan in annual box -office sales with a surprising 2 million coming from overseas market. 展开更多
关键词 中国电影华表奖 影视创作 影片发行 获奖影片 市场号召力 进口大片 中国电影市场 院线 影视传播 影视制作
共筑人类绿色长城——山西省中德林业技术合作项目13年纪实 被引量:2
作者 尹福建 秦广胜 今日山西 1997年第3期25-26,共2页
金沙滩,一片古老而神奇的土地。 昔日,杨家将在这里浴血奋战,镇守边陲,用鲜血和生命谱写了一曲曲动人故事; 今天,中德两国林业科技工作者在这里携手并肩,用心血和汗水筑起了一座座“绿色长城”。 山西省中德林业技术合作项目,经过13个... 金沙滩,一片古老而神奇的土地。 昔日,杨家将在这里浴血奋战,镇守边陲,用鲜血和生命谱写了一曲曲动人故事; 今天,中德两国林业科技工作者在这里携手并肩,用心血和汗水筑起了一座座“绿色长城”。 山西省中德林业技术合作项目,经过13个春秋的风风雨雨,取得了令世人瞩目的成就: ——合作13年。 展开更多
关键词 林业技术 中德林业合作项目 造林技术 金沙滩林场 杨树丰产林 林业科技 “三北”防护林 生态环境 杨树优良无性系 体系建设
国际权威认证:PIP成为中国最具国际影响力的节庆 被引量:2
作者 胡向泽 今日山西 2005年第Z2期4-7,共4页
今年11月29日晚上,著名的“北京之夜”晚宴剧场群星璀璨,流光溢彩。由商务部、北京市政府和经济日报主办的“第二届中国会展经济论坛·节庆分论坛”达到高潮,国际节庆活动权威机构首次对我国的节庆评选活动揭晓。平遥国际摄影大展... 今年11月29日晚上,著名的“北京之夜”晚宴剧场群星璀璨,流光溢彩。由商务部、北京市政府和经济日报主办的“第二届中国会展经济论坛·节庆分论坛”达到高潮,国际节庆活动权威机构首次对我国的节庆评选活动揭晓。平遥国际摄影大展荣获“IFEA 展开更多
关键词 中国会展经济 PIP 摄影大展 权威认证 节庆活动 文化节 对外文化交流 群星璀璨 评选规则 山西省委常委
山西之最 被引量:2
作者 孔祥琴 今日山西 2005年第3期28-30,共3页
Shanxi is well endowed with natural and human resources. All cultural relics, above ground and underground, glitter and glisten like precious jewels embedded in its long history. These antiques are works of heart that... Shanxi is well endowed with natural and human resources. All cultural relics, above ground and underground, glitter and glisten like precious jewels embedded in its long history. These antiques are works of heart that had been laboriously crafted by our ancestors. Each ruin tells an interesting story of endeavor and pursuit of our forebears. Each ancient building was layered with a spiritual hankering. Each piece of artifact is loaded with meaningful intelligence. They are the "spirits and ghosts" still haunting this land yet are what make Shanxi people most proud. Shanxi claims a long list of cultural superlatives in China’s, and the world’s, treasure houses. Here we present just a small sampling of them for your reading pleasure. 展开更多
关键词 广胜寺飞虹塔 晋侯墓地 佛宫寺释迦塔 侯度 刖人 镬鼎 春秋时期 琉璃照壁 古塔 薄伽教藏殿
晋商圣地说民居 被引量:2
作者 赵永平 今日山西 2004年第6期35-37,共3页
Pingyao’s civic houses are an important component of the ancient city of Pingyao listed on the World Cultural Heritage. Pingyao still retains a list of 3,797 traditional rectangular courtyards worthy of protection, 3... Pingyao’s civic houses are an important component of the ancient city of Pingyao listed on the World Cultural Heritage. Pingyao still retains a list of 3,797 traditional rectangular courtyards worthy of protection, 387 of them superbly preserved. These old houses have kept alive the architectural flair of the Ming and Qing periods with their distinctive layout and design imbued with a host of cultural connotations. And indeed they are of much historical and cultural value, a reservoir for ethnic research and architectural case studies, and objects for both practical use and esthetic appreciation. 展开更多
关键词 山西 平遥县 民居 古建筑 票号 商人
文化产业从观念行为到自觉行为 被引量:2
作者 马志超 今日山西 2004年第6期5-9,共5页
The added value of Shanxi’s cultural industry tourism, radio, film, television, press publications, artistic performances, health and fitness sector reached 21 billion yuan in 2002, accounting for 10.5% of the provin... The added value of Shanxi’s cultural industry tourism, radio, film, television, press publications, artistic performances, health and fitness sector reached 21 billion yuan in 2002, accounting for 10.5% of the provincial GDP. The cultural industry has become one of the pillar industries of Shanxi. It is, however, a painstaking task to enrich cultural undertakings and promote cultural industry, which is the requirement for developing an advanced civilization and for sustainable development of national economy and society. The transformation from a conceptual action to a conscious action is the necessary period for the development of cultural industry. So long as we quicken the step of formulating policies, accelerate the reform of cultural institutions, and train a group of professionals, can we bring cultural industry to our expected level. In this way cultural industry will become the mainstay for the development of future society. 展开更多
关键词 文化产业 文化事业 产业政策 文化体制改革 人才培养
一剪之巧夺神功——浅谈山西民间剪纸 被引量:2
作者 郭志英 今日山西 2004年第2期32-33,共2页
Whenever Spring Festival is around the corner, every family is busy pasting calligraphic couplets and exquisite paper cuttings on its doors and windows. But the artistry of window paper cuttings is marked by originali... Whenever Spring Festival is around the corner, every family is busy pasting calligraphic couplets and exquisite paper cuttings on its doors and windows. But the artistry of window paper cuttings is marked by originality in conception and bold in design. Once paper-cuttings are mounted, they are indeed adorable. Recently these paper cuttings have become ever more popular among foreign friends, who regard them as something worthy of collecting and keeping. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) announced in 2001 in Paris, France the first Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The Ministry of Culture and Chinese Art Research Institute have identified paper cutting as one of the five inventories to be recommended to UNESCO. 展开更多
关键词 山西 民间艺术 剪纸 窗花
西湾村 被引量:2
作者 孟苗 今日山西 2004年第6期43-44,共2页
关键词 山西 西湾村 古建筑 民居
山西面食文化与面塑艺术 被引量:2
作者 张明生 今日山西 2004年第7期35-37,共3页
关键词 山西 面食 饮食文化 面塑艺术
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