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作者 段忆翔 金巨广 +1 位作者 王松岳 孙孝忠 《自然杂志》 1989年第6期476-477,共2页
关键词 共振荧光 荧光谱线 碰撞能量 激光诱导荧光 量殊 放电条件 心阴 公直 日商 阴入
陕西汉阴出土“卫国公印” 被引量:3
作者 徐信印 张苏云 《文博》 1986年第3期73-,共1页
关键词 涧池镇 公直 《周书》 国公 河中 一九 浦州 于梁 三年 郡公
作者 刘军社 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第3期38-42,共5页
《诗·大雅·绵》中“古公亶父,陶复陶穴,未有家室”一句,反映了一个很重要的历史事实,但对此学术界至今众说纷纭,莫衷一是.本文拟据发现的考古材料,并结合历史文献,谈谈自己的看法.不妥之处,请批评指正.一、陶复陶穴”旧释(一... 《诗·大雅·绵》中“古公亶父,陶复陶穴,未有家室”一句,反映了一个很重要的历史事实,但对此学术界至今众说纷纭,莫衷一是.本文拟据发现的考古材料,并结合历史文献,谈谈自己的看法.不妥之处,请批评指正.一、陶复陶穴”旧释(一)与古公亶父无关系说钱穆先生说过,“民之初生,自土沮漆,陶复陶穴,未有家室”,此言沮漆之地,其民居覆穴,自古公之未来,则未有所谓家室也.何以云:“古公亶父,陶复陶穴,未有家室”,曰“古公亶父”四字乃衍文也.其下始云:“古公亶父,来朝走马.”古公本居邠,不在沮漆之间,方古公之未至,沮漆之民,陶复陶穴,于古公无与也.古公在邠,不得谓其未有家宝,尚未言古公去邠,亦不得逆言古公在漆沮而陶复陶穴也.然则“古公亶父”四字,其为衍文审矣.绵诗皆两句为一韵,开首“绵绵瓜瓞”四字为单句,后随谓衍‘古公亶父”四字以为之配.与此意义相似,孙作云先生也说过:有人就“古公亶父,陶复陶穴,未有家室,”说古公之时,周人还过穴居生活,还是原始社会.按:判断社会性质,主要当根据当时的生产关系,不能据穴居来判断.就本诗言,太王之时,己有百官有司,己建立宗庙,太社,则其非原始社会可知……公刘之父为不(穴出),(穴出)即窟字.意不窟之时,己不穴居,故后人称之曰“不(穴出)”,不(穴出)室居与公刘“ 展开更多
关键词 复陶 古公亶父 公在 公之 公直 考古材料 三家诗 公本 王偕 钱穆先生
作者 华盛 《国际展望》 1988年第16期11-13,1,共4页
关键词 克雷洛夫 改革精神 勃列日涅夫 一撅不振 军事学院 一线希望 公直 科夫 列日 许遇
作者 杨玉升 《领导科学》 北大核心 1990年第10期43-43,共1页
包拯对监察官员的任用十分重视,他认为,监察官员是监督官吏的官,必须由贤才来担任。并提出了精选“监察官”的重要条件,这是他的监察思想的重要组成部分。包拯的精选监察官员的主张,可概括为“三用三不用”。三用是: 一是任用胆识俱佳... 包拯对监察官员的任用十分重视,他认为,监察官员是监督官吏的官,必须由贤才来担任。并提出了精选“监察官”的重要条件,这是他的监察思想的重要组成部分。包拯的精选监察官员的主张,可概括为“三用三不用”。三用是: 一是任用胆识俱佳者。包拯认为,监察官吏肩负纠君主之过失(封驳).举臣下之不法,惩贪抑霸、为民除害之重任,必须由有胆有识之人担任才行。 展开更多
关键词 监察官 三用 监司 公直 政治经验 辨虚实 长吏 国家兴亡 赃吏 郡县
作者 陈甲标 《党的生活(贵州)》 1995年第4期22-23,共2页
关键词 著作郎 魏明元帝 尚书仆射 羽林郎中 拓跋余 历事 朝堂 文成 殿中尚书 公直
作者 马少鹏 《质量指南》 2003年第Z3期42-42,共1页
今天是县质量技术监督局新调来的张局长上任的第一天,全局上下个个笑脸相迎,惟有一人例外。何人如此不给面子?乃看大门的王大爷。 今天早上,张局长进大门的时候,王大爷就一脸严肃,犀利的目光像探照灯似的“刷刷”把张局长全身上下扫了... 今天是县质量技术监督局新调来的张局长上任的第一天,全局上下个个笑脸相迎,惟有一人例外。何人如此不给面子?乃看大门的王大爷。 今天早上,张局长进大门的时候,王大爷就一脸严肃,犀利的目光像探照灯似的“刷刷”把张局长全身上下扫了一遍。张局长心里不禁轻轻一颤。 展开更多
关键词 张局长 质量技术监督 醉了 公直 银局 翁学 来王
作者 王月冰 《黄河.黄土.黄种人》 2016年第4期54-54,共1页
这是繁华都市里的一条静谧小巷。每天早上,小女孩都会挨家挨户敲门兜售蔬菜。"新鲜的青菜,您买吗?""才上市的芦蒿,炒咸肉最好吃了。"渐渐地,大家都认识她了,知道她来自偏远的山区,没了父亲,家中还有两个很小的弟弟,全家人靠她和母... 这是繁华都市里的一条静谧小巷。每天早上,小女孩都会挨家挨户敲门兜售蔬菜。"新鲜的青菜,您买吗?""才上市的芦蒿,炒咸肉最好吃了。"渐渐地,大家都认识她了,知道她来自偏远的山区,没了父亲,家中还有两个很小的弟弟,全家人靠她和母亲卖蔬菜过日子。初夏的一天,小女孩敲开了一家大院的门。院中几株栀子花开得正盛,从绿叶素花后走出来一位慈祥的老太太,她微笑着对小女孩说:"孩子,来,我买把水芹。" 展开更多
关键词 芦蒿 叶素 花后 就这样 事要 芬芳馥郁 公直 职业女性 真香 御厨
《新西部》 2013年第3期73-73,共1页
陕地自古以面食享天下,品种之众,食数月而不重。日前往彬县公干,品得一味御面,其型似圆似扁,其色白如凝脂,口感亦筋亦糯,咀之爽滑,嚼之劲道。御面于彬县人,是菜是饭,富可佐酒小食,贫可独食果腹,上得了盛宴大餐,下得了市井小摊;红白喜事... 陕地自古以面食享天下,品种之众,食数月而不重。日前往彬县公干,品得一味御面,其型似圆似扁,其色白如凝脂,口感亦筋亦糯,咀之爽滑,嚼之劲道。御面于彬县人,是菜是饭,富可佐酒小食,贫可独食果腹,上得了盛宴大餐,下得了市井小摊;红白喜事有之,款待宾朋常备,麦客雇工恋食,兼顾男女童叟。御面,宫廷之面耳,民间又名淤面或玉面。 展开更多
关键词 索然寡味 周太王 公直 食宜 姜女 恬淡无为 于彬 洁白如玉 蒸熟 面浆
《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 1994年第4期53-53,共1页
史地拾遗(本栏供稿郭纪阳)历史上的包公包拯别字希仁,北宋时安徽合肥人。包公、包青天、包老爷、包龙图,都是人们对他的尊称。宋仁宗时,他考中进士,从此走入仕途。先后做过知县、知州、知府及转运史等地方官,都有政绩,以铁面无... 史地拾遗(本栏供稿郭纪阳)历史上的包公包拯别字希仁,北宋时安徽合肥人。包公、包青天、包老爷、包龙图,都是人们对他的尊称。宋仁宗时,他考中进士,从此走入仕途。先后做过知县、知州、知府及转运史等地方官,都有政绩,以铁面无私著称。他曾任端州知州,端州土产名... 展开更多
关键词 龙图 元津 合肥人 欧阳伦 朱元 贡砚 公直 胡惟庸 种庄稼 驯马
作者 華寧 《紫禁城》 1994年第1期47-48,40,共3页
关键词 项氏 竹圃 户部郎中 中秋帖 子京 巨壁 鉴藏 宋意 智永 公直
新派主张 轻松生活,为自己找个“托”
作者 桃夭夭 《成长先锋:女人街》 2008年第4期53-53,共1页
婚后很长时间,我都感觉自己透不过气来。工作要忙,而回到家,又被老公、孩子甚至宠物绑住了手脚,每天围着他们打转。记不得有多长时间没出去痛快放松了,上次黄金周,闺密打电话问我节目安排,我直在那抱怨:"旅游?不行,我不能把狗狗丢... 婚后很长时间,我都感觉自己透不过气来。工作要忙,而回到家,又被老公、孩子甚至宠物绑住了手脚,每天围着他们打转。记不得有多长时间没出去痛快放松了,上次黄金周,闺密打电话问我节目安排,我直在那抱怨:"旅游?不行,我不能把狗狗丢在家饿死。逛街?我老公最烦这个了……" 展开更多
关键词 节目安排 透不过气来 终身监禁 托班 若有所悟 公直 上网服务 梳毛 休憩区 句词
《秘书之友》 1992年第12期19-20,共2页
六月中旬以来,桐柏县委办公室组织人员,对全县近年来精简“三多”(即文件多、会议多、领导事务性应酬多)情况进行了调查.一、取得的成效我县精简“三多”工作是从1990年开始的.两年多来,县直机关压缩各类内部刊物38种,保留下来的刊物发... 六月中旬以来,桐柏县委办公室组织人员,对全县近年来精简“三多”(即文件多、会议多、领导事务性应酬多)情况进行了调查.一、取得的成效我县精简“三多”工作是从1990年开始的.两年多来,县直机关压缩各类内部刊物38种,保留下来的刊物发文数量也大幅度减少.县级领导平均年阅文量较1989年下降31%.1992年上半年,各种材料文印费用比1989年同期减少36.3%;精简各类会议15次,节约经费开支6万余元;减少县级领导不必要的应酬活动62次.“三多”得到了有效的遏止. 展开更多
关键词 “三多” 发文数量 文量 县委办公室 县直机关 内部刊物 经费开支 费用比 一级单位 公直
作者 唐善普 《中州今古》 2004年第3期61-64,共4页
关键词 醉翁亭记 文学成就 吕公著 吕夷简 “唐宋八大家” 公直 熙宁 文化遗址 辛店镇 庄严肃穆
Wavelength dependent loss of splice of single-mode fibers 被引量:1
作者 YANG Bo DUAN Ji-an +1 位作者 XIE Zheng XIAO Hong-feng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1832-1837,共6页
After reviewing three different definitions of mode field diameter of single-mode fibers, coupled efficiency calculation methods associated with lateral offset, longitude separation and wavelength, the effects produce... After reviewing three different definitions of mode field diameter of single-mode fibers, coupled efficiency calculation methods associated with lateral offset, longitude separation and wavelength, the effects produced by them, and the influences of splicing defects were discussed in detail. The regularities of the effects were studied according to the first order derivation of couple efficiency formula, and a simplified formula for couple efficiency calculation was presented under the circumstance of slight misalignment, with respect to wavelength, 2, and in a good agreement with the theoretical model. The simplified formula provides a new but simple approach to evaluate wavelength dependent couple efficiency of single-mode fibers. Theoretical analyses and numerical calculations show that, when those defects exist, the wavelength produces additional effects on the couple loss that growth of wavelength causes an increase on the couple efficiency for the lateral offset or longitude separation whereas lessens the couple efficiency due to angular misalignment or mode fields mismatching, and that the wavelength degrades the couple efficiency distinctly when λ≥2.5 μm whereas it distorts the couple slightly in range of λ≤2λ≤2 μm. 展开更多
关键词 wavelength dependent loss couple efficiency single-mode fiber cut-offwavelength
Investigation of Interline Dynamic Voltage Restorer with Virtual Impedance Injection
作者 Ahmed Elserougi Ahmed Hossam-Eldin +1 位作者 Ahmed Massoud Shehab Ahmed 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第1期101-109,共9页
The inter-line dynamic voltage restorer (IDVR) consists of several voltage source inverters connected to different independent distribution feeders with common dc bus. When one of the inverters compensates for volta... The inter-line dynamic voltage restorer (IDVR) consists of several voltage source inverters connected to different independent distribution feeders with common dc bus. When one of the inverters compensates for voltage sag that appears in its feeder (voltage control mode), the other inverters pump the required power into the dc bus (power control mode). Each inverter will have both voltage and power controllers; only one controller is in use during the abnormal conditions according to its feeder state. The voltage controller uses one of the dynamic voltage restoration techniques. In this paper, the in-phase technique is applied and two types of loads are considered (constant impedance and three phase induction motor). Since the voltage restoration process may need real power injection into the distribution system, the power controller injects this power via voltage injection. This voltage injection is simulated by voltage drop across series virtual impedance. A new scheme is proposed to select the impedance value. The impedance value is selected such that the power consumed by this impedance represents the required power to be transferred without perturbing the load voltage. The performance of this system is also studied during voltage swell. A scheme for operation of multi-feeder IDVR system is proposed in this paper. Simulation results substantiate the proposed concept. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic voltage restorers IDVR voltage sag voltage swell power quality.
Practical Application of Two-Way Multiple Overlapping Relationships in a BDM Network
作者 Seon-Gyoo Kim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第12期1318-1328,共11页
Today, most construction projects in urban environments are complex high-rise buildings that present unique challenges, including local building ordinances and restrictions, adjoining public and residential areas, nar... Today, most construction projects in urban environments are complex high-rise buildings that present unique challenges, including local building ordinances and restrictions, adjoining public and residential areas, narrow sidewalks and streets, and underground utilities, all of which require extensive planning and tight schedules. A major problem facing such projects is to formulate realistic schedules that will make it possible to meet contractual completion dates with limited resources and budgets. The scheduling software products currently used in construction projects, which include Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, etc., are not actually applied as a scheduling tool in practical construction projects, which instead generally depend on Microsoft Excel or a bar-chart. This is because the existing scheduling programs cannot provide more user-oriented schedule format such as representing two-way multiple overlapping relationships. To overcome this deficiency, the BDM (beeline diagramming method) is proposed as a new networking technique in 2010. But two-way multiple overlapping relationships generate the loop in a conventional schedule computation process. This paper addresses the loop phenomenon of two-way multiple overlapping relationships in a BDM network as well as proposes the solutions of them, and then presents a practical application of two-way multiple overlapping relationships at a real project. 展开更多
关键词 Critical path method beeline diagramming method schedule computation two-way multiple overlapping relationships consecutive activities.
Droplets diameter distribution using maximum entropy formulation combined with a new energy-based sub-model 被引量:2
作者 Seyed Mostafa Hosseinalipour Hadiseh Karimaei Ehsan Movahednejad 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期1625-1630,共6页
The maximum entropy principle(MEP) is one of the first methods which have been used to predict droplet size and velocity distributions of liquid sprays. This method needs a mean droplets diameter as an input to predic... The maximum entropy principle(MEP) is one of the first methods which have been used to predict droplet size and velocity distributions of liquid sprays. This method needs a mean droplets diameter as an input to predict the droplet size distribution. This paper presents a new sub-model based on the deterministic aspects of liquid atomization process independent of the experimental data to provide the mean droplets diameter for using in the maximum entropy formulation(MEF). For this purpose, a theoretical model based on the approach of energy conservation law entitled energy-based model(EBM) is presented. Based on this approach, atomization occurs due to the kinetic energy loss. Prediction of the combined model(MEF/EBM) is in good agreement with the available experimental data. The energy-based model can be used as a fast and reliable enough model to obtain a good estimation of the mean droplets diameter of a spray and the combined model(MEF/EBM) can be used to well predict the droplet size distribution at the primary breakup. 展开更多
关键词 Mean droplets diameter Energy conservation Maximum entropy formulation (MEF) Size distribution Statistical thermodynamics Mathematical modeling
Development of RAMS-CMAQ to Simulate Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing and Its Application to East Asia
作者 HAN Xiao ZHANG Mei-Gen +3 位作者 LIU Xiao-Hong Steven GHAN XIN Jin-Yuan WANG Li-Li 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2009年第6期368-375,共8页
The air quality modeling system RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)-CMAQ (Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality) is developed to simulate the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol direct forcing (DF). T... The air quality modeling system RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)-CMAQ (Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality) is developed to simulate the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and aerosol direct forcing (DF). The aerosol-specific extinction, single scattering albedo, and asymmetry factor are parameterized based on Mie theory taking into account the aerosol size distribution, composition, refractive index, and water uptake of solution particles. A two-stream solar radiative model considers all gaseous molecular absorption, Rayleigh scattering, and aerosols and clouds. RAMSCMAQ is applied to simulate all major aerosol concentrations (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, organic carbon, black carbon, fine soil, and sea salt) and AOD and DF over East Asia in 2005. To evaluate its performance, the simulated AOD values were compared with ground-based in situ measurements. The comparison shows that RAMSCMAQ performed well in most of the model domain and generally captured the observed variations. High AOD values (0.2 1.0) mainly appear in the Sichuan Basin as well as in central and southeastern China. The geographic distribution of DF generally follows the AOD distribution patterns, and the DF at the top-of-the-atmosphere is less than 25 and 20 W m 2 in clear-sky and all-sky over the Sichuan Basin. Both AOD and DF exhibit seasonal variations with lower values in July and higher ones in January The DF could obviously be impacted by high cloud fractions. 展开更多
关键词 CMAQ AOD aerosol direct forcing model development
Chinese companies' outward internationalization to emerging countries: The case of Latin America
作者 Gaston Fornes Alan Butt-Philip 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第7期13-28,共16页
This paper aims to review and analyze the literature on the expansion of Chinese firms to Latin America. In order to achieve this objective, it first reviews the literature on the internationalization of Chinese MNCs,... This paper aims to review and analyze the literature on the expansion of Chinese firms to Latin America. In order to achieve this objective, it first reviews the literature on the internationalization of Chinese MNCs, the theoretical frameworks discussed in the literature and the principal features of companies from China. Second, it describes the economic and political relations between the countries, specifically the threats and opportunities for Latin America and the trade and investment trends. The review shows that the majority of the current literature on Chinese MNCs has a focus on their expansion to developed countries, on the conceptual framework needed to understand this expansion, and on the competition for foreign investments from developed countries. As a result, the analysis makes evident that research gaps seem to exist in the following areas: (1) the relative value of Chinese companies' existing advantages, (2) the sustainability of these advantages once the lead, probably given by OEMs or JVs, had been exhausted, (3) research works based on quantitative and comparative data, (4) the motives for FDI, (5) the entry mode, configuration, control and strategy of Chinese companies investing in Latin America, and (6) the potential opportunities presented to European companies operating in Latin America. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese MNCs Latin America Sino-Latin American relations
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