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作者 义峰 《广东印刷》 2016年第6期12-12,共1页
全印度印刷企业家联盟(AllIndia Federation of Master,英文缩写AIFMP)准备2017年4月在上海主办一个商务会议,劝说中国印刷机械制造商在印度进行生产。这个为期3天的会议定于2017年4月11~14日举行,参会的目标群体是中国的国际性印刷... 全印度印刷企业家联盟(AllIndia Federation of Master,英文缩写AIFMP)准备2017年4月在上海主办一个商务会议,劝说中国印刷机械制造商在印度进行生产。这个为期3天的会议定于2017年4月11~14日举行,参会的目标群体是中国的国际性印刷企业和机械制造商,还会组织代表参观上海周围的工厂。这次活动是由励展公司(Reed Exhibition)赞助的,与会者只需要支付自己的路费就可以了。 展开更多
关键词 印度生产 AIFMP 印机制造 印刷机械制造 机械制造商 商务会议 EXHIBITION 目标群体 印刷纸
论印度粮食安全 被引量:2
作者 叶世隆 吴道显 《特区经济》 2014年第6期128-130,共3页
独立前印度是一个粮食短缺饥荒频发的国家,独立后历届政府都相当注重粮食的发展,绿色革命的成功使印度实现了粮食自给并略有出口。本文依据联合国粮农组织提出的粮食安全理论为基础,来评析当前印度粮食安全的现状。本文结论是印度政府... 独立前印度是一个粮食短缺饥荒频发的国家,独立后历届政府都相当注重粮食的发展,绿色革命的成功使印度实现了粮食自给并略有出口。本文依据联合国粮农组织提出的粮食安全理论为基础,来评析当前印度粮食安全的现状。本文结论是印度政府应当把粮食生产作为基础,同时,稳定供给和保障消费来实现粮食安全。 展开更多
关键词 印度生产安全 供给安全 消费安全 粮食安全
“陆勇案”牵出的社会尴尬 被引量:4
作者 王佳佳 《中国医院院长》 2015年第5期41-41,共1页
无论从法律、人权还是社会伦理的角度,“陆勇案”所引发的社会关注凸显了当下中国人对生命健康权利的强烈吁求。2月27日,轰动一时的“抗癌药代购第一案”——“陆勇案”,终于落下帷幕。沅江市人民检察院认为,陆勇购买和帮助他人购买未... 无论从法律、人权还是社会伦理的角度,“陆勇案”所引发的社会关注凸显了当下中国人对生命健康权利的强烈吁求。2月27日,轰动一时的“抗癌药代购第一案”——“陆勇案”,终于落下帷幕。沅江市人民检察院认为,陆勇购买和帮助他人购买未经批准进口的抗癌药品行为不构成销售假药罪,不予起诉。与此同时,在舆论声讨和政府部门的介入下,天价抗癌药“格列卫”承诺降价并被纳入医保。两事相互交织,引来诸多的社会关注。 展开更多
关键词 抗癌药 格列卫 社会关注 儿童白血病 报销范围 重病患者 印度生产 仿制药 商业保险 负担问题
抗癌药代购案引发的思考 被引量:2
《晚霞》 2015年第8期23-23,共1页
湖南沅江市检察院对"抗癌药代购第一人"陆勇涉嫌"妨害信用卡管理罪、销售假药罪"案近日作出决定,对陆勇不起诉。据了解,46岁的陆勇是江苏无锡一名私营企业主。2002年,陆勇被查出患有慢粒性白血病,需要长期服用抗癌药品,我国国内对... 湖南沅江市检察院对"抗癌药代购第一人"陆勇涉嫌"妨害信用卡管理罪、销售假药罪"案近日作出决定,对陆勇不起诉。据了解,46岁的陆勇是江苏无锡一名私营企业主。2002年,陆勇被查出患有慢粒性白血病,需要长期服用抗癌药品,我国国内对症治疗白血病的正规抗癌药品"格列卫"系瑞士进口,每盒需人民币23500元,陆勇曾服用该药品。2004年9月,陆勇通过他人从日本购买由印度生产的同类药品, 展开更多
关键词 同类药品 印度生产 抗癌药物 格列卫 慢粒 江苏无锡 湖南沅江 对症治疗 专利权人 强制许可
作者 杨扬 《造纸信息》 2015年第9期73-74,共2页
据报道,近期北美地区正酝酿建设3个草浆项目,它们分别由哥伦比亚纸浆公司(Columbia Pulp)、大草原浆纸公司(Prairier Pulp&Paper)和山东泉林纸业有限责任公司(Shandong Tranlin Paper Co.,Ltd.)投资建设,其情况简介如下。
关键词 山东泉林 华盛顿州 浆纸 SHANDONG 情况简介 COLUMBIA 生活用纸 包装用纸 印度生产 计划进度
作者 孙中爱 《中国纤检》 1989年第3期7-8,共2页
在印度生产的黄麻纤维中,有20~40%因脱胶不良而带有硬皮,尤其是植物的根部。为使其适应纺纱要求,人们已研究了几种软化和评定黄麻根部硬皮的方法,同时还研究了经过各种软化处理后黄麻纤维柔软度的检验方法。在这些方法中,经对梳麻阻... 在印度生产的黄麻纤维中,有20~40%因脱胶不良而带有硬皮,尤其是植物的根部。为使其适应纺纱要求,人们已研究了几种软化和评定黄麻根部硬皮的方法,同时还研究了经过各种软化处理后黄麻纤维柔软度的检验方法。在这些方法中,经对梳麻阻力和压缩系数测定表明,都与柔软度密切相关。可是,若用这些方法测试,试样重量至少要1公斤,因而,不适于测试大量试样。最近,Suretal 展开更多
关键词 黄麻根 黄麻纤维 冲击强力 印度生产 压缩系数 软化处理 柔软度 检验方法 定量测定 分离指数
作者 赵福帅 《小康》 2016年第5X期68-69,共2页
近几年,大陆外企不时传出消息,将关停在大陆工厂,回流本土设厂,或转战东南亚、南亚等新兴经济体。外资撤离潮是否真的出现?1月,台资企业兴昂国际驻大陆鞋厂发布公告称,受经济形势的影响,公司客户订单严重萎缩,后续经营难以继续,公司不... 近几年,大陆外企不时传出消息,将关停在大陆工厂,回流本土设厂,或转战东南亚、南亚等新兴经济体。外资撤离潮是否真的出现?1月,台资企业兴昂国际驻大陆鞋厂发布公告称,受经济形势的影响,公司客户订单严重萎缩,后续经营难以继续,公司不得不结束全部生产、实施经济裁员,涉及员工1900多人,产能将向东南亚转移。 展开更多
关键词 客户订单 印度生产 设备制造厂 罗清 供应链 内投 人力资源 学术委员会 政府效率 高端制造
作者 陈勤 《福建轻纺》 1994年第6期19-20,共2页
随着世界纺织业的进一步发展,日本各贸易商社日益强调全球化是日本纺织贸易的基本策略。 1985年开始的日元对美元汇价的坚挺,极大地改变了日本纺织工业对外贸易的结构。1985年日本纺织品进出口总额分别为57.14亿美元和59.71亿美元,特点... 随着世界纺织业的进一步发展,日本各贸易商社日益强调全球化是日本纺织贸易的基本策略。 1985年开始的日元对美元汇价的坚挺,极大地改变了日本纺织工业对外贸易的结构。1985年日本纺织品进出口总额分别为57.14亿美元和59.71亿美元,特点是服装进口量锐增。1999年日本纺织品进出口总额低于创纪录水平的1992年,反映了日本和世界经济的暗淡。但现在的趋势不会停留在1993年的低水平上,因为自80年代的后5年以后的日本的纺织品出口一直处于艰难的时期,服装进口一直增长。 日本贸易商社采取的更为世界性的贸易策略旨在应付这一趋势。这些策略为: 1、加速建设海外生产基地。 展开更多
关键词 纺织贸易 海外生产 世界经济 海外销售 印度生产 服装制造 联合经营 伊藤忠 中国沿海地区 销售公司
《汽车纵横》 2014年第9期12-13,共2页
德国将出台电动汽车法 德政府曾确定到2020年上路电动车数量达到100万辆的目标,但目前却进展缓慢,截至今年初上牌电动车仅为1.2万辆,两者相去甚远。为促进德电动汽车发展,德国将出台电动汽车法。联邦交通部和环境部已于8月1日向有关联... 德国将出台电动汽车法 德政府曾确定到2020年上路电动车数量达到100万辆的目标,但目前却进展缓慢,截至今年初上牌电动车仅为1.2万辆,两者相去甚远。为促进德电动汽车发展,德国将出台电动汽车法。联邦交通部和环境部已于8月1日向有关联邦部提交法案征求意见稿,新法有望于2015年2月生效。届时德电动车将获有权使用公交车道、免费专属停车位、限制通行区域豁免权等优先权,并且会获得特殊的车牌。德国电动车联盟(NPE)主席卡格曼(Henning Kagermann)曾敦促政府加快立法,认为德亟需出台电动汽车法,最迟应当2015年生效,以助力电动汽车发展。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 无人驾驶汽车 格曼 有权使用 阿斯顿·马丁 宝马汽车 大陆集团 印度生产 经销店 环境部
《汽车与配件》 2014年第31期18-21,共4页
宾利SUV设计定稿后年上市有望入华综合外电报道,宾利首款SUV车型已经敲定设计,此前该车量产版谍照曝光,预计后年投产上市,有望进入中国市场。宾利首席设计师Luc Donckerwolke日前告诉媒体,宾利SUV的设计已经敲定,和之前引发争议的EXP 9 ... 宾利SUV设计定稿后年上市有望入华综合外电报道,宾利首款SUV车型已经敲定设计,此前该车量产版谍照曝光,预计后年投产上市,有望进入中国市场。宾利首席设计师Luc Donckerwolke日前告诉媒体,宾利SUV的设计已经敲定,和之前引发争议的EXP 9 F概念车外观不同。EXP 9 F概念车2012年3月日内瓦车展发布,因外形保守而招致业内批评。Donckerwolke还透露,宾利SUV在设计冻结后预计2016年投产,不久后上市销售。 展开更多
关键词 宾利 外电报道 首席设计师 日内瓦车展 车量 奇瑞 俄罗斯公司 印度生产 亚太区总部 英菲尼迪
《安全与健康》 2002年第10X期50-53,共4页
世界上最早的微型汽车起源于美国,但真正长足发展的国家却是日本。日本的微型汽车工业兴起于50年代,目前微型汽车约占日本每年的汽车销量的三分之一;在日本行驶的车中,每四辆车就有一辆是微型汽车。不论从微型汽车的品种、数量,还是从... 世界上最早的微型汽车起源于美国,但真正长足发展的国家却是日本。日本的微型汽车工业兴起于50年代,目前微型汽车约占日本每年的汽车销量的三分之一;在日本行驶的车中,每四辆车就有一辆是微型汽车。不论从微型汽车的品种、数量,还是从技术水平、市场容量来看,日本都无愧为世界微型汽车的王国。 展开更多
关键词 公路交通事故 技术水平 市场容量 受伤者 中国汽车报 特别消费税 三分之一 主流车型 印度生产 公路交通安全
China-Indian Silk Trade:Current Production and Future Prospects 被引量:2
作者 Liu Feng Sun Shimin Qiao Xianjuan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第2期91-96,共6页
As an important traditional labor-intensive industry of both India and China, the cocoon silk industry has long made great contributions to the ecological environment protection, rural economic development and the inc... As an important traditional labor-intensive industry of both India and China, the cocoon silk industry has long made great contributions to the ecological environment protection, rural economic development and the increase in export income of both countries. India is not only a very important cocoon silk trading partner, but an important production competitor of China. In recent years, there has been a large increase in the production and trade of the cocoon silk between China and India; however, China relies heavily on Indian market, which leads to a tendency of further deterioration in the silk trade environment between both countries. The present article makes an empirical study of the cocoon silk resources of the two countries and the scale, product mix and market structure of China-Indian silk trade from 2001 to 2007. Overall silk trading volumes from China to India and market concentration rate are on the increase because of the superiority of Chinese cocoon silk production over that of India. Owing to scattered market share and export that mainly focused on raw materials product, there has been a phenomenon of price reduction and quantity increase. India carries out fierce competition with China in the international market and even imposes antidumping sanction on Chinese silk, which are key factors restricting further increase between China-India trade. Based on the abovementioned facts, the authors aim to put forward suggestions for steadily developing the production and trade of China's silk. 展开更多
关键词 silk trade export structure trade environment
Application of highwall mining system in weak geological condition 被引量:3
作者 Takashi Sasaoka Tri Karian +2 位作者 Akihiro Hamanaka Hideki Shimada Kikuo Matsui 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第3期311-321,共11页
Almost all the coal is produced from open cut mines in Indonesia. As a consequence of open cut mine application, a great deal of coal is left out in the highwalls of the mined-out pits. Highwall mining systems can be ... Almost all the coal is produced from open cut mines in Indonesia. As a consequence of open cut mine application, a great deal of coal is left out in the highwalls of the mined-out pits. Highwall mining systems can be used to recover this coal. The use of highwall mining systems has increasingly come into play in the US and Australia. However, it is not common in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia coal measure is categorized as weak geological condition. Some problems are likely to arise during the application of the highwall mining system for example instability of openings and highwalls due to the roof and pillar failures. Therefore, study of highwall mining system application in Indonesia is needed in order to increase the recovery rate of coal mining in Indonesia. This paper described the characteristics of the highwa!l mining system and discussed the appropriate highwall mining system application in weak geological condition, Indonesia. From the results of a series of laboratory tests and numerical analyses, it can be concluded that the stability of pillars and mine openings in auger mining systems is much higher than that in CHM and an auger mining system is suitable for such as very weak/poor strata conditions. Moreover, the application of backfilling system is very effective for improvement of the stability of pillar and openings. 展开更多
关键词 Open cut mine Left out coal Highwall mining systems Weak geological condition
Evaluation of pneumatic inclined deck separator for high-ash Indian coals 被引量:6
作者 Nikhil Gupta 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第2期198-205,共8页
Application of pneumatic separators in coal beneficiation is increasing rapidly over the last decade primarily due to their low capital and operating costs, and waste handling problems associated with traditional wet ... Application of pneumatic separators in coal beneficiation is increasing rapidly over the last decade primarily due to their low capital and operating costs, and waste handling problems associated with traditional wet processing methods. Large amount of shale/rock that is extracted in coal production can be removed prior to transportation at the mine face by using this methodology. Due to the limited washing facilities in India, most of the thermal power plants burn raw coal from run-of-mine (ROM) to generate electricity. This practice causes poor utilization efficiency, high operating and maintenance costs, and high emission rates for the power plants. One potential method that can be utilized is the air-fluidized inclined vibrating deck technology. The technology was demonstrated on a pilot-scale at different coal washeries in India at a feed rate of 5-ton per hour. The pilot-scale evaluation showed that 20 %-25 % high-ash incombustible material can be eliminated from ROM feed with only minor losses in energy content (〈10 %) from respective ROM coal. Furthermore, a feasibility analysis showed significant economic gains in terms of transportation cost, improving power-plant efficiency, and reducing emissions rates by using the technology. 展开更多
关键词 Coal deshaling Pneumatic separation Inclined deck Vibrating table FLUIDIZATION
Effect of Biofertilizer on Growth, Productivity, Quality and Economics of Rainfed Organic Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) Bhaisey cv. in North-Eastern Region of India 被引量:1
作者 Nongmaithem Jyotsna Mainak Ghosh +2 位作者 Dulal Chandra Ghosh Wahengbam Ingo Meitei Jagadish Timsina 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第2期83-98,共16页
Ginger yields in the NorthEastern region of India are low because the extremely poor farmers of the region can not afford to apply any chemical fertilizers and hence apply only the locally-available farmyard manures t... Ginger yields in the NorthEastern region of India are low because the extremely poor farmers of the region can not afford to apply any chemical fertilizers and hence apply only the locally-available farmyard manures to ginger fields. Biofertilizers may be a cheap source of fertilizers for ginger cultivation as they can increase nutrient availability and improve rhizome quality and are required in small quantity. An investigation was thus undertaken to study the effect of different biofenilizers on growth, productivity, quality and economics of organic ginger grown under rainfed condition in NorthEastern region of India. Seed treatment with biofertilizers enhanced growth, increased rhizome yield by 19.0% and resulted in 32.4% higher net profit over control. Among the seed treatments, Azotobacter 5.0 kg ha"l, Azospirillum 3.75 kg hal and Phosphotica 3.75 kg ha-1 were found optimum in improving most of the growth attributes, increasing yield components and yield of rhizome by 5.6%-13.5%. They also improved rhizome quality by increasing specific gravity, oleoresin and dry matter content and by decreasing crude fibre in rhizome. They resulted in higher net return by 4.0%-12.0% as compared to their other levels. Combined use of Azotobacter 5.0 kg hal along with Phosphotica 3.75 kg ha"l was found to be the best treatment combination which greatly improved growth and yield attributes of ginger and ultimately recorded markedly higher productivity (2.0%-23.5%) over other combinations. This treatment combination improved the quality of the produce and resulted in the highest gross return ($4,905 hal), net return ($3,525 hal) and return per dollar (3.55) invested in ginger cultivation. It appears that growing organic ginger by treating the seed rhizome with Azotobacter 5.0 kg ha-~ along with Phosphotica 3.75 kg ha-1 can result in good growth and high productivity of improved quality rhizome and ultimately result in maximum net profit and thus can be recommended for the NorthEastern region of India. 展开更多
关键词 BIOFERTILIZERS GROWTH PRODUCTIVITY QUALITY economics ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.).
Indonesia to Quit OPEC
《China's Foreign Trade》 2008年第11期5-5,共1页
关键词 印度尼西亚 生产 石油输出国组织 能源产品
Effect of potassium on soil conservation and productivity of maize/cowpea based crop rotations in the north-west Indian Himalayas 被引量:2
作者 Birendra Nath GHOSH Om Pal Singh KHOLA +2 位作者 Ranjan BHATTACHARYYA Kuldeep Singh DADHWAL Prasant Kumar MISHRA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期754-762,共9页
Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or l... Plots under conservation tillage may require higher amount of potassium(K) application for augmenting productivity due to its stratification in upper soil layers, thereby reducing K supplying capacity in a medium or long-term period. To test this hypothesis, a field experiment was performed in 2002-2003 and 2006-2007 to study the effect of K and several crop rotations on yield, water productivity, carbon sequestration, grain quality, soil K status and economic benefits derived in maize(Zea mays L)/cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.) based cropping system under minimum tillage(MT). All crops recorded higher grain yield with a higher dose of K(120 kg K2 O ha-1) than recommended K(40 kg K2 O ha-1). The five years' average yield data showed that higher K application(120 kg K2 O ha-1) produced 16.4%(P<0.05)more maize equivalent yield. Cowpea based rotation yielded 14.2%(P<0.05) higher production than maize based rotation. The maximum enhancement was found in cowpea-mustard rotation. Relationship between yield and sustainable indices revealed that only agronomic efficiency of fertilizer input was significantly correlated with yield. Similarly, higherdoses of K application not only increased the water use efficiency(WUE) of all crops, but also reduced runoff and soil loss by 16.5% and 15.8% under maize and 23.3% and 19.7% under cowpea cover, respectively. This study also revealed that on an average 16.5% of left over carbon input contributed to soil organic carbon(SOC). Here, cowpea based rotation with the higher K application increased carbon sequestration in soil. Potassium fertilization also significantly improved the nutritional value of harvested grain by increasing the protein content for maize(by 9.5%) and cowpea(by 10.6%). The oil content in mustard increased by 5.0% and 6.0% after maize and cowpea, respectively. Net return also increased with the application of the higher K than recommended K and the trend was similar to yield. Hence, the present study demonstrated the potential yield and profit gains along with resource conservation in the Indian Himalayas due to annual additions of higher amount of K than the recommended dose. The impact of high K application was maximum in the cowpea-mustard rotation. 展开更多
关键词 Potassium application Crop rotations Minimum tillage water balance Runoff and soil loss Carbon sequestration Soil K status Net return
Evaluation of FAD-associated purse seine fishery reduction strategies for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Indian Ocean
作者 童玉和 陈新军 +1 位作者 许柳雄 陈勇 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期724-736,共13页
In the Indian Ocean, bigeye tuna supports one of the most important fisheries in the world. This fishery mainly consists of two components: longline and purse seine fisheries. Evidence of overfishing and stock depleti... In the Indian Ocean, bigeye tuna supports one of the most important fisheries in the world. This fishery mainly consists of two components: longline and purse seine fisheries. Evidence of overfishing and stock depletion of bigeye tuna calls for an evaluation of alternative management strategies. Using an age-structured operating model, parameterize dwith the results derived in a recent stock assessment,we evaluated the effectiveness of applying constant fishing mortality (CF) and quasi-constant fishing mortality (QCF) strategies to reduce fishing effort of purse seining with fish aggregating devices (FADs) at different rates. Three different levels of productivity accounted for the uncertainty in our understanding of stock productivity. The study shows that the results of CF and QCF are similar. Average SSB and catchduring simulation years would be higher if fishing mortality of FAD-associated purse seiningwas reduced rapidly. The banning or rapid reduction of purse seining with FAD resulted in a mean catch, and catch in the last simulation year, higher than that of the base case in which no change was made to the purse seine fishery. This could be caused by growth overfishing by purse seine fisheries with FADs according to the per-recruit analysis. These differences would be more obvious when stock productivity was low. Transferring efforts of FAD-associated purse seining to longline fisheries is also not feasible.Our study suggests that changes are necessary to improve the performance of the current management strategy. 展开更多
关键词 Thunnus obesus purse seine fishing aggregating device simulation Indian Ocean
Production of Interleukin 2 like Growth Factor from the Mitogen Activated Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Indian Major Carp, Labeo rohita
作者 G. R. Dash K. Pani Prasad S. P. Sen 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第8期1184-1190,共7页
Optimum conditions for in vitro production of interleukin 2 (IL 2) like activity from the Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of an Indian major carp, Labeo rohita were studied. Culture supernatants were generated ... Optimum conditions for in vitro production of interleukin 2 (IL 2) like activity from the Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of an Indian major carp, Labeo rohita were studied. Culture supernatants were generated by culturing the PBL in RPMI-1640 media supplemented with Glutamine and 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and stimulating with two different mitogens: concanavalin A (Con A) and Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) at different concentrations separately. Significantly (P 〈 0.01) higher proliferation response was obtained from the culture supematant stimulated with concanavalin A (Con A) at a concentration of 10 lag mLl. The effect of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) was also studied by co-stimulating PBL with Con A and PHA separately and it was found to synergistically enhancing the stimulation index with Con A whereas the stimulation index remain unchanged with PHA. The Con A (10 μg mLl) stimulated PBL were also cultured at different cell density, incubation period and incubation temperature in order to optimize the in vitro L. rohita IL2 production. The IL2 like activity was studied by lymphocyte proliferation assay on 72 h Con A blasts using WST based assay technique. Significantly (P 〈 0.01) higher stimulation indices were obtained when the PBL were cultured at a cell density of 1 × 10^6 cells mL^-1 for 30-36 h at an incubation temperature of 30 ℃. The IL2 like activity was purified by DEAE-Sepharose anion exchange chromatography and recorded between 70-130 mM NaCI with peak activity at 110 Mm NaCI. The molecular weight of the factor responsible for IL2 like activity was found to be 15-17 KD. 展开更多
关键词 Interleukin 2 MITOGEN Labeo rohita lymphocytes.
The Role of the Project Manager in Construction Projects in India
作者 Abdussalam Shibani Denish Sukumar 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第6期298-324,共27页
In India, the construction industry plays an important role in the economy of the country. It employs a sizeable portion of the work force, contributes largely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, and... In India, the construction industry plays an important role in the economy of the country. It employs a sizeable portion of the work force, contributes largely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, and is seen as a key catalyst for the growth and development of the Indian economy. The industry, however, is beset with many challenges, including delivering projects within projected costs and delivery dates and at the right quality to increasingly discerning clients. It is because of this that project management has assumed so much importance with the project manager seen to be a critical resource in the project achieving its objectives. However, the role of the project manager is still ambiguous. These research hypotheses that the role the project manager ought to play is that of a leader. It is only when project managers assume leadership roles that construction projects achieve objectives measured against time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction. A quantitative approach was followed in this using both theoretical and analytic methods. The theoretical studies revealed the qualities, skills, and competencies that a project manager ought to possess and the links between the project manager assuming a position of leadership and the project achieving its objectives. The main data collection tool in the analytic method was an online questionnaire administered to 20 project managers of construction projects in India. It was found that while the Indian construction industry does recognize the significance of project managers, their role is relegated to administrative, monitoring, and supervision tasks. There is an overwhelming focus on technical skills. In those cases, where project managers were involved in all the stages of the project and possessed a gamut of managerial, technical, human, and interpersonal skills, there were substantial differences in terms of time, cost, quality, and customer satisfaction in the projects administered by them. The importance of this research stems from its alerting the construction sector in India to the true role that project managers ought to play. If it serves in a shift in the perception of the role of the project managers, this research would have served its purpose. 展开更多
关键词 INDIA managerial gross domestic product (GDP) technical skills
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