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作者 施善葆 《中学科技》 2000年第7期10-11,共2页
关键词 美国 塔克斯 自然研究 重力定律 自然现象
《他们眼望上苍》叙事风格探究 被引量:1
作者 余烜 《语文建设》 北大核心 2017年第10X期39-40,共2页
《他们眼望上苍》是美国黑人女作家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿创作的长篇小说,作者以一个黑人女性的视角叙述了20世纪初美国黑人的生活境遇与风俗文化。小说叙事写实而诗意,冲破了黑人文学中惯用的尖刀利器般的叙事风格,改用女性纤柔... 《他们眼望上苍》是美国黑人女作家佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿创作的长篇小说,作者以一个黑人女性的视角叙述了20世纪初美国黑人的生活境遇与风俗文化。小说叙事写实而诗意,冲破了黑人文学中惯用的尖刀利器般的叙事风格,改用女性纤柔的叙事技巧和风格,以成长型的叙事结构将黑人的生活境遇描述出来,引领读者进入黑人的世界,聆听黑人的声音。 展开更多
关键词 《他们眼望上苍》 黑人女性 叙事风格 乔·斯塔克斯
High-level Stark Effect and Spectrum of Spherical Nanometer System 被引量:1
作者 吴强 龙晓霞 郑瑞伦 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期608-614,622,共8页
In the electric field and layer-to-layer interaction energy, the law of split-level of high-level Stark effect of spherical nanometer system is explored as well as the frequency of spectrum, intensity and size effect ... In the electric field and layer-to-layer interaction energy, the law of split-level of high-level Stark effect of spherical nanometer system is explored as well as the frequency of spectrum, intensity and size effect of coefficient of spontaneous radiation. Taking three layers CdS/HgS spherical nanometer system as an example, the influence of the electric field and layer-to- layer interaction energy is explored on Stark effect and spectrum. The results show that in the Stark effect system, the energy level is split based on 1, 3, ..., (2n-1), when it is in the electric field only, similar to the hydrogen atoms; and in the electric field and layer-to-layer interaction, it is split based on 1, 4, ~ -., n2; with the quantum transition, the frequency of the spectrum decreases with the increasing size of the system; apart from a few spectral lines, the intensity of most spectral lines will decreased as the size increases; while the coefficient of spontaneous radiation will increase with the increasing size; the electric field will cause the changes of spectrum frequency; its spectrum frequency shift is proportional to the square of the electric field intensity; apart from a few spectral lines, the frequency shift of spectral lines that is caused by the electric field and layer-to-layer interaction will decrease as the size increases; the interaction will make the level of electronic energy level lower slightly (the order of magnitude is between 10-7-10-9 eV), the slightly increased spectrum intensity and the slightly increased value of coefficient of spontaneous radiation, but it will not influence the frequency of spectrum, intensity, and the trend that coefficient of spontaneous radiation changes with the size; when the size is smaller, the layer-to-layer interaction effect will be significant. 展开更多
关键词 Layer-to-layer interaction energy CdS/HgS/CdS spherical nanometer system Stark effect Frequency shift of spectral line Coefficient of spontaneous radiation
赫斯顿《他们眼望上苍》的黑人男性形象论析 被引量:1
作者 陈容娣 《玉林师范学院学报》 2014年第4期75-78,共4页
佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的经典之作《他们眼望上苍》写的是女主人公珍妮对自己的独立意识所进行的一次自我发现到自我实现的历程。洛根·基利克斯是种族主义的受害者和男性霸权的代表,乔·斯塔克斯黑皮肤下拥有的是白灵魂,&... 佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的经典之作《他们眼望上苍》写的是女主人公珍妮对自己的独立意识所进行的一次自我发现到自我实现的历程。洛根·基利克斯是种族主义的受害者和男性霸权的代表,乔·斯塔克斯黑皮肤下拥有的是白灵魂,"甜点心"是一个新黑人男性形象,这三个黑人男性在珍妮找寻自我和实现自我的过程中扮演者不可或缺的角色。 展开更多
关键词 《他们眼望上苍》 洛根·基利克斯 乔·斯塔克斯 “甜点心”
作者 单留 《上海集邮》 2017年第4期27-29,F0002,共4页
在我国,早在春秋之前已经注意到了天上的五大行星,把它们分别称作太白、岁星、晨星、荧惑和填星。到了汉代,司马迁把这五大行星同五行联系起来,给它们起了后来通用的名字,即金星(太白)、木星(岁星)、水星(晨星)、火星(荧惑)和... 在我国,早在春秋之前已经注意到了天上的五大行星,把它们分别称作太白、岁星、晨星、荧惑和填星。到了汉代,司马迁把这五大行星同五行联系起来,给它们起了后来通用的名字,即金星(太白)、木星(岁星)、水星(晨星)、火星(荧惑)和土星(填星)。在西方,用罗马神话里的诸神命名这五大行星,它们是维纳斯(金星)、朱庇特(木星)、墨丘利(水星)、马尔斯(火星)和塞特恩(土星)。 展开更多
关键词 填星 罗马神话 墨丘利 朱庇特 特恩 塔克斯 后世学者 中离 天体运行论 开普勒
作者 墨菲 《中国食品》 2016年第10期56-61,共6页
萨慕思岛(the island of Samos)位于爱情海东部。它是众神之母赫拉(Hera)神庙的所在地,是提出著名的勾股定律(the Pythagorean theorem)的数学之父毕达哥拉斯(Pythagoras)的故乡。是伟大哲学家伊比鸠鲁(Epicurus)的家乡,是人... 萨慕思岛(the island of Samos)位于爱情海东部。它是众神之母赫拉(Hera)神庙的所在地,是提出著名的勾股定律(the Pythagorean theorem)的数学之父毕达哥拉斯(Pythagoras)的故乡。是伟大哲学家伊比鸠鲁(Epicurus)的家乡,是人类历史上第一个提出地球绕太阳公转理论的伟大天文学家阿利斯塔克斯(Aristarchus)的诞生地,是属于《伊索寓言》的作者伊索(Aesop)的小岛。萨慕思(SAMOS),闪烁着古老历史和高度文明之光,而萨慕思(Samos)出产的高品质美酒将使你亲身感受古老文明的灿烂辉煌! 展开更多
关键词 Samos 葡萄品种 赫拉 文明之光 《伊索寓言》 毕达哥拉斯 塔克斯 勾股 伊索 麝香葡萄
《表面工程与再制造》 2017年第3期77-78,共2页
“你认为美国新总统唐纳德·特朗普的当选对于再制造产业发展是好消息还是坏消息?”这是一个简单的问题.丹尼斯·朗迪尼(Denise Rondini)期待着受访者发表一些强烈和多样化的观点,但令她没想到的是受访者大多保持沉默.
关键词 特朗普 NAFTA 再制造产业 唐纳德 塔克斯 受访者 毛坯件
作者 Jerome Bixby Portia 《疯狂英语(新悦读)》 2015年第12期6-14,共9页
人们常用"世界之大,无奇不有"和"万事皆有可能"来解释自己遇到或听到的不寻常事。是的,我们在生活中不时会听到一些奇事怪事,多数时候,我们付之一笑;偶尔,我们会与人讨论一番,甚至争论一番,但最终还是会将其抛之脑... 人们常用"世界之大,无奇不有"和"万事皆有可能"来解释自己遇到或听到的不寻常事。是的,我们在生活中不时会听到一些奇事怪事,多数时候,我们付之一笑;偶尔,我们会与人讨论一番,甚至争论一番,但最终还是会将其抛之脑后。可是,如果你听到的事严重违背你坚信的常理,或者将颠覆早已成为你生命一部分的专业知识,你还会如此淡定吗?从形式上看,《这个男人来自地球》是一部沉闷的电影。一位在大学任教十年的历史教授要离开了,他的同事来向他告别。于是。 展开更多
关键词 伊迪丝 专业知识 克罗马农人 TALKING 尼安德特人 STORY FICTION COMMITTED 巴斯德 塔克斯
Nonlinear Stark effect observed for carbon monoxide chemisorbed on gold core/palladium shell nanoparticle film electrodes, using in situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy 被引量:1
作者 张普 卫怡 +2 位作者 蔡俊 陈艳霞 田中群 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1156-1165,共10页
The potential (E)-dependent vibrational behavior of a saturated CO adlayer on Au-core Pd-shell nanoparticle film electrodes was investigated over a wide potential range, in acidic, neutral, and basic solutions, usin... The potential (E)-dependent vibrational behavior of a saturated CO adlayer on Au-core Pd-shell nanoparticle film electrodes was investigated over a wide potential range, in acidic, neutral, and basic solutions, using in situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Over the whole of the examined potential region (-1.5 to 0.55 V vs. NHE), the peak frequencies of both the C-OM and the Pd-COM band (here, M denotes the multiply-bonded configuration) displayed three distinct linear regions: dvc oM/dE decreased from -185-207 (from -1.5 to -1.2 V) to -83-84 cm-1/V (-1.2 to -0.15 V), and then to 43 cm-1/V (-0.2 to 0.55 V); on the other hand, dvpd coM/dE changed from -10 to -8 cm I/V (from -1.5 to -1.2 V) to ^-31 to -30 cm-1/V (-1.2 to -0.15 V), and then to -15 cm-1/V (-0.2 to 0.55 V). The simultaneously recorded cyclic voltammograms revealed that at E 〈 -1.2 V, a hydro- gen evolution reaction (HER) occurred. With the help of periodic density functional theory calcula- tions using two different (2 × 2)-3CO slab models with Pd(111), the unusually high dvc-oM/dE and the small dVPd-CoM/dE in the HER region were explained as being due to the conversion of COad from bridge to hollow sites, which was induced by the co-adsorbed hydrogen atoms formed from dissociated water at negative potentials. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon monoxideSurface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyPalladiumDensity functional theoryStark effect
Efficient Coherent Population Transfer of D2 Molecules by Stark-induced Adiabatic Raman Passage
作者 汪涛 杨天罡 +2 位作者 肖春雷 戴东旭 杨学明 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期8-12,I0003,共6页
Preparation of a high flux of hydrogen molecules in a specific vibrationally excited state is the major prerequisite and challenge in scattering experiments that use vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules as the tar... Preparation of a high flux of hydrogen molecules in a specific vibrationally excited state is the major prerequisite and challenge in scattering experiments that use vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules as the target. The widely used scheme of stimulated Raman pumping suffers from coherent population return which severely limits the excitation efficiency. Re- cently we successfully transferred D2 molecules in the molecular beam from (v=0, J=0) to (v=1, J=0) level, with the scheme of Stark-induced adiabatic Raman passage. As high as 75% of the excitation efficiency was achieved. This excitation technique promise to be a unique tool for crossed beam and beam-surface scattering experiments which aim to reveal the role of vibrational excitation of hydrogen molecules in the chemical reaction. 展开更多
关键词 Stark-induced adiabatic Raman passage D2 Vibrational excitation Molecularbeam
Ab initio Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Molecular Dynamics Simulation of CO in the Heme Distal Pocket of Myoglobin
作者 王宪位 张增辉 何晓 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期705-716,I0002,共13页
Myoglobin has important biological functions in storing and transporting small diatomic molecules in human body. Two possible orientations of carbon monoxide (CO) in the heme distal pocket (named as BI and B2 state... Myoglobin has important biological functions in storing and transporting small diatomic molecules in human body. Two possible orientations of carbon monoxide (CO) in the heme distal pocket (named as BI and B2 states) of myoglobin have been experimentally indicated. In this study, ab initio quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulation of CO in myoglobin was carried out to investigate the two possible B states. Our results demonstrate that the B1 and B2 states correspond to Fe... CO (with carbon atom closer to iron center of heme) and Fe... OC (with oxygen atom closer to Fe), by comparing with the experimental infrared spectrum. QM electrostatic polarization effect on CO brought from the protein and solvent environment is the main driving force, which anchors CO in two distinctive orientations and hinders its rotation. The calculated vibrational frequency shift between the state B1 and B2 is 13.1 cm-1, which is in good agreement with experimental value of 11.5 cm-1. This study also shows that the electric field produced by the solvent plays an important role in assisting protein functions by exerting directional electric field at the active site of the protein, From residue-based electric field decomposition, several residues were found to have most contributions to the total electric field at the CO center, including a few charged residues and three adjacent uncharged polar residues (namely, HIS64, ILE107, and PHE43). This study provides new physical insights on rational design of enzyme with higher electric field at the active site. 展开更多
关键词 QM/MM simulation Stark shift Electrostatic polarization effect Electric field
Fuzzy MADM Approach for Identification of Key Sectors of Tajikistan Economy 被引量:1
作者 ASADULLO Abdulhamidov 汤兵勇 李丹 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期120-126,共7页
The development strategy, focused on the promotion of the efficient and prospective production sectors required for effectively solving social, economic and other problems becomes very important in resource allocation... The development strategy, focused on the promotion of the efficient and prospective production sectors required for effectively solving social, economic and other problems becomes very important in resource allocation decision making process of developing countries. The structural hierarchy, comprising social, economic, technological and environmental aspects, which is involved in the selection of sectors constructed according to the hierarchical system of objectives. The Fuzzy Multi-attribute Decision Making method is used to rank the sectors by indicating the degree to which an alternative satisfies the global objectives of criteria obtained by aggregation operations in fuzzy environment. By applying the developed approach to defining and identifying the key sectors of an economy, we can rank the aggregated 17 sectors of the Tajikistan economy according to their degree of achievement in satisfying key criteria. 展开更多
关键词 multi-attribute decision making fuzzyenvironment key sectors and Tajikistan.
Positions and Widths of Anticrossings for Potassium Rydberg Stark States 被引量:3
作者 JIN Cheng ZHOU Xiao-Xin ZHAO Song-Feng 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期119-126,共8页
The B-spline expansion technique is applied to study the anticrossings for potassium Rydberg states in a static electric field. The results of our calculation indicate that the antierossings are caused mainly by the c... The B-spline expansion technique is applied to study the anticrossings for potassium Rydberg states in a static electric field. The results of our calculation indicate that the antierossings are caused mainly by the core interaction or by the fine structure interaction. Our results for the positions and the widths of the anticrossings are in good agreement with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 B-SPLINES model potential anticrossing Rydberg atom Stark state
Double—Pulse Spectra and Closed—Orbits:Photodetachment of H^— in parallel Electric and Magnetic Fields 被引量:5
作者 DUMeng-Li 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第6期705-708,共4页
We derive a formula for double-pulse spectra from closed-orbit theory. We then calculate the double-pulse photodetachment spectra of H<SUP>?</SUP> in the presence of parallel electric and magnetic fields. ... We derive a formula for double-pulse spectra from closed-orbit theory. We then calculate the double-pulse photodetachment spectra of H<SUP>?</SUP> in the presence of parallel electric and magnetic fields. We analyze the spectra in terms of closed-orbits of the system. We suggest a method for the measurement of a phase associated with each closed-orbit. 展开更多
关键词 closed-orbit theory PHOTODETACHMENT Stark effect
Stark Effect Dependence on Hydrogenic Impurities in GaAs Parabolic Quantum-Well Wires 被引量:1
作者 WANG Sheng WEI Guo-Zhu HAN Yu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第11期953-959,共7页
The ground-state and lowest excited-state binding energies of a hydrogenic impurity in GaAs parabolic quantum-well wires (Q WWs) subjected to external electric and magnetic fields are investigated using the finite-d... The ground-state and lowest excited-state binding energies of a hydrogenic impurity in GaAs parabolic quantum-well wires (Q WWs) subjected to external electric and magnetic fields are investigated using the finite-difference method within the quasi-one-dimensional effective potential model. We define an effective radius Pen of a cylindrical QWW, which can describe the strength of the lateral confinement. For the ground state, the position of the largest probability density of electron in x-y plane is located at a point, while for the lowest excited state, is located on a circularity whose radius is Pen. The point and circularity are pushed along the left haft of the center axis of the quantum-well wire by the electric field dire ted along the right half. When an impurity is located at the point or within the circularity, the ground-state or lowest excited-state binding energies are the largest; when the impurity is apart from the point or circularity, the ground-state or lowest excited-state binding energies start to decrease. 展开更多
关键词 hydrogenic impurity quantum-well wire magnetic field binding energy
Finance Sector in Eurasian Economies During and After the Global Crisis in 2008
作者 Naci Yllmaz Bora Selcuk 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第9期714-720,共7页
As in the other countries around the world, banking systems in Eurasian economies, comprised of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, were adversely af... As in the other countries around the world, banking systems in Eurasian economies, comprised of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, were adversely affected by the 2008 global crisis. A common challenge across most economies is to revive private-sector credit growth. Compared with the high increases of 80 percent in the period immediately prior to the crisis, credit growth has slowed sharply and even turned negative in real terms in a number of economies. Governments in many countries have taken measures to address banking sector stress. The measures for restoring credit growth and thus a high economic growth will be discussed in a part of our work. In the short run, such measures include aiding banks to repair balance sheets and also providing liquidity. In the medium term, measures should promote de-dollarization and the development of local debt markets. 展开更多
关键词 global crisis Eurasian economies finance sector BANKING the Caucasus and Central Asia
Harmonic Inversion of Recurrence Spectra of Nonhydrogen Atom in an Electric Field
作者 GAO Song XU Xue-You LI Hong-Yun ZHANG Yan-Hui LIN Sheng-Lu 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1291-1294,共4页
An extended harmonic inversion method is analytically continued to approach bifurcation region of the dosed orbits thus to obtain highly resolved spectra of lithium atom in external field. The suitable band-limited si... An extended harmonic inversion method is analytically continued to approach bifurcation region of the dosed orbits thus to obtain highly resolved spectra of lithium atom in external field. The suitable band-limited signal is generated by a semielassieal uniform approximation. By decimating the selected signal window and solving the algebraic set of nonlinear equations the quantum eigenvalues are properly fitted, which reveal the fine resonance structure hidden in low resolution spectrum. The study is made at the sealed energy ε= -2.7, relevant bifurcation effects and corescattered impacts have to be taken into account. It is demonstrated that the present method is a useful technique for the semiclassieal quantization of system with mixed regular-chaotic classical dynamics. 展开更多
关键词 harmonic inversion Stark effects recurrence spectrum
Properties of Linear Entropy in k-Photon Jaynes-Cummings Model with Stark Shift and Kerr-Like Medium
作者 廖庆洪 Muhammad Ashfaq Ahmad +1 位作者 王月媛 刘树田 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期931-936,共6页
The time evolution of the linear entropy of an taking into consideration Stark shift and Kerr-like medium. atom in k-photon daynes-Cummings model is investigated The effect of both the Stark shift and Kerr-like medium... The time evolution of the linear entropy of an taking into consideration Stark shift and Kerr-like medium. atom in k-photon daynes-Cummings model is investigated The effect of both the Stark shift and Kerr-like medium on the linear entropy is analyzed using a numerical technique for the field initially in coherent state and in even coherent state. The results show that the presence of the Kerr-like medium and Stark shift has an important effect on the properties of the entropy and entanglement. It is also shown that the setting of the initial state plays a significant role in the evolution of the linear entropy and entanglement. 展开更多
关键词 k-photon Jaynes Cummings model linear entropy stark shift Kerr-like medium
Birth of"Television Set" in Tashkent
作者 Yuldashev Eldar Sadikovich 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第8期661-668,共8页
The invention and development of television art is closely connected with scientific research. The historic facts have witnessed the influence of scientific research progress on the development of television art. In t... The invention and development of television art is closely connected with scientific research. The historic facts have witnessed the influence of scientific research progress on the development of television art. In this paper, the author intends to reveal some phenomenal facts which are known by very few people, namely, the first ever appearance of electronic television in Uzbekistan. This paper gives us some authentic and valuable historic materials for the invention and development of television set in the world. 展开更多
关键词 TELEVISION electronic television television system
纽约往事 纽约尼克斯队史连载(一)
作者 持练当空舞 《篮球俱乐部》 2009年第12期98-99,共2页
提到纽约尼克斯,在国内球迷的视野中基本属于空白,资深些的球迷们也许会想起曾经的20世纪90年代那支由帕特里克·尤因、约翰·斯塔克斯、查尔斯·奥克利和拉里·约翰逊带队的铁血劲旅,还会想起1998—99赛季的季后赛中,... 提到纽约尼克斯,在国内球迷的视野中基本属于空白,资深些的球迷们也许会想起曾经的20世纪90年代那支由帕特里克·尤因、约翰·斯塔克斯、查尔斯·奥克利和拉里·约翰逊带队的铁血劲旅,还会想起1998—99赛季的季后赛中,由阿兰·休斯顿、斯普雷维尔和坎比领军的超级"黑八"。然而,尼克斯队近几年的乱相,已逐渐在球迷眼中沦为笑柄。 展开更多
关键词 纽约尼克斯 雷维尔 职业篮球 波士顿凯尔特人 帕特里克 湖人 塔克斯 篮球运动 阿兰 奈史密斯
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