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港珠澳大桥海豚塔海上整体吊装施工方案研究 被引量:1
作者 刘凯 《山西建筑》 2021年第13期120-122,共3页
港珠澳大桥江海直达船航道桥主塔顺桥向外形呈“白海豚”状,塔重约3060 t,其中Z0节段约500 t,整体段约2560 t,属带装饰的异型超重钢塔结构,因桥位处海况复杂,台风较多,分节段安装施工工期长,且无法保证高空焊接质量。为保证大桥主塔的... 港珠澳大桥江海直达船航道桥主塔顺桥向外形呈“白海豚”状,塔重约3060 t,其中Z0节段约500 t,整体段约2560 t,属带装饰的异型超重钢塔结构,因桥位处海况复杂,台风较多,分节段安装施工工期长,且无法保证高空焊接质量。为保证大桥主塔的施工质量,拟采用主塔工厂整体段加工,浮运至海上,整体安装到位的方案,将高空作业地面化,海上作业工厂化,为世界桥梁建设创造性地提供了中国智慧方案,为以后的国内外高耸桥梁建设提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 港珠澳大桥 超重异型 上钢主整体吊装
海拉尔塔木察格盆地中部断陷带油气形成条件及富集规律 被引量:25
作者 蒙启安 刘一丹 +2 位作者 吴海波 李军辉 刘赫 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期1737-1746,共10页
海拉尔塔木察格盆地中部断陷带油气藏具有很大的资源潜力和储量规模,在白垩系均有广泛的分布,具备良好的油气地质背景和成藏条件,是未来油气勘探的重点领域,其形成条件及富集规律不明。笔者在大量统计分析和地质研究的基础上,探讨了中... 海拉尔塔木察格盆地中部断陷带油气藏具有很大的资源潜力和储量规模,在白垩系均有广泛的分布,具备良好的油气地质背景和成藏条件,是未来油气勘探的重点领域,其形成条件及富集规律不明。笔者在大量统计分析和地质研究的基础上,探讨了中部断陷带油气藏的形成条件、分布特征和富集规律。指出油气藏形成的地质背景:该区经历了5期构造运动,其中3期改造强烈,形成3期叠合盆地,奠定了富油洼槽和油气规模富集的构造格局;不同演化时期发育的沉积体系类型不同,断裂坡折带和构造转换带控制扇体的展布,为油气规模富集提供了有利的储集空间;高含火山碎屑物质受有机酸溶蚀形成次生孔隙,为深部油气成藏提供了有效储层空间。系统分析得出油气藏形成控制因素和分布规律:复式箕状断陷凹中隆起带和大型缓坡断阶带是有利的油气成藏区带;烃源灶控制了油气藏的分布范围,已发现油藏主要分布在生烃洼槽内或周边;扇三角洲前缘、三角洲前缘及水下扇中扇相带是最有利的含油相带,是油气富集高产的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 -盆地 中部断陷带 油气藏 形成条件 富集规律 分布特征
海-塔盆地塔南凹陷南屯组一段沉积体系特征 被引量:6
作者 刘宗堡 赵容生 +1 位作者 闫力 于英华 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期743-750,共8页
塔南凹陷是海拉尔-塔木察格盆地最重要的油气勘探地区之一。利用岩心、测井和三维地震等资料,对塔南凹陷南屯组一段层序地层格架和沉积体系特征进行了深入研究。结果表明,南屯组一段顶、底及内部可以识别出3个不整合面和2个湖泛面,最终... 塔南凹陷是海拉尔-塔木察格盆地最重要的油气勘探地区之一。利用岩心、测井和三维地震等资料,对塔南凹陷南屯组一段层序地层格架和沉积体系特征进行了深入研究。结果表明,南屯组一段顶、底及内部可以识别出3个不整合面和2个湖泛面,最终将其划分为3个三级层序。进而在等时地层格架的基础上,对沉积相类型和沉积体系展布特征进行了分析,确定南屯组一段主要发育扇三角洲、湖底扇和湖泊3种沉积体系。南屯组一段中、下部沉积时期,受盆地被动裂谷期"泛盆"沉积特征震荡式沉降影响,研究区主要发育西部缓坡物源控制下的扇三角洲沉积体系;南屯组一段上部沉积时期,受盆地主动裂谷期快速沉降影响,研究区主要发育湖泊沉积体系,此时盆内部次级控陷断层受北西-南东向拉张发生翘倾形成大规模反向正断层。源-储互层组合高效排烃特征、扇三角洲前缘高孔-高渗分流河道砂体和断层翘倾形成上升盘构造高部位共同决定西部次凹中洼槽反向断层下盘为油气富集主要部位。 展开更多
关键词 层序地层格架 沉积体系 南屯组 南凹陷 -盆地
小型断陷湖盆下生上储式油成藏规律研究——以海-塔盆地中部主要断陷带大磨拐河组为例 被引量:4
作者 付广 韩娜 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2011年第5期5-8,110,共5页
通过油藏解剖及油藏与油成藏条件之间的空间匹配关系得到,海-塔盆地中部主要断陷带大磨拐河组油藏主要为断层油藏,平面上主要分布在反转构造上和长期发育断裂附近。大磨拐河组油成藏与分布主要受4种因素的控制:①南一段源岩区控制着大... 通过油藏解剖及油藏与油成藏条件之间的空间匹配关系得到,海-塔盆地中部主要断陷带大磨拐河组油藏主要为断层油藏,平面上主要分布在反转构造上和长期发育断裂附近。大磨拐河组油成藏与分布主要受4种因素的控制:①南一段源岩区控制着大磨拐河组油成藏与分布的范围;②反转构造及其附近是大磨拐河组油聚集的有利部位;③辫状河三角洲前缘亚相砂体为大磨拐河组油聚集成藏提供了储集空间;④长期发育断裂不仅为南一段源岩生成的油向大磨拐河组运移提供了输导通道,而且为大磨拐河组油聚集提供了圈闭。大磨拐河组油成藏模式为:南一段源岩生成的油在浮力作用下通过长期发育断裂向上覆大磨拐河组运移,在反转构造及其附近的断块或断层-岩性圈闭中聚集成藏。 展开更多
关键词 中部主要断陷带 大磨拐河组 成藏模式 主控因素 反转构造 长期发育断裂 -盆地
北京冬奥会五环标志塔——延庆“海陀塔”设计 被引量:1
作者 杜异 刘钟木 《照明工程学报》 2022年第1期51-55,共5页
第24届冬奥会在北京成功举办,北京延庆“海陀塔”作为北京冬奥会标志性景观,已成为本届冬奥会的重要文化遗产被永久保留。“海陀塔”的设计为造型与照明一体化设计,使得设计可以综合考虑造型、材料和照明之间的整体关系,并通过技术和工... 第24届冬奥会在北京成功举办,北京延庆“海陀塔”作为北京冬奥会标志性景观,已成为本届冬奥会的重要文化遗产被永久保留。“海陀塔”的设计为造型与照明一体化设计,使得设计可以综合考虑造型、材料和照明之间的整体关系,并通过技术和工程手段使三个方面得以高度契合、相互辅佐,更好地实现节能理念,塑造设计意象。 展开更多
关键词 设计意象 膜结构 建筑照明
普吉岛卡塔海滩船屋酒店 卡塔海滩上的明珠
作者 Cindy 《明日风尚》 2015年第7期126-133,共8页
船屋酒店是一家坐落在普吉岛西南边卡塔海难上的海景精品酒店,由泰国传奇建筑师M.L.Tridhosyuth Devakul设计,独特的船屋造型,是这家海岛酒店的最大特色。世界上许许多多的岛屿之中,普吉岛被誉为安达曼海的‘‘珍珠",这个东南亚极... 船屋酒店是一家坐落在普吉岛西南边卡塔海难上的海景精品酒店,由泰国传奇建筑师M.L.Tridhosyuth Devakul设计,独特的船屋造型,是这家海岛酒店的最大特色。世界上许许多多的岛屿之中,普吉岛被誉为安达曼海的‘‘珍珠",这个东南亚极具代表性的旅游度假圣地,幸运地享有美丽海湾和类型丰富的海滩。 展开更多
关键词 船屋 普吉岛 塔海 达曼 景房 林密 迷人的 钱鹏 私密空间 萨瓦
李元、塔剌海父子墓志考 被引量:1
作者 张耘 燕燕燕 颜道彩 《工会论坛(山东省工会管理干部学院学报)》 2011年第1期167-170,共4页
关键词 李元 墓志铭 元代官制 史料学
作者 张磊 王炬成 潘琳 《江苏船舶》 2018年第3期19-20,31,共3页
针对海上浮式风电塔筒在海上浮式风电站运行过程中一直处于复杂恶劣的腐蚀环境之中的情况,开展海上浮式风电塔涂装工艺方案研究。从对海上浮式风电塔筒的腐蚀环境分析入手,结合涂层试验、海上挂片试验等结论,构建海上浮式风电塔筒的防... 针对海上浮式风电塔筒在海上浮式风电站运行过程中一直处于复杂恶劣的腐蚀环境之中的情况,开展海上浮式风电塔涂装工艺方案研究。从对海上浮式风电塔筒的腐蚀环境分析入手,结合涂层试验、海上挂片试验等结论,构建海上浮式风电塔筒的防腐体系及具体涂层方案,提出科学的海上浮式风电塔筒筒节分(总)段涂装工艺步骤,最终实现对海上浮式风电塔筒的有效防腐。 展开更多
关键词 上浮式风电 涂装工艺 涂层方案
复杂断陷盆地沉积充填演化与构造活动的响应分析——以海拉尔-塔木察格盆地中部断陷带为例 被引量:16
作者 李占东 于鹏 +4 位作者 邵碧莹 鲍楚慧 马婧 朱晓萌 单敬福 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期853-860,共8页
为了揭示断陷盆地构造活动与沉积充填的响应关系,搞清同沉积构造背景下的沉积砂体分布规律,以海拉尔-塔木察格盆地中部断陷带为例,综合运用地震、钻井、测井和录井等资料,探讨了沉积充填与构造活动的响应关系;结合油气勘探实践,探讨了... 为了揭示断陷盆地构造活动与沉积充填的响应关系,搞清同沉积构造背景下的沉积砂体分布规律,以海拉尔-塔木察格盆地中部断陷带为例,综合运用地震、钻井、测井和录井等资料,探讨了沉积充填与构造活动的响应关系;结合油气勘探实践,探讨了同沉积断裂坡折带控制的砂体与油气藏富集的关系,指出洼槽边缘断裂坡折带是最为有利的勘探部位.研究结果表明:盆地的充填演化受构造演化控制,具有明显的阶段性,不同演化时期发育的沉积体系类型不同.依据古地貌的形态特点,划分出5种断裂坡折带,不同类型断裂坡折带发育的沉积体系类型有所差异.同时根据断裂发育特征及组合样式,识别出帚状、叉状、平行断阶状、雁列状、梳状、调节型等6种同沉积断裂组合样式,形成了复杂多变的构造古地貌特征,进而控制着砂体的分布和展布方向. 展开更多
关键词 -盆地 中部断陷带 构造与沉积响应 幕式断陷 充填序列 断裂坡折带 油气藏
贝尔凹陷贝301区块南二段单砂体级沉积特征 被引量:7
作者 孔凡忠 张世广 李井刚 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期25-29,共5页
基于高分辨率层序地层学和现代沉积学理论构建了研究区单砂体级高分辨率层序地层格架,编制36张单砂体级沉积微相图,建立了目的层扇三角洲沉积体系中8种沉积微相定量识别标准。研究认为:水下分流河道和河口坝是最主要的微相;水下分... 基于高分辨率层序地层学和现代沉积学理论构建了研究区单砂体级高分辨率层序地层格架,编制36张单砂体级沉积微相图,建立了目的层扇三角洲沉积体系中8种沉积微相定量识别标准。研究认为:水下分流河道和河口坝是最主要的微相;水下分流河道二元结构不明显,其宽度与小层相比明显变窄、弯曲程度普遍较小;河口坝是河口坝、决口扇、事件沉积体等的复合体。该研究建立的研究区目的层沉积模式确定了单砂体的平面、纵向展布关系,为贝301区块综合挖潜提供了重要地质依据,对其他区块的精细油藏描述具有参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 高分辨率 层序地层学 单砂体 扇三角洲 沉积特征 -盆地
长山跨海矮塔斜拉桥成桥工作性状三维数值分析 被引量:1
作者 崔春义 孟坤 +1 位作者 程学磊 杨刚 《公路》 北大核心 2017年第1期71-75,共5页
长山大桥是目前国内最大跨径的预应力混凝土矮塔斜拉桥,为更为准确分析其成桥状态下工作性状,通过建立全桥三维精细化有限元数值模型,合理考虑预应力钢筋和索力作用影响,针对自重、二期恒载、预应力荷载以及车道荷载作用下结构体系受力... 长山大桥是目前国内最大跨径的预应力混凝土矮塔斜拉桥,为更为准确分析其成桥状态下工作性状,通过建立全桥三维精细化有限元数值模型,合理考虑预应力钢筋和索力作用影响,针对自重、二期恒载、预应力荷载以及车道荷载作用下结构体系受力变形特性进行了三维数值分析,得到一些有意义的结论,可为相关工程实践提供参考。计算结果表明,在大型数值分析过程中需对预应力钢筋进行精细化考虑,以真实反映索力与预应力共同作用下的复杂工作受力变形状态。 展开更多
关键词 斜拉桥 三维数值分析 预应力钢筋 预拱度 分析
The South Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in the Tasman Sea 被引量:2
作者 HU Haibo LILT Qinyu +1 位作者 LIN Xiaopei LIU Wei 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2007年第2期107-116,共10页
From the synopical CTD sections in the WOCE PR11 repeated cruises, the South Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (SPSTMW) has been identified in the region of the Tasman Front Extension (TFE) around 29?S to the east of Aus... From the synopical CTD sections in the WOCE PR11 repeated cruises, the South Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (SPSTMW) has been identified in the region of the Tasman Front Extension (TFE) around 29?S to the east of Australia. In the depth range of 150-250 m, the SPSTMW appears as a thermostad with vertical temperature gradient lower than 1.6℃(100 m)-1 and a tem- perature range of 16.5-19.5℃ and as a pycnostad with PV lower than 2×10-10 m-1 s-1 and a potential density range of 25.4-26.0 kg m-3. Like the subtropical mode waters in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, the formation of the SPSTMW is associated with the convective mixing during the austral wintertime as manifested from the time series of the Argo floats. And cold water entrains into the mixed layer with the deepening mixed layer from September to the middle of October. During the wintertime formation process, mesoscale eddies prevailing in the TFE region play an important role in the SPSTMW formation, and have a great effect on the SPSTMW distribution in the next year. The deeper (shallower) mixed layer in wintertime, consistent with the depressed (uplifted) permanent thermocline, is formed by the anticyclonic (cyclonic) eddies, and the substantial mode water thicker than 50 m is mainly found in the region of the anticyclonic eddies where the permanent thermocline is deeper than 450 m. 展开更多
关键词 SPSTMW PR11 repeated cruises Argo floats EDDY
Braid-Delta Deposits from a Broad Shallow-Marine Setting: the Middle Member of the Kalpingtag Formation in the Central Tarim Basin 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Yiming ZHANG Jinliang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第2期145-153,共9页
During the early Silurian, a transgressive and vast shallow sea with flat sea-floor covered the central Tarim Basin (the Tazhong area). The depositional environment of the middle member of the Kalpingtag Formation is ... During the early Silurian, a transgressive and vast shallow sea with flat sea-floor covered the central Tarim Basin (the Tazhong area). The depositional environment of the middle member of the Kalpingtag Formation is controversial. In order to provide a basis for the prediction of reservoir sand, the sedimentary facies are recognized according to abundant core observations and de- scriptions combined with well-log analysis, isograms, seismic interpretations and regional sedimentary background. The middle member of the Kalpingtag Formation, which shows a retrograding sequence, is interpreted as braid-delta deposits influenced by mi- nor tidal reworking. The sources of clasts are from the southern uplift. The subaqueous braid-delta deposits in the study area have some characteristics quite different from the common deltas that generally deposit in marginal seas. Four facies grouped to a delta front association are recognized, ranging from distributary-channel (Facies A), front bar (Facies B), sand sheet (Facies C) and inter- distributary bay (Facies D). The distributary channels construct the sandbody framework of the delta front. Front bar deposits, which are fine-grained with low depositional dips, display a near-continuous sand strip around the entire periphery of the delta. Sand sheet deposits are mainly found in front of Facies B, gradationally contacting with the prodelta. The interdistributary bay is essentially the uppermost unit capping the channel sequence and generally made up of laminated and massive mudstones. The delta front deposits display extensive sheet-like bodies contrasting with the characteristic wedge shapes of common subaqueous delta bodies. The bi- modal cross-stratification and mud drapes in the fine- to medium-grained sandstone in the distal area are inferred to reflect high-energy tidal processes. 展开更多
关键词 Tazhong area SILURIAN Kalpingtag Formation shallow sea braid delta
Upper trophic structure in the Atlantic Patagonian shelf break as inferred from stable isotope analysis 被引量:1
作者 ZHU Guoping ZHANG Haiting +3 位作者 YANG Yang WANG Shaoqin WEI Lian YANG Qingyuan 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期717-725,共9页
The Patagonian Shelf is a very productive region with dif ferent ecosystem structures. A long history of fishing in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean combined with a complex hydrographic structure, with a permanent fron... The Patagonian Shelf is a very productive region with dif ferent ecosystem structures. A long history of fishing in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean combined with a complex hydrographic structure, with a permanent front over the shelf-break and dif ferent coastal frontal regions, and a wide non-frontal area in between have made the food web in this area more complex and have resulted in changes to the spatialtemporal scale. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen were used to determine the trophic structure of the Patagonian shelf break which was previously poorly understood. The results indicated that the average δ^(15)N value of pelagic guild(I llex argentinus) was remarkable lower than those of the other guilds. The δ^(13)C values of almost all species ranged from-17‰ to-18‰, but S tromateus brasiliensis had a significant lower δ^(13)C value. Compared with the southern Patagonian shelf, short food chain length also occurred. The impact of complex oceanographic structures has resulted in food web structure change to the temporal-spatial scale on the Patagonian shelf. The Patagonian shelf break can be considered as a separated ecosystem structure with lower δ^(15)N values. 展开更多
关键词 13C 15N trophic structure Patagonian shelf break
作者 何明勇 栾锡武 +5 位作者 魏新元 冉伟民 穆敬轩 叶传红 刘洁 陈建宏 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期290-302,共13页
塔宁巴尔海槽位于印度尼西亚班达弧的东南部,与帝汶海槽以及阿鲁海槽相连接。形成于澳大利亚大陆与班达弧的碰撞过程中,在弧—陆碰撞中,碰撞的轨迹、年龄和方式仍然存在争议,对于塔宁巴尔海槽是否为俯冲带也存在着争议。依据二维地震测... 塔宁巴尔海槽位于印度尼西亚班达弧的东南部,与帝汶海槽以及阿鲁海槽相连接。形成于澳大利亚大陆与班达弧的碰撞过程中,在弧—陆碰撞中,碰撞的轨迹、年龄和方式仍然存在争议,对于塔宁巴尔海槽是否为俯冲带也存在着争议。依据二维地震测线,运用生长指数与古落差法定量分析塔宁巴尔海槽断层,结合测井以及物源研究探讨塔宁巴尔海槽的断裂特征及其构造演化。研究结果表明,塔宁巴尔海槽在白垩世与早上新世断裂活动较为活跃,与构造活动发生的时间相一致,中生代的裂谷作用形成中生代的正断层,早上新世澳大利亚板块与班达弧发生碰撞,弧—陆碰撞导致塔宁巴尔群岛的隆升与塔宁巴尔海槽的沉降并引发了中生代断裂的再活化。海槽的变形持续至晚上新世,形成现今塔宁巴尔海槽形态。 展开更多
关键词 宁巴尔 弧—陆碰撞 断裂特征 构造演化
Development and evaluation of a DNA microarray assay for the simultaneous detection of nine harmful algal species in ship ballast and seaport waters 被引量:1
作者 陈先锋 周前进 +6 位作者 段维军 周成旭 段丽君 张慧丽 孙爱丽 严小军 陈炯 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期86-101,共16页
Rapid,high-throughput and reliable methods are urgently required to accurately detect and monitor harmful algae,which are responsible for algal blooms,such as red and green tides. In this study,we successfully develop... Rapid,high-throughput and reliable methods are urgently required to accurately detect and monitor harmful algae,which are responsible for algal blooms,such as red and green tides. In this study,we successfully developed a multiplex PCR-based DNA microarray method capable of detecting nine harmful algal species simultaneously,namely A lexandrium tamarense,Gyrodinium instriatum,Heterosigma akashiwo,Karenia mikimotoi,Prorocentrum donghaiense,Prorocentrum minimum,Ulva compressa,Ulva ohnoi and Ulva prolifera. This method achieved a limit of detection(LOD) of 0.5 ng of genomic DNA(orders of magnitude of the deci-nanogram range) in the tested algae cultures. Altogether,230 field samples from ship ballast waters and seaport waters were used to evaluate the DNA microarray. The clinical sensitivity and specificity of the DNA microarray assay in detecting field samples were 96.4% and 90.9%,respectively,relative to conventional morphological methods. This indicated that this high-throughput,automatic,and specific method is well suited for the detection of algae in water samples. 展开更多
关键词 ballast waters DNA microarray harmful algae limit of detection multiplex PCR seaport waters
Effects of co-existing microalgae and grazers on the production of hemolytic toxins in Karenia mikimotoi 被引量:6
作者 杨维东 张乃升 +3 位作者 崔伟民 徐艳艳 李宏业 刘洁生 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1155-1163,共9页
Karenia mikimotoi (Miyake & Kominami ex Oda) Hansen & Moestrup is associated with harmful algal blooms in temperate and subtropical zones of the world. The hemolytic substances produced by K. mikimotoi are thought... Karenia mikimotoi (Miyake & Kominami ex Oda) Hansen & Moestrup is associated with harmful algal blooms in temperate and subtropical zones of the world. The hemolytic substances produced by K. mikimotoi are thought to cause mortality in fishes and invertebrates. We evaluated the composition of the hemolytic toxin produced by K. mikimotoi cultured in the laboratory using thin-layer chromatography. In addition, we evaluated the effect of co-occuring algae (Prorocentrum donghaiense and Alexandrium tamarense) and the cladoceran grazer Moina mongoliea on hemolytic toxin production in K. mikimotoi. The hemolytic toxins from K. mikimotoi were a mixture of 2 liposaccharides and 1 lipid. Waterborne clues from P. donghaiense and A. tamarense inhibited the growth of K. mikimotoi but increased the production of hemolytic toxins. Conversely, K. mikimotoi strongly inhibited the growth of caged P. donghaiense and A. tamarense. In addition, the ingestion of K. mikimotoi by M. mongolica induced the production of hemolytic toxins in K. mikimotoi. Taken together, our results suggest that the presence of other microalgae and grazers may be as important as environmental factors for controlling the production of hemolytic substances. K. mikimotoi secreted allelochemicals other than unstable fatty acids with hemolytic activity. The production of hemolytic toxins in dinofiagellates was not only dependent on resource availability, but also on the risk of predation. Hemolytic toxins likely play an important role as chemical deterrents secreted by K. mikimotoi. 展开更多
关键词 Karenia mikimotoi hemolytic toxin GRAZER Moina mongolica
Validation of Global Evapotranspiration Product(MOD16) Using Flux Tower Data from Panjin Coastal Wetland,Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 DU Jia SONG Kaishan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期420-429,共10页
Recent advances in remote sensing technology and methods have resulted in the development of an evapotranspiration(ET) product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MOD16). The accuracy of this product how... Recent advances in remote sensing technology and methods have resulted in the development of an evapotranspiration(ET) product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MOD16). The accuracy of this product however has not been tested for coastal wetland ecosystems. The objective of this study therefore is to validate the MOD16 ET product using data from one eddy covariance flux tower situated in the Panjin coastal wetland ecosystem within the Liaohe River Delta, Northeast China. Cumulative ET data over an eight-day period in 2005 from the flux tower was calculated to coincide with the MOD16 products across the same period. Results showed that data from the flux tower were inconsistent with that gained form the MOD16 ET. In general, results from Panjin showed that there was an underestimation of MOD16 ET in the spring and fall, with Biases of -2.27 and -3.53 mm/8 d, respectively(–40.58% and -49.13% of the observed mean). Results for Bias during the summer had a range of 1.77 mm/8 d(7.82% of the observed mean), indicating an overestimation of MOD16 ET. According to the RMSE, summer(6.14 mm/8 d) achieved the lowest value, indicating low accuracy of the MOD16 ET product. However, RMSE(2.09 mm/8 d) in spring was the same as that in the fall. Relationship between ET and its relevant meteorological parameters were analyzed. Results indicated a very good relationship between surface air temperature and ET. Meanwhile a significant relationship between wind speed and ET also existed. The inconsistent comparison of MOD16 and flux tower-based ET are mainly attributed to the parameterization of the Penman-Monteith model, flux tower measurement errors, and flux tower footprint vs. MODIS pixels. 展开更多
关键词 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer(MODIS) MOD16 evapotranspiration validation coastal wetland eddy covariance flux tower
The Effect of Human Activities on the Quality of Water at UMhlathuze River (Northern Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, RSA): The Case of Agricultural and Industrial Developments
作者 Mathews Simon Mthembu Trayana Guegueva Djarova Albert Kotze Basson 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第5期591-597,共7页
UMhlathuze River is the main recipient of domestic sewage, industrial as well as agricultural waste from local industrial and agricultural practices. It is the effluent "dumping sites" for most human activity practi... UMhlathuze River is the main recipient of domestic sewage, industrial as well as agricultural waste from local industrial and agricultural practices. It is the effluent "dumping sites" for most human activity practices. Contamination of UMhlathuze River by agricultural and industrial developments makes communities around UMhlathuze area susceptible to potential outbreaks of water-borne illnesses as well as the risk of ingesting carcinogenic substances. In establishment of the effect of human developments on the UMhlathuze River, four different sites representing different human activities were used for sampling along the river. Temperature and pH were monitored in siitu and were found to vary between 19-21℃and 6.2-7.8, respectively. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was found to be higher in areas affected by both industrial and agricultural activities. Spectroquadrant Pharo 300 (Merck) was used for chemical analysis of water. Agricultural waste recipient area had high concentration of phosphate, ammonia and nitrate. Parts of the river receiving effluent from treated wastewater had high sulphide, nitrate and ammonia concentrations. Industrial areas had high concentration of heavy metals (e.g., aluminium). Microorganisms found in all sites included Escherichia coli and species of Salmonella, Shigella, Citrobacter, Serratia and Enterobacter, although their quantities differed from agricultural to industrial sites. There was a positive correlation between contamination levels and human activities which ascribe river pollution to activities around the area. Agricultural and industrial development activities practiced around UMhlathuze River have a huge contribution to the continued deterioration of the quality of water at UMhlathuze River. 展开更多
关键词 UMhlathuze River water pollution water quality public health agricultural and industrial developments.
Rotary spectrum analysis of tidal current in the southern Yellow Sea
作者 刘志亮 胡敦欣 +1 位作者 唐晓晖 魏恩泊 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第3期286-291,共6页
A complete set of one-month Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) current data at a station in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) is analyzed using the rotary spectrum method. The results revealed different rotary properties bet... A complete set of one-month Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP) current data at a station in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS) is analyzed using the rotary spectrum method. The results revealed different rotary properties between barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents. The barotropic and baroclinic tidal currents rotate elliptically counter-clockwise and clockwise, respectively. Meanwhile, baroclinic bottom tidal currents are almost along-isobath. The baroclinic cross-isobath velocities attenuate quickly at the bottom, implying important effects of bottom topography on the cross-isobath motions. 展开更多
关键词 the southern Yellow Sea rotary spectrum current ADP data
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