壮语属于汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支,分为北部方言和南部方言,北部方言有八个土语区,南部方言有五个土语区。西林县壮语有“布依”“布越”“布侬”三种土语,其中“布依”“布越”属于北部方言桂边土语区,土黄村壮语所属的“布依”主要...壮语属于汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支,分为北部方言和南部方言,北部方言有八个土语区,南部方言有五个土语区。西林县壮语有“布依”“布越”“布侬”三种土语,其中“布依”“布越”属于北部方言桂边土语区,土黄村壮语所属的“布依”主要分布于右江上游“驮娘江”沿岸。本文在田野调查的基础上,归纳了西林土黄村壮语的语音系统,并将其声、韵、调与壮语标准音进行比较,发现了土黄村壮语存在元音高化、元音复化等音变现象。Zhuang language belongs to the Zhuang language branch of the Zhuang language group of the Sino-Tibetan language family. There are northern dialects and southern dialects. There are eight dialects in the northern dialect and five dialects in the southern dialect. Xilin Zhuang language belongs to the northern dialect Guibian Tuyu district. The “Tuhuang” dialect is a representative dialect in Xilin Zhuang Language. It is distributed along the “Tuoniang River” in the upper reaches of Youjiang river. On the basis of the field investigation, this paper summarizes the voice system of bada Township’s “Tuhuang zhuanghua”, compares its sound, rhyme and tone with the Standard language of Zhuang language, and found that “Tuhuang zhuanghua” has some phonetic changes, such as rising shift of vowels and diphthongization of vowels.展开更多
文摘壮语属于汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支,分为北部方言和南部方言,北部方言有八个土语区,南部方言有五个土语区。西林县壮语有“布依”“布越”“布侬”三种土语,其中“布依”“布越”属于北部方言桂边土语区,土黄村壮语所属的“布依”主要分布于右江上游“驮娘江”沿岸。本文在田野调查的基础上,归纳了西林土黄村壮语的语音系统,并将其声、韵、调与壮语标准音进行比较,发现了土黄村壮语存在元音高化、元音复化等音变现象。Zhuang language belongs to the Zhuang language branch of the Zhuang language group of the Sino-Tibetan language family. There are northern dialects and southern dialects. There are eight dialects in the northern dialect and five dialects in the southern dialect. Xilin Zhuang language belongs to the northern dialect Guibian Tuyu district. The “Tuhuang” dialect is a representative dialect in Xilin Zhuang Language. It is distributed along the “Tuoniang River” in the upper reaches of Youjiang river. On the basis of the field investigation, this paper summarizes the voice system of bada Township’s “Tuhuang zhuanghua”, compares its sound, rhyme and tone with the Standard language of Zhuang language, and found that “Tuhuang zhuanghua” has some phonetic changes, such as rising shift of vowels and diphthongization of vowels.