外交部例行记者会代表国家对外发声,是中国官方态度、理念的缩影。文章从和谐话语分析视角出发,结合评价理论的态度系统对2022年中国外交部例行记者会英文实录文本进行研究,主要利用UAM Corpus Tool 3.3v识别发言中态度资源的分布规律,...外交部例行记者会代表国家对外发声,是中国官方态度、理念的缩影。文章从和谐话语分析视角出发,结合评价理论的态度系统对2022年中国外交部例行记者会英文实录文本进行研究,主要利用UAM Corpus Tool 3.3v识别发言中态度资源的分布规律,以剖析发言人话语中蕴含的情感态度、人际意义和交际目的。研究发现,外交部例行记者会中以情感类态度资源为主,占比最大,评判类态度资源次之,鉴赏类态度资源最少。发言人的话语展现出高度的策略性与灵活性,通过运用多样化的态度资源,积极寻求与听众的共识,同时巧妙地处理异议,确保沟通的有效性和交际目标的达成,致力于维护国际社会和地区间的和谐稳定以及促进全球范围内的和平、发展、合作与共赢。The regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) represents the country’s external voice and epitomizes China’s official attitude and philosophy. Starting from the perspective of Harmonious Discourse Analysis, this paper combines the Attitude System of Appraisal Theory to study the English transcript texts of the 2022 Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Regular Press Conference, mainly utilizing the UAM Corpus Tool 3.3v to identify the distribution pattern of attitude resources in the speeches, in order to analyze the affective attitudes, interpersonal meanings, and communicative purposes embedded in the speakers’ discourses. It is found that attitude resources of affect dominate in the regular press conference, accounting for the largest proportion, followed by attitude resources of judgment, and attitude resources of appreciation are the least. The spokesperson’s discourse shows a high degree of strategy and flexibility, actively seeking consensus with the audience through the use of diversified attitudinal resources, while skillfully handling objections to ensure the effectiveness of communication and the achievement of communicative goals, and committing themselves to the maintenance of harmony and stability in the international community and the region, as well as the promotion of peace, development, cooperation and win-win situation on a global scale.展开更多
英国外交部(Foreign Office)成立于1782年,是当时负责管理英国与世界各国外交关系的政府主管部门,1968年并入外交与联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs).英国外交部档案(包含少量外交与联邦事务部档案)现存英国公共档案馆(Pub...英国外交部(Foreign Office)成立于1782年,是当时负责管理英国与世界各国外交关系的政府主管部门,1968年并入外交与联邦事务部(Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs).英国外交部档案(包含少量外交与联邦事务部档案)现存英国公共档案馆(Public RecordOffice),共计1113个档案系列,其中与清代中国有关的档案大约有70余个系列.本文拟根据英国公共档案馆相关文献和笔者对该馆的实地业务考察,就英国外交部及其与清代中国有关档案的来源、结构、内容和主要检索工具作一介绍,为国内学术界同仁利用相关档案信息资源提供一把"入门的钥匙".展开更多
文摘外交部例行记者会代表国家对外发声,是中国官方态度、理念的缩影。文章从和谐话语分析视角出发,结合评价理论的态度系统对2022年中国外交部例行记者会英文实录文本进行研究,主要利用UAM Corpus Tool 3.3v识别发言中态度资源的分布规律,以剖析发言人话语中蕴含的情感态度、人际意义和交际目的。研究发现,外交部例行记者会中以情感类态度资源为主,占比最大,评判类态度资源次之,鉴赏类态度资源最少。发言人的话语展现出高度的策略性与灵活性,通过运用多样化的态度资源,积极寻求与听众的共识,同时巧妙地处理异议,确保沟通的有效性和交际目标的达成,致力于维护国际社会和地区间的和谐稳定以及促进全球范围内的和平、发展、合作与共赢。The regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) represents the country’s external voice and epitomizes China’s official attitude and philosophy. Starting from the perspective of Harmonious Discourse Analysis, this paper combines the Attitude System of Appraisal Theory to study the English transcript texts of the 2022 Chinese Foreign Ministry’s Regular Press Conference, mainly utilizing the UAM Corpus Tool 3.3v to identify the distribution pattern of attitude resources in the speeches, in order to analyze the affective attitudes, interpersonal meanings, and communicative purposes embedded in the speakers’ discourses. It is found that attitude resources of affect dominate in the regular press conference, accounting for the largest proportion, followed by attitude resources of judgment, and attitude resources of appreciation are the least. The spokesperson’s discourse shows a high degree of strategy and flexibility, actively seeking consensus with the audience through the use of diversified attitudinal resources, while skillfully handling objections to ensure the effectiveness of communication and the achievement of communicative goals, and committing themselves to the maintenance of harmony and stability in the international community and the region, as well as the promotion of peace, development, cooperation and win-win situation on a global scale.