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葡萄果实中黄烷-3-醇及其聚合体的HPLC检测 被引量:10
作者 温鹏飞 陈建业 +3 位作者 李景明 万嗣宝 孔维府 黄卫东 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期714-720,共7页
以‘赤霞珠’葡萄果实(VitisviniferaL.‘CabernetSauvignon’)为试材,采用LiChrospher100RP-18e色谱柱(250mm×4·0mmI·D·,5μm),冰乙酸∶水溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱流速为1·0mL/min,柱温30℃,检测波长280nm,成... 以‘赤霞珠’葡萄果实(VitisviniferaL.‘CabernetSauvignon’)为试材,采用LiChrospher100RP-18e色谱柱(250mm×4·0mmI·D·,5μm),冰乙酸∶水溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱流速为1·0mL/min,柱温30℃,检测波长280nm,成功地分离了(+)-儿茶素(+)-catechin,CAT、(-)-表棓儿茶素(-)-epigallocatechin,EGC、(-)-表棓儿茶素没食子酸酯(-)-epigallocatechingallate,EGCG、(-)-表儿茶素(-)-epicatechin,EC和(-)-表儿茶素没食子酸酯(-)-epicatechingallate,ECG等5种葡萄果实中最为重要的黄烷-3-醇及其衍生物,建立了一种快速、准确并可以同时测定葡萄果实中5种黄烷-3-醇及其衍生物的高效液相色谱法;此外,经TSKHW-50(F)柱分离纯化,间苯三酚存在下酸解后进行HPLC分析,建立了一种快速、准确测定葡萄果实中多聚黄烷-3-醇平均聚合度、平均分子量及其组成的方法。果实样品检测结果表明:黄烷-3-醇及其多聚体主要积累于果皮和种子中。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 果实 高效液相色谱 黄烷-3- 多聚黄烷-3-
含氟调聚醇的制备 被引量:2
作者 柏荣 孙凌云 李斌 《有机氟工业》 CAS 2007年第4期9-12,共4页
以四氟乙烯和甲醇为原料,在溶剂和自由基引发剂存在下调聚反应生成通式为H(CF:CF2)nCH:OH(n为1~6)的含氟醇,通常都生成低聚合度(n为1~3)的含氟多聚醇,要获得高纯度的高聚合度(n为4~5)的含氟多聚醇极不容易。介绍了在合... 以四氟乙烯和甲醇为原料,在溶剂和自由基引发剂存在下调聚反应生成通式为H(CF:CF2)nCH:OH(n为1~6)的含氟醇,通常都生成低聚合度(n为1~3)的含氟多聚醇,要获得高纯度的高聚合度(n为4~5)的含氟多聚醇极不容易。介绍了在合成、分离常规含氟多聚醇的基础上,通过优化反应条件、采用区域精炼等分离方法;获得了反应产物中高聚合度(n为4~5)的含氟多聚醇的含量大幅度上升、分离后纯度高于99%的十六氟壬醇和二十氟十一醇的预期效果。 展开更多
关键词 多聚醇 含氟 1 1 9-三氢十六氟-1-壬 1 1 1-三氢二十氟-1-十一 区域精炼
关于用磷酸化清洁生产技术制备皮革加脂剂的探讨 被引量:5
作者 兰云军 董贵平 +2 位作者 许晓红 邹祥龙 罗卫平 《皮革与化工》 CAS 2008年第1期2-4,44,共4页
关键词 皮革加脂剂 磷酸化 五氧化二磷 分散 多聚磷酸酯
医学显影剂四氧化三铁纳米颗粒制备及细胞毒性研究 被引量:2
作者 杜鹏 马倩 +2 位作者 姚琦 习玉峰 刘红 《湖北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2018年第4期413-417,423,共6页
采用多聚醇法制备出水溶性的超小粒径(USPIO)的Fe_3O_4颗粒,并用羧基聚乙二醇(HOOC-PEG-COOH)和氨基聚乙二醇(HOOC-PEG-NH2)对其进行表面修饰.实验优化了Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒的制备方法,用透射电镜(TEM)观测Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒的晶体粒径.测定... 采用多聚醇法制备出水溶性的超小粒径(USPIO)的Fe_3O_4颗粒,并用羧基聚乙二醇(HOOC-PEG-COOH)和氨基聚乙二醇(HOOC-PEG-NH2)对其进行表面修饰.实验优化了Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒的制备方法,用透射电镜(TEM)观测Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒的晶体粒径.测定磷酸盐缓冲溶液(PBS,p H=7.4)中的稳定分散性.测定Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒和Fe_3O_4@PEG颗粒的r2/r1值.采用MTT法检测纳米颗粒在体外条件下对人肺癌H1299细胞生长的抑制作用,确定其细胞毒性的大小.实验结果显示:Fe_3O_4纳米颗粒,在生理条件下分散稳定且粒径小于5 nm,对H1299细胞的生长没有明显的影响.其粒径、形貌、分散稳定性和弛豫性能符合显影剂要求. 展开更多
关键词 FE3O4纳米颗粒 多聚醇 PEG修饰 细胞毒性
银杏内酯的成分、结构与药效 被引量:2
作者 齐之尧 李家玉 《经济林研究》 1996年第2期52-53,共2页
银杏内酯的成分、结构与药效齐之尧,李家玉(天津农学院,天津,300381)银杏叶含类黄酮(黄酮、双黄酮、黄酮甙)、银杏内酯、白果内酯、多聚异戊二烯醇等重要药物成分,多聚异戊二烯醇具有抗癌作用,银杏内酯的作用也极为重要... 银杏内酯的成分、结构与药效齐之尧,李家玉(天津农学院,天津,300381)银杏叶含类黄酮(黄酮、双黄酮、黄酮甙)、银杏内酯、白果内酯、多聚异戊二烯醇等重要药物成分,多聚异戊二烯醇具有抗癌作用,银杏内酯的作用也极为重要。银杏内酯(Ginkgolides... 展开更多
关键词 银杏 内酯 药物成分 多聚异戊二烯 药效
水溶性紫杉醇多聚谷氨酸偶合物和紫杉醇在小鼠体内的组织分布比较 被引量:1
作者 张双庆 于敏 +1 位作者 闻镍 李佐刚 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2030-2034,共5页
目的:研究水溶性紫杉醇多聚谷氨酸偶合物(PP)在小鼠体内的组织分布,并与紫杉醇(PT)的组织分布特征进行比较,建立测定小鼠血浆及组织中PT的液相色谱-质谱/质谱(LC-MS/MS)方法。方法:小鼠尾静脉注射10 mg.kg-1的PP和PT,于给药后不同时间... 目的:研究水溶性紫杉醇多聚谷氨酸偶合物(PP)在小鼠体内的组织分布,并与紫杉醇(PT)的组织分布特征进行比较,建立测定小鼠血浆及组织中PT的液相色谱-质谱/质谱(LC-MS/MS)方法。方法:小鼠尾静脉注射10 mg.kg-1的PP和PT,于给药后不同时间采血及各组织,以多西紫杉醇为内标,PT用甲基叔丁基醚提取,在BetaBasic C18色谱柱上以流动相乙腈-水-甲酸(65∶35∶0.1)分离,流速0.2 mL.min-1;采用电喷雾离子化电离源,以选择反应监测方式进行正离子检测,用于定量分析的离子反应分别为m/z 854.2→286.1(PT)和m/z 808.3→527.2(多西紫杉醇)。结果:测定PT的线性范围为0.5~1000 ng.mL-1,定量下限为0.5 ng.mL-1,日内和日间精密度(RSD)分别在11.5%和13.1%以内,准确度分别在87.6%~103.3%和87.1%~109.5%,提取回收率为78.8%~97.7%。与PT相比,PP给药后PT在组织中分布更广,驻留时间更长,提高了AUC组织/血浆比值。结论:LC-MS/MS方法速度快、灵敏度高、专属性好。与PT相比,PP改变了PT的组织分布,有助于提高临床用药水平。 展开更多
关键词 抗肿瘤药 缓释制剂 紫杉多聚谷氨酸偶合物(PP) 紫杉(PT) 液相色谱-质谱/质谱 组织分布 药代动力学
Simulation of Continuous Esterification Process of Polyester Polyols 被引量:2
作者 陈礼科 奚桢浩 +2 位作者 秦榛 赵玲 袁渭康 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期246-252,共7页
Based on the kinetic and thermodynamic equations, a comprehensive mathematical model for the con- tinuous esterification process of polyester polyols was developed, which was carried out in an innovational bub- bling ... Based on the kinetic and thermodynamic equations, a comprehensive mathematical model for the con- tinuous esterification process of polyester polyols was developed, which was carried out in an innovational bub- bling reactive distillation tower (BRDT) at atmospheric pressure. In this new type of reactor, direct esterification between ethylene glycol and adipic acid was accomplished efficiently and rapidly. A bench BRDT with the height of 2 m was applied for the esteriflcation process of l^oly (ethylene adlpate) (P'EA). In the continuous operation, Hn- ear oligomers were discharged from the bottom of the column, while water passed a few column trays and a pack- ing section as a condensation byproduct. The influence of major operating conditions on reactor performance was also simulated. Simulation results were in good agreement with experimental data, providing a strategy for devel- oping and optimizing this process. 展开更多
关键词 poly (ethylene adipate) ESTERIFICATION continuous operation mathematical model reactive distillation
Facile in‐situ synthesis and deposition of monodisperse palladium nanoparticles on polydopamine‐functionalized silica gel as a heterogeneous and recyclable nanocatalyst for aerobic oxidation of alcohols 被引量:1
作者 Hojat Veisi Ahmad Nikseresht +1 位作者 Shahin Mohammadi Saba Hemmati 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1044-1050,共7页
This paper describes a facile in‐situ synthesis of palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs) on silica gel/polydopamine composite(SiO2/PDA) without any stabilizer or reducing agent. In this approach, palladium ions were a... This paper describes a facile in‐situ synthesis of palladium nanoparticles (Pd NPs) on silica gel/polydopamine composite(SiO2/PDA) without any stabilizer or reducing agent. In this approach, palladium ions were adsorbed on SiO2/PDA surfaces by immersing the PDA‐coated SiO2 particles in a palladium plating bath. Then, they were reduced in situ to Pd nanoclusters by the reducing ability of PDA's N‐containing groups. The structure, morphology, and physicochemical properties of the synthesized nanocomposites were characterized by different analytical techniques such as high‐resolution transmission electron microscopy, field‐emission scanning electron microscopy, energy‐dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, X‐ray diffraction analysis, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma and Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy. The Pd NPs capped by the PDA groups had a strikingly small size(30–40 nm). SiO2/PDA/Pd NPs exhibited high catalytic activ‐ity as a recyclable nanocatalyst in the aerobic oxidation of alcohols. Furthermore, recovery and multiple reuse of the catalyst revealed no detectable activity loss. 展开更多
关键词 Silica POLYDOPAMINE Palladiumnanoparticle OxidationAlcohol
The Type of Catalyst to Physical Properties of Soy-Based Polyurethane
作者 Flora Elvistia Firdaus 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2012年第1期96-100,共5页
Flexible Polyurethane (PU) foam is the material most widely used among urethanes. The foams were synthesized via the reaction of soy polyol, mixtures of isocyanates MDI:TDI (80:20), in the presence of water (bl... Flexible Polyurethane (PU) foam is the material most widely used among urethanes. The foams were synthesized via the reaction of soy polyol, mixtures of isocyanates MDI:TDI (80:20), in the presence of water (blowing agent) with molding process. This experiment was to analyze the physical properties of soy polyol and elaborate the principle of catalyst within the synthesis. The use of liquid and solid catalyst on the polyol synthesis results in significant cellular morphology and properties of polyurethane foam. It is found that the PU which was synthesized using bentonite catalyst has an irregular form of cell morphology, and it has higher density than using sulphuric acid catalyst. 展开更多
Synthesis of Phenolic Resin Blended Castor Oil Based Modified Polyol for Two Component Polyurethane Coating
作者 Urvashi Vashisht Gita Rani +4 位作者 Vazld Ali Jyotsna kaushal Tanveer Alam Saeib A. Alhadi Faroun Mohd Islam 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2011年第8期738-746,共9页
Castor oil is used to synthesize phenolic resin modified polyol. Castor oil, phenolic resin were taken in the molar ratio 0.07:0.027 and diethylene glycol (DEG) was also taken in varying hydroxyl numbers to achieve... Castor oil is used to synthesize phenolic resin modified polyol. Castor oil, phenolic resin were taken in the molar ratio 0.07:0.027 and diethylene glycol (DEG) was also taken in varying hydroxyl numbers to achieve chemical modification in the backbone of synthesized polyol. Physico-chemical properties like acid value, OH value and moisture content of the modified polyol were measured. The prepared phenolic resin blended polyol were reacted with 4, 4-methylene diisocyanate and 2, 4-toluene diisocyanate to formulate the two component polyurethane (PU) coatings. Prepared coating is used to study properties such as gel time, surface dry, tack free and hard surface drying times. It was found that phenolic resin and diethyleneglycol used in synthesizing castor oil based modified polyols show the significant changes in physico-chemical properties of synthesized polyols. The variation in physico-chemical properties of synthesized polyol provide the information for desirable curing of polyurethane systems. 展开更多
关键词 Phenolic resin diethyleneglycol castor oil physico-chemical properties
Chemical Modification and Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Octadecylamine and Polyethylene Glycol
作者 M. Abdel Salam 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期557-566,共10页
Chemical modification of MWCNTs via oxidation followed by side wall functionalization using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and octadecylamine (ODA), separately, was studied. Different characterization techniques such a... Chemical modification of MWCNTs via oxidation followed by side wall functionalization using polyethylene glycol (PEG) and octadecylamine (ODA), separately, was studied. Different characterization techniques such as FTIR spectrometery, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and solubility in different solvents were performed for the oxidized MWCNTs, MWCNTs-PEG and MWCNTs-ODA. The characterization techniques proved the presence of the functional groups on the MWCNTs surface. Thermal gravimetric analysis revealed that nearly 16% (by weight) of the MWCNTs were functionalized with PEG and 39% (by weight) was functionalized with ODA. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes FUNCTIONALIZATION polyethylene glycol octadecylamine.
Preparation and Biocompatibility of Porous Poly(vinylalcohol)-Glycosaminoglycan-Collagen Scaffold 被引量:1
作者 LI Qin-hua MO Xiao-hui 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2013年第1期15-22,共8页
This paper aims to prepare a PVA-GAG-COL composite with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen (COL) by the method of freeze drying and to investigate the feasibility as a tissue engineering sca... This paper aims to prepare a PVA-GAG-COL composite with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen (COL) by the method of freeze drying and to investigate the feasibility as a tissue engineering scaffold for tissue or organ repairing. In this study, SEM was used to observe the morphology. Biocompatibility was tested by cell culture with the extracted fluid of composite materials. Different proportional scaffolds could be obtained with different concentrations and alcoholysis degree of PVA. Different proportional scaffolds also had different porous structures. SEM proved that large amount of porous structure could be formed. Biocompatibility test showed that the extracted fluid of composite materials was nontoxic, which could promote the adhesion and proliferation of the fibroblast. Fibroblast could grow on the scaffold normally.A porous scaffold for tissue engineering with high water content can be fabricated by PVA, GAG and COL, which has excellent cell biocompatibility. The porous structure shows potential in tissue engineering and cell culture. 展开更多
关键词 poly(vinylalcohol) glycosaminoglycan collagen porous composite scaffold biocompatibility
Surface Functionalization of Microporous Polypropylene Membrane with Polyols for Removal of Boron Acid from Aqueous Solution
作者 周蓉 狄玲 +3 位作者 王苍 方艳 吴健 徐志康 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期11-18,共8页
Affinity membranes are fabricated for boric acid removal by the surface functionalization of microporous polypropylene membrane(MPPM)with lactose-based polyols.The affinity is based on specific complexation between bo... Affinity membranes are fabricated for boric acid removal by the surface functionalization of microporous polypropylene membrane(MPPM)with lactose-based polyols.The affinity is based on specific complexation between boric acid and saccharide polyols.A photoinduced grafting-chemical reaction sequence was used to prepare these affinity membranes.Poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate hydrochloride)[poly(AEMA)]was grafted on the surfaces of MPPM by UV-induced graft polymerization.Grafting in the membrane pores was visualized by dying the cross-section of poly(AEMA)-grafted MPPM with fluorescein disodium and imaging with confocal laser scanning microscopy.It is concluded that lactose ligands can be covalently immobilized on the external surface and in the pores by the subsequent coupling of poly(AEMA)with lactobionic acid(LA).Physical and chemical properties of the affinity membranes were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared/Attenuated Total Refraction spectroscopy(FT-IR/ATR).3-Aminophenyl boric acid(3-APBA)was removed from aqueous solution by a single piece of lactose-functionalized MPPM in a dynamic filtration system.The results show that the 3-APBA removal reaches an optimal efficiency(39.5%)under the alkaline condition(pH9.1),which can be improved by increasing the immobilization density of LA.Regeneration of these affinity membranes can be easily realized through acid-base washing because the complexation of boric acid and saccharide polyol is reversible. 展开更多
关键词 surface functionalization affinity membrane microporous polypropylene membrane boron removal POLYOLS
高效阴离子交换色谱-脉冲安培检测法测定b型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗多糖及游离多糖的含量 被引量:5
作者 唐静 赵丹 +4 位作者 李红 李亚南 李茂光 陈翠萍 叶强 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1804-1809,共6页
目的:建立高效阴离子交换色谱-脉冲安培检测法(HPAEC-PAD)测定b型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)结合疫苗的多糖及游离多糖含量。方法:将疫苗中的有效抗原成分—Hib多糖,其结构为多聚磷酸核糖基核糖醇(polyribosylribitol phosphate,PRP),用6 mol... 目的:建立高效阴离子交换色谱-脉冲安培检测法(HPAEC-PAD)测定b型流感嗜血杆菌(Hib)结合疫苗的多糖及游离多糖含量。方法:将疫苗中的有效抗原成分—Hib多糖,其结构为多聚磷酸核糖基核糖醇(polyribosylribitol phosphate,PRP),用6 mol·L^(-1)盐酸进行水解,得到其核糖醇(ribitol)单体;使用Carbo Pac~?MA1阴离子交换柱(4 mm×250 mm),以580 mmol·L^(-1)氢氧化钠溶液为流动相,流速为0.4 m L·min^(-1),柱温35℃,进样体积100μL,脉冲安培检测器收集信号,核糖醇的含量以峰面积计算得到,再根据核糖醇占PRP干重的质量分数(41.3%),计算出Hib结合疫苗中PRP及游离多糖(Free PRP)的含量,并评估该方法的重复性和再现性。结果:核糖醇质量浓度在0.075~1.05μg·mL^(-1)范围内,与峰面积响应值呈良好的线性关系(r=0.999 9),最低检测限为2.5 ng·mL^(-1);标准品供试溶液连续进样6次,峰面积及保留时间的RSD均小于5%;核糖醇加标回收率在80%~120%之间;对来自5个企业的4个不同批次的Hib结合疫苗的PRP及Free PRP含量进行测定,结果均符合规定。结论:本方法在测定Hib结合疫苗的PRP及Free PRP含量时,样品前处理简单,分离效果好,且灵敏度高,结果稳定,可靠,对控制该疫苗的质量具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 B型流感嗜血杆菌结合疫苗 多聚磷酸核糖基核糖 核糖 阴离子交换色谱 脉冲安培检测
New progress in the study of poly(L-glutamic acid)-paclitaxel conjugates for cancer treatment
作者 宋依凝 张双庆 张振清 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2009年第3期201-207,共7页
The preparation of polymer-anticancer drug conjugates is an effective way to improve the efficacy and decrease the toxicity of anticancer drugs. Polymer-drug conjugates, which were made by combining a suitable polymer... The preparation of polymer-anticancer drug conjugates is an effective way to improve the efficacy and decrease the toxicity of anticancer drugs. Polymer-drug conjugates, which were made by combining a suitable polymeric carrier, a biodegradable linker and a bioactive anticancer agent, could form the basis of a new generation of anticancer agents. Poly (L-glutamic acid)- paclitaxel conjugate is a polymer-drug conjugate that links anticancer agent paclitaxel (PTX) to poly (L-glutamic acid) (PG). PG-PTX conjugate can improve the anticancer activity, enhance the safety and efficacy, and improve the pharmacokinetic properties of PTX. Therefore, the application of PG-PTX facilitates the clinical therapy of a variety of human cancers. 展开更多
关键词 PACLITAXEL Poly(L-glutamic acid)-paclitaxel conjugate PHARMACOKINETICS
作者 张雁云 《中国疫苗和免疫》 CAS 2011年第6期549-554,共6页
b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus Influenzae Type B,Hib)感染,是全球性的公共卫生问题,主要引起儿童肺炎和脑膜炎,严重危害儿童的健康。Hib疫苗的诞生为Hib感染性疾病的预防开辟了一条新的道路。现对Hib结合疫苗的多聚核糖基核糖醇... b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌(Haemophilus Influenzae Type B,Hib)感染,是全球性的公共卫生问题,主要引起儿童肺炎和脑膜炎,严重危害儿童的健康。Hib疫苗的诞生为Hib感染性疾病的预防开辟了一条新的道路。现对Hib结合疫苗的多聚核糖基核糖醇磷酸盐糖链、载体蛋白的种类和特点、不同Hib结合疫苗的免疫原性和安全性,以及联合疫苗的发展作了综述,以期为预防接种和临床操作提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 b型流行性感冒嗜血杆菌疫苗 糖链 蛋白载体 多聚核糖基核糖磷酸盐.蛋白结合疫苗 联合疫苗
Tunable supramolecular hydrogels from polypeptidePEG-polypeptide triblock copolymers 被引量:2
作者 Xiaohui Fu Yong Shen +2 位作者 Yinan Ma Wenxin Fu Zhibo Li 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1005-1012,共8页
A series of ABA triblock copolymers of poly(?-(2-methoxy ethoxy)esteryl-glutamate)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-blockpoly(?-(2-methoxy ethoxy)esteryl-glutamate) with poly(ethylene glycol) as middle hydrophilic B block ... A series of ABA triblock copolymers of poly(?-(2-methoxy ethoxy)esteryl-glutamate)-block-poly(ethylene glycol)-blockpoly(?-(2-methoxy ethoxy)esteryl-glutamate) with poly(ethylene glycol) as middle hydrophilic B block and oligo(ethylene glycol)-functionalized polyglutamate(poly-L-EG2Glu) as terminal A blocks were prepared via ring-opening polymerization of EG2 Glu N-carboxyanhydride(NCA). The resulting P(EG2Glu)-b-PEG-b-P(EG2Glu) triblocks can spontaneously form hydrogels in water. The intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions between polypeptides blocks were responsible for the formation of gel network structure. These hydrogels displayed shear-thinning and rapid recovery properties, which endowed them potential application as injectable drug delivery system. The mechanical strength of hydrogels can be modulated by copolymer composition, molecular weight and concentrations. Also, it was found that the hydrogels' strength decreased with temperature due to dehydration of polypeptide segments. Atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy images revealed that these hydrogels were formed through micelle packing mechanism. Circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy characterizations suggested the poly-L-EG2 Glu block adopted mixed conformation. A preliminary assessment of drug release in vitro demonstrated the hydrogels can offer a sustained release of doxorubicin(DOX) and the release rate could be controlled by varying chemical composition. 展开更多
关键词 HYDROGEL POLYPEPTIDE N-carboxyanhydride (NCA) ring-opening polymerization (ROP) drug delivery
Emergency intervention therapy for renal vascular injury 被引量:1
作者 刘凤永 王茂强 +3 位作者 樊庆胜 王志军 段峰 宋鹏 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2009年第2期81-86,共6页
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the interventional techniques in the treatment of renal vascular injury. Methods: A total of 16 patients with renal vascular injuries were treated by superselective ... Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the interventional techniques in the treatment of renal vascular injury. Methods: A total of 16 patients with renal vascular injuries were treated by superselective arterial embolization. The renal injuries resulted from renal biopsy in 7 patients, endovascular intervention in 2, percutaneous puncture and pyelostomy in 2, local resection of renal tumor in 1 and trauma in 4. With regards to clinical manifestations, there was hemorrhagic shock in 8 patients, severe flank pain in 14, and hematuria in 14. CT and ultrasonography confirmed that 15 patients had perirenal hematoma. The embolization was performed with microcoils in 13 and standard stainless steel coils in 3 patients, associated with polyvinyl alcohol particles (PVA) in 9, and gelfoam particles in 6 cases. Results: Renal angiogram revealed arterlovenous fistula in renal parenchyma in 9 cases, pseudoaneurysm in 3 and extravasation of contrast media in 4. The arterial embolization was successful in all 16 cases in a single session. The angiography at the end of therapy showed that abnormal vessels had disappeared without other major intrarenal arterial branch occlusion. In 13 patients with hemodynamical compromise, blood loss-related symptoms were immediately relieved after blood transfusion. In 14 patients with severe flank pain, the pain was progressively relieved. Hematuria ceased in 14 patients 2-14 days after the embolization procedures. The renal function was impaired after the procedure in 6 cases, in which preoperative renal insufficiency was exacerbated in 3 and developed new renal dysfunction in 3, 2 of whom received hemodialysis. The ultrasonography showed that perirenal hematoma was gradually absorbed within 2-6 months after the procedure. All patients were followed up in 6-78 months (mean, 48 months). Six patients died of primary diseases (5 cases of renal failure and multiple organ failure and l case of malignant tumor). Ten patients survived without bleeding and further intervention. The deterioration of renal function did not occur and the serum creatinine and blood urea were in normal range. Conclusion: Transcatheter selective renal arterial embolization is a safe and effective method in the treatment of renal vascular injuries. 展开更多
关键词 KIDNEY Renal artery Embolization thera-peutic
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